1 はじめに
2 エジプト共和国の概要
2.1 一般概要
2.2 社会・経済
2.3 スエズ運河の概要
3 解撤事業
3.1 世界の解撤業の推移
3.2 解撤の必要性
3.3 解撤船舶
3.4 エジプトにおける鉄鋼業
3.5 スクラップ材の需要
4 基本計画
4.1 ドック計画
4.2 解体手順
5 プロジェクト総事業費
6 財務分析
6.1 解撤事業の採算性を支配する主要因
6.2 評価結果
7 実施計画
付録-1 セミナー特別講演
付録-2 Implementation Program of Ship-breaking Project in the Arab Republic of Egypt
1. Introduction
1.1 General
1.2 Background
1.2.1 Outline of Egypt
1.2.2 Outline of Suez Canal
1.3 Ship-Breaking Industry in the world
1.3.1 Ship breaking volume by principal countries
1.3.2 Capacity of Ship Scrapping in Principal Countries
2. Necessity of the Project
2.1 World Necessity
2.2 Necessity of the Project for Suez Canal Authority
2.3 Demand of Ships Scrapping
2.3.1 Change in number of merchant vessels,its price and scrapped number
2.3.2 Volume Forecast of Scrapping Vessel
2.3.3 Conclusion of Demand for Scrapping Vessels
2.4 Demand of Scrapped Material (including Price)
2.4.1 Steel Industry in Egypt
2.4.2 Existing Steel Mills in Egypt
2.4.3 Demand of Scrapping Material
3. Project
3.1 Objectives
3.2 Location of Project Site
3.3 Outline of the Project
3.3.1 Identification of the Project
3.3.2 Basic Concept of Ship Breaking Project
3.3.3 Scope of the Project
3.4 Environmental Aspects
4. Project Cost
4.1 Condition of Cost Estimate
4.2 Construction Cost
4.3 Land Acquisition Cost
4.4 Administration Cost
4.5 Project Cost
5. Project Implementation Program
5.1 Executing Agency of the Project
5.2 Implementation & Schedule
5.3 Construction Mode
5.4 Engineering Service
6. Project Justification
6.1 General
6.2 Financial Evaluation