日本財団 図書館

8.9.3 Result required

The greatest distance obtained under all these conditions is the safe distance. Distances are to be rounded up to the nearest 5 or 10 cm.

The manufacturer shall mark clearly each unit of the EUT with this distance. Alternatively, the minimum safe distance may be given in the equipment manual but portable equipment shall always be marked.

8.10 Emission from visual display unit

8.10.1 Waiver

The safety test for visual display units (VDU) shall be waived where the manufacturer is able to produce evidence that the VDU would satisfy the tests.

8.10.2 Objective

The VDU of a workstation shall be subjected to measurements to ascertain that emissions are within safe limits.

8.10.3 Method of measurement

Measurements are made with operator and service controls adjusted to give maximum radiation whilst maintaining the EUT operative for normal use. Internal pre-set controls not intended to be adjusted during the lifetime of the EUT are not considered to be service controls.

8.10.4 Result required

The emissions shall be within the following limits:

- magnetic flux density: 5 Hz to 2 kHz ≦ 200 NT

2 kHz to 400 kHz ≦ 25 nT

-electromagnetic radiation: 5 Hz to 2 kHz ≦ 10 V/m at 30 cm

2 kHz to 400 kHz ≦ 1 V/m at 30 cm

- electrostatic field ≦ ± 500 V

8.11 Protection against access to dangerous voltages

According to IEC 60945 12.1

8.11.1 Waiver

The test shall be waived where the manufacturer has declared that no combination of a.c. and d.c. voltages give a peak voltage greater than 50 V.

8.11.2 Objective

To ensure that operators are protected against accidental access to dangerous voltage.

8.11.3 Method of measurement

The EUT shall be subjected to the test corresponding to IEC 529, table I, first characteristic numeral 2: protected against access to hazardous parts with a finger.

The test shall be carried out by inserting the access probe through any openings of the enclosure of the EUT with the force specified in table VI of IEC 529.

For the test, the jointed test finger may penetrate to its 80 mm length. Starting from the straight position, both joints of the finger shall be successively bent through an angle of up to 90° with respect to the access of the adjoining section of the finger and shall be placed in every possible position.





