日本財団 図書館

6 Technical requirements

6.1 Introduction

Each item which appears in this clause 6 is a requirement for which a repeatable method of measurement has been defined in clauses 9 and following.

7 General test conditions

7.1 General

Environmental and safety tests shall be carried out first followed by tests to verify whether the equipment under test (EUT) meets all technical requirements. Where electrical tests are required, they shall be carried out using the normal test voltage as specified in subclause unless stated otherwise.

7.2 Test conditions

7.2.1 Temperature

The temperature conditions for the tests are defined as follows; Normal temperature

Normal environmental conditions shall be a convenient combination of -15 ℃ to +35 ℃ temperature and 20 % to 75 % relative humidity. Extreme temperatures

Extreme temperatures for protected equipment shall be +55 ℃ and -15 ℃ and exposed equipment shall be +55 ℃ and-25 ℃.

7.2.2 Power supply Normal power supply

The normal test power supply shall be within a tolerance of ± 3 % relative to the nominal voltage of one (or any) of the EUT power supplies for which the equipment is designed. For a.c. supplies, the test power supply frequency shall be within ± 1 Hz of the nominal frequency. The nominal voltage and for a.c. supplies, the frequency, shall be as declared by the manufacturer. Extreme power supply

Extreme power supply conditions are for a.c. supplies ± 10 % voltage variation and ± 5 % frequency variation and for battery supplies +30/-10 % voltage variation.

7.2.3 Normal test conditions

Tests under normal test conditions shall be under normal temperature and normal power supply conditions.

7.2.4 Extreme test conditions

Where required, extreme test conditions shall be a combination of dry heat and the upper limit of supply voltage applied simultaneously and low temperature and the lower limit of supply voltage applied simultaneously.

7.2.5 Test power source

During each test, the EUT shall be supplied from a test power source, capable of producing normal and extreme test voltages. For the purpose of tests, the voltage of the power source shall be measured at the input terminals of the EUT. During tests, the power supply voltages shall be maintained within ± 3 % relative to the voltage level at the beginning of each test. for a.c. supplies, the test power source shall be within ± 1 Hz of the nominal frequency.





