Table 2.4.2 Production and Consumption of Steel Bar

2.4.2 Existing Steel Mills in Egypt
The reinforcing steel production in Egypt is shown in Table 2.4.3.
Table 2.4.3 Reinforcing steel production

2.4.3 Demand of Scrapping Material
The plain round bar with the diameter below 16mm will be produced by re-rolling a scrapped steel material. In 1997 181,000 ton of round bar was consumed among 3.1 million ton of steel bar consumption. (See Table2.4.4)
Table 2.4.4 Consumption of Steel Round bar

The demand of steel round bar is estimated between 200,000 ton and 400,000 ton, equal to 5 to 10% of total reinforcing steel bar consumption, in 2000.
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