日本財団 図書館

7.2.6 Procedure for tests at extreme temperatures

Before making the measurement, the EUT shall be placed in the test chamber and left until it has reached thermal equilibrium. The EUT shall be switched off during the temperature stabilising period. The sequence of measurements shall be chosen and the humidity content in the test chamber shall be controlled so that excessive condensation does not occur.

7.2.7 Performance check

The performance check is to verify that the EUT is still operational after being subjected to the environmental tests and any other test where it is specified.

The performance check shall ensure that the EUT meets the requirement for:

- reselection of field of view if available

- pan range

- pan speed

- trim adjustment

That the equipment provides a clear picture of objects with:

- a light level of 5×102 Lux; or

- a temperature difference of 0.5。?

8 Environmental tests

8.1 General

Environmental tests are intended to assess the suitability of the construction of the EUT for its intended physical conditions of use. After each environmental test and, if specified, also during the test, the EUT shall comply with the requirements of a performance check. No preconditioning of the equipment shall be necessary. These tests are carried out to confirm compliance with the requirements of clause 5 and correspond to the tests specified in IEC 60945

8.2 Vibration

According to IEC 60945 8.7

8.2.1 Objective

To demonstrate the ability of the EUT to withstand vibration without mechanical weakness or degradation of performance.

8.2.2 Method of measurement

The EUT, complete with any shock and vibration absorbers with which it is provided, shall be clamped to the vibration table by its normal means of support and in its normal attitude. The EUT may be resiliently suspended to compensate for weight not capable of being withstood by the vibration table. Provision may be made to reduce or nullify any adverse effect on the EUT performance which might be caused by the presence of an electro-magnetic field due to the vibration unit.

The EUT shall be subjected to sinusoidal vertical vibration at all frequencies between

- 3.5 Hz ± 1.5 Hz and 13.2 Hz with an excursion of ± 1 mm ± 10 % (7 m/s2 maximum acceleration at 13.2 Hz);





