日本財団 図書館

ISO/TC8/SC6/WG5 ハンブルグ会議出席報告書

財団法人 日本船舶標準協会





ISO/TC 8/SC 6/WG 5 国際標準化機構/船舶及び海洋技術専門委員会/航法分科委員会/夜間暗視装置作業委員会 ハンブルグ会議出席報告書



ISO/TC 7/SC 6 PT "Night vision equipment" 添付資料 1


ISO/TC 8/SC 6 Project Team "Night vision" DOC. N 6 1998-12-08 添付資料 2


ISO/TC 8/SC 6 Project Team "Night vision" DOC. N 7: ISO/WD 16273, Rev. 3 1998-12-02 添付資料 3

1 Scope

2 Normative References

3 Definitions

4 General and operational requirements

4.1 Introduction

4.2 Required functions and their availability

4.3 Continuous operation

4.4 Field of view

4.5 Pan range of the field of view

4.6 Pan speed of the field of view

4.7 Vertical trim of the field of view

4.8 Heading indication

4.9 Roll or pitch

4.10 Clear view

4.11 Interference


4.13 Software requirements

4.14 Ergonomy

4.15 Controls

4.16 Presentation of information

4.17 Software requirements

4.18 Durability and resistance to environmental conditions

4.19 Interference

4.20 Power supply

4.21 Installation

4.22 Maintenance

4.23 Interfacing

4.24 Back up and fall back arrangements

4.25 Safety precautions

4.26 Marking and identification

4.27 Documentation

5 Environmental requirements

5.1 Introduction

6 Technical requirements

6.1 Introduction

7 General test conditions

7.1 General

7.2 Test conditions

7.2.1 Temperature

7.2.2 Power supply

7.2.3 Normal test conditions

7.2.4 Extreme test conditions

7.2.5 Test power source

7.2.6 Procedure for tests at extreme temperatures

7.2.7 Performance check

8  Environmental tests

8.1 General

8.2 Vibration

8.2.1 Objective

8.2.2 Method of measurement

8.2.3 Result required

8.3 Storage test for exposed equipment

8.3.1 Objective

8.3.2 Method of measurement

8.3.3 Result required

8.4 Dry heat test for protected and exposed equipment

8.4.1 0bjective

8.4.2 Method of measurement

8.4.3 Result required

8.5 Damp heat

8.5.1 Objective

8.5.2 Method of measurement

8.5.3 Result required

8.6 Low temperature functional test

8.6.1 Objective

8.6.2 Method of measurement

8.6.3 Result required

8.7 Corrosion

8.7.1 Waiver

8.7.2 Objective

8.7.3 Method of measurement

8.7.4 Result required

8.8 Acoustic noise and signals

8.8.1 Waiver

8.8.2 Objective

8.8.3 Method of measurement

8.8.4 Result required

8.9 Compass safe distance

8.9.1 Objective

8.9.2 Method of measurement

8.9.3 Result required

8.10 Emission from visual display unit

8.10.1 Waiver

8.10.2 Objective

8.10.3 Method of measurement

8.10.4 Result required

8.11 Protection against access to dangerous voltages

8.11.1 Waiver

8.11.2 Objective

8.11.3 Method of measurement

8.11.4 Result required

9 Technical tests

10 Sea Trials

10.1 Standard test target

10.2 Minimum detection range


ISO/TC 8/SC 6 Project Team "Night vision" DOC. N 8 1998-12-08 IEC Draft modification to IMO Performance Standard 21 Oct 1998 NVE JWG ISO/IEC doc 4 添付資料 4


添付資料 5 To: ISO TC8/SC10 and TC80 Joint Project Team on "Night Vision Equipment for HSC" From: Japan Marine Standards Association (JMSA) February 5,1999


Secretariat of ISO/TC 8/SC 6 Project Team "Night vision equipment" our date 16 February 1999 our reference ISO8/6pt-brk your date  your reference 添付資料 6


ISO/TC 8/SC 6 Project Team "Night vision" Doc. N 9 ISO/WD 16273, Rev. 4 添付資料 7

1 Scope

2 Normative references

3 Definitions

4 General and operational requirements

5 Environmental requirements

6 Technical requirements

7 General test conditions

8 Environmental tests

9 Technical tests

10 Sea Trials


NATO UNCLASSIFIED ISO/TC 8/SC 6 Project Team "Night vision" Doc. N 10 15 February 1999 添付資料 8







