日本財団 図書館

4.26 Marking and identification

Night vision equipment and any ancillary equipment should be marked clearly and durably with the following data:

- identification of the manufacturer;

- equipment type number or model identification under which it was type tested and

- serial number of the unit.

Night vision equipment should additionally be marked in accordance with the requirements of resolution A.694(17) and the applicable IEC requirements *1).

4.27 Documentation

Night vision equipment should be delivered complete with its technical documentation. Such documentation should include the following information, if applicable:

General information:

- manufacturer;

- type designation;

- general description of equipment; and

- ancillary equipment and description;

Instructions for installation:

- general installation instructions;

- power supply (voltage,power consumption,frequency)and earthing information.

Operation of equipment:

- description of functions, controls, display;

- description of start-up procedures;

- calibration of equipment and error messages;

- testing capabilities of equipment;

- description of software used and interfaces.

Troubleshooting; maintenance and service:

- special tools required, maintenance material and spare parts (e.g. fuses, spare bulbs);

- equipment care and maintenance on board HSC;

- available services.

Documentation for night vision equipment should also comply with IEC 60945.

5 Environmental requirements

5.1 Introduction

Each item which appears in this clause is a requirement from IMO A.694(17) as detailed in IEC 60945 and for which a repeatable method of measurement has been defined in clause 8.





