日本財団 図書館

添付資料 5

To: ISO TC8/SC10 and TC80 Joint Project Team on "Night Vision Equipment for HSC"

From: Japan Marine Standards Association (JMSA)

February 5,1999


Subject: Proposal of changes to Draft Standard ISO/WD 16273,Rev. 3.


JMSA has set up a committee of experts to discuss Night Vision Equipment Standard. In the meeting held at 19th January 1999, we discussed the Draft Standard ISO/WD 16273,Rev. 3 and concluded to propose the changes as described below.

3.1 Night vision equipment

We propose to exclude the ?goggle type゛from this standard by changing the paragraph as:

"Any technical fixed installation --- "


4.8 Heading indication

In order to clarify the meaning of ?Heading indication゛as ?Mark that indicates the point of the nose of the ship inside the view゛ we propose to change the word ?Heading indication゛ and the sentence that describe it as follows:

"4.8 Heading marker indication

When inside the field of view, the heading marker of the craft should be indicated by a maker on the display ----------- "

4. 11 Interference

In order to clarify the difference between ?4.19゛and ?4.11゛, we propose to change title of ?4.19゛to ?Electrical and electromagnetic interference゛.

We believe types of video cameras used for night vision equipment have difficulty avoiding "dazzle effect"," reflection", and "blooming", to certain extent, around the target objects. We propose to eliminate the whole ?4.11゛.

4.15 Controls

The ?double function゛is prohibited in the 2nd paragraph in general, however, from the point of view of aligning with other equipment standard, this should be more non-restrictive expression as follows:

ュ瓮ouble functions of operational controls should be avoided on such controls as for pan, tilt, field of view and other essential functions.

4.16 Presentation of information

1st paragraph., ?---- at least 200 mm diameter" should be read as ?---- at least 200 mm in diameter.゛

4.17 Software requirements

?4.13゛and ?4.17゛both are titled as ,,Software requirements?so we propose to delete one.

For the requirements, we propose to refer IEC60945, as the contents of the requirements are not specific to Night Vision Equipment and, we believe, chapter ?4.2.10゛and ?6.10゛of IEC60945 are sufficient.

4.18 Durability and resistance to environmental conditions





