日本財団 図書館

The Northern Sea Route The Shortest sea route linking East Asia and Europe

財団法人 シップ・アンド・オーシャン財団









1. Introduction


2. Background to the NSR

2.1 Historical Background

2.1.1 From ancient times to the voyage of Nordenskjold

2.1.2 From Nordenskjold to the Russian Revolution

2.1.3 The Russian Revolution and its aftermath

2.2 Political and Social Background

2.3 Economic and Shipping Background

2.4 Technological background


3. Natural Conditions in the NSR

3.1 Natural Conditions in the Arctic

3.1.1 Physiography of the Arctic Ocean

3.1.2 The Midnight Sun and Temperatures in the Arctic Ocean

3.1.3 The Aurora Borealis and Magnetic Storms

3.1.4 The Ozone Hole at the North Pole and the Increase in Harmful UV Radiation

3.1.5 The Arctic Air Mass and Tracks of Polar Cyclones

3.1.6 Arctic Stratus (Clouds) and Arctic Haze

3.1.7 Seasonal Changes in Albedo

3.1.8 Glacial Periods and Ice Sheets in the Northern Hemisphere

3.1.9 Permafrost

3.1.10 Subarctic Coniferous Flora

3.1.11 Mineral Resources

3.2 Characteristics of the Arctic Ocean

3.2.1 Rivers Flowing into the Arctic Ocean

3.2.2 Oceanic Structure and Deep Water Formation in the Arctic Ocean

3.2.3 Sea Ice

3.2.4 The Extent of Sea Ice in the Northern Hemisphere

3.2.5 Ocean Currents and Ice Drifts in the Arctic Ocean

3.3 Natural Conditions in the NSR

3.3.1 Geographical Environment

3.3.2 Low-salinity Water

3.3.3 Sea Ice

3.3.4 Precipitation and Snow Cover

3.3.5 Puddles

3.3.6 Pressure ridges

3.3.7 Ocean Currents and Tides

3.3.8 Marine Life


4. Technological Aspects of NSR Navigation

4.1 Ice-transiting Ships

4.1.1 Requirements for Icebreaking Ships

4.1.2 Icebreaking Ships in Russia

4.1.3 Research and Development in Icebreaking Ships

4.2 Routes and Aids to Navigation

4.2.1 Features of the NSR and Route Selection

4.2.2 Aids to Navigation

4.3 NSR Rules and Procedures

4.3.1 Administration

4.3.2 Procedure for requesting permission to navigate the NSR

4.3.3 Technical requirements for ships

4.3.4 Navigational requirements

4.3.5 Control of Ship Routes and Selection of Routes

4.3.6 Evaluation in Terms of International Law

4.3.7 Conclusion

4.4 Evaluation of Economic Viability

4.4.1 Changes in Shipping Volume

4.4.2 Present State of Shipping

4.4.3 Potential for Transit Traffic on the NSR

4.4.4 Cost simulation

4.5 Environmental Impact and Preservation

4.5.1 Structure of the Arctic Ocean

4.5.2 Indigenous Peoples and the Ecosystem in the Arctic Ocean

4.5.3 Activity in the NSR and Environmental Factors

4.5.4 Environmental Impact Assessments

4.5.5 Environmental regulations

4.5.6 Conclusion

4.6 Geographic Information System

4.6.1 Introduction

4.6.2 System Features and Composition

4.6.3 Contents of the Database

4.6.4 Application Examples


5. Experimental Voyage through Northern Sea Route

5.1 Introduction

5.2 Test Planning

5.3 Test Results

5.4 Conclusions


6. Issues to be Resolved for NSR Operation

6.1 Related Technology

6.2 Operation System

6.3 Economic, Social and Political Systems for the NSR

6.3.1 The Economy

6.3.2 Society, Politics and Legislation

6.4 Insurance

6.5 Natural and Biological Environment

6.6 Concluding Remarks


7. Perspective on the NSR


8. Postscript


Reference Materials


Appendix A


2. Chronology of Events in the Opening of the NSR

3. History of Scientific Research in the Arctic Ocean (excerpts)

4. Sea Ice Terminology

5. International symbols for sea-ice conditions ("the egg")


Appendix B: Hull Form Development by JANSROP

1. Development of an icebreaking cargo ship for coastal NSR navigation

1.1 Basic Design

1.2 Tank tests

1.3 Test Results

1.4 Development of a New Ship Type and the Model Tests

1.5 Evaluation of Hull Forms

2. Development of Icebreaking Cargo Ship for the NSR Northerly Route

2.1 Basic Plan

2.2 Tank Tests and their Evaluation


Appendix C: Supplementary Data on Operation Simulations


Appendix D

1. Brief Russia History (after 16th century)

2. Administrative Units in the Russian Federation

3. CIS States Other Than Russia

4. Main Governmental Organizations of the Russian Federation (in 1998)




Appendix F: Other INSROP Source Data

1. Charts of the NSR

2. Guide to Navigating through the Northern Sea Route 1996 (No. 4151B)

3. Russian Ice Navigation Practices

4. Regulations for Navigation on the Seaways of the Northern Sea Route 1991

5. Natural Resources of Russia along Eastern Half of the Northern Sea Route

6. Miscellaneous Source Data

7. Web Sites for the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute of Russia


Notes on Contributors


Please note:

In order to make the English version of this report easier to read, the notation of appendices in the English version (Appendix A, B and C) differs from the notation used in the Japanese version (Appendix A and B).







