日本財団 図書館

8.4.2 Method of measurement

The EUT shall be placed in a chamber at normal room temperature and relative humidity. The EUT and, if appropriate, any climatic control device with which it is provided, shall then be switched on. The temperature shall then be raised and maintained at + 55 ℃ ± 3 ℃

At the end of a period of 10 h to 16 h at + 55 ℃ ± 3 ℃, the EUT shall be subjected to the performance check in subclause 7.2.7

The temperature of the chamber shall be maintained at + 55 ℃ ± 3 ℃ during the whole test period.

At the end of the test, the EUT shall be returned to normal environmental conditions or to those required at the start of the next test.

8.4.3 Result required

The EUT shall meet the requirements of the performance check

8.5 Damp heat

According to IEC 60945 8.3

8.5.1 Objective

To demonstrate that the EUT operates under conditions of high humidity.

8.5.2 Method of measurement

The EUT shall be placed in a chamber at normal room temperature and relative humidity. The temperature shall then be raised to + 40 ℃ ± 2 ℃ and the relative humidity raised to 93 % ± 3℃ over a period of 3 h ± 0.5 h. These conditions shall be maintained for a period of 10 to 16 h.Any climatic control device provided in the EUT may be switched on at the conclusion of this period.

The EUT shall be switched on 30 min. later, or after such period as agreed by the manufacturer, and shall then be kept operational for at least 2 h during which period the EUT shall be subjected to the performance check in subclause 7.2.7.

The temperature and relative humidity of the chamber shall be maintained as specified during the whole test period.

At the end of the test period and with the EUT still in the chamber, the chamber shall be brought to room temperature in not less than 1 h.

At the end of the test, the EUT shall be returned to normal environmental conditions or to those required at the start of the next test.

8.5.3 Result required

The EUT shall meet the requirements of the performance check.

8.6 Low temperature functional test

According to IEC 60945 8.4.2

8.6.1 Objective

To demonstrate the ability of the EUT to start up and operate at low ambient temperatures.





