日本財団 図書館

A low voltage supply (of not less than 40 V and no more than 50 V) in series with a suitable lamp shall be connected between the access probe and the hazardous parts inside the enclosure.

8.11.4 Result required

The lamp connected between the access probe and the hazardous parts inside the enclosure shall not light.


9 Technical tests


10 Sea Trials


10.1 Standard test target

The standard test target should be an enclosed dark metal box, with one side at right angles to the desired direction of detection, which has been immersed in the sea for at least 24 hours.

The size of the box is such that when at least 80% is immersed, 1.5 m long × 1.5 m wide × 0.5 m high remains above the water.

Administrations may use other smaller targets to reflect local conditions.

10.2 Minimum detection range

With the required field of view, the equipment should detect the standard test target at a minimum of 600 m with a minimum probability of 90%, under mean starlight conditions without clouds and without moon.





