日本財団 図書館

論文集 ISME TOKYO 2000 Volume?

社団法人 日本マリンエンジニアリング学会







Keynote Lectures

KN-1 Marine Air Pollution and Global Climate Change

M. Hirata (shibaura Institute of Technology, Japan)

KN-2 Heavy Fuel Engines Maintain Their Lead by Continued Development

S.G. Dexter (AVL List GmbH, Austria)


Panel Diuscussions

PD-11 Ignition and Combustion Properties of Marine Heavy Fuels and the Effect on Engine Performance and Condition.

G. Fiskaa (FUEL TECH AS, Norway)

PD-12 The Role of Bunker Quality in a Changing Market

B. Heron (Shell Marine Products, UK)

PD-13 The Need for Fuel Treatment and Possible Pitfalls

A. Pallmar (Alfa Laval Marine & Power AB, Sweden)

PD-14 Fuel Quality and Engine Quality - It is the Sum That Counts

I.N.A. ahlqvist (Wärtsilä NSD Finland Oy, service, Finland)

PD-15 Marine Fuel Qualities as They are and will be

My experiences as a field service engineer of large and slow speed diesel engines for ocean going ship propulsion

K. Inoue (Diesel United, Ltd., Japan)

PD-16 User's Request to Marine Fuel Oil

H. Miyano (NYK Logistics Technology Institute Co., Ltd., Japan)


PD-21 Reduction and Control of Emissions

S. G. Dexter (AVL List GmbH, Austria)

PD-22 The Intelligent Engine - One Solution to NOx Reduction

P. S. Pedersen (MAN B&W Diesel A/S, Denmark)

PD-23 Marine Emissions Legislation in Europe: The Industry's and Regulator's Efforts

P. Bousseau (Euromot, Germany)

PD-24 Contribution of Ships on NOx Emission - What should be done by Engine Builders-

H. Yamashiro (Ship Ocean Foundation, Japan) and H. Kawai


PD-31 The Japanese Marine Gas Turbine Project - SMGT

T. Sugimoto (Kawasaki Heavy Industries, LTD., Japan)

PD-32 Recent Applications and Future Trends in Marine Gas Turbines

D. L. Luck (GE Marine Engines, USA)

PD-33 Developments in Rolls-Royce Marine Gas Turbines to meet market changes

M. L. Parker (Rolls-Royce Naval Marine, UK)


PD-41 Fertilization of the sea with Deep Ocean Water Upwelling Machine

K. Ouchi (Ouchi Ocean Consultant, Inc., Japan)

PD-42 The Offshore Floating Type Wave Power Device "Mighty Whale" and Its Multi-Purpose Utilization

Y. Washio (Japan Marine Science and Technology Center, Japan)

PD-43 Technology fo Deep Ocean Deposition of CO2

B. Kvamme (University of Bergen, Norway)

PD-44 Development and Implementation of a Health, Safety and Environmental Management System

M. T. Treasure (Japan Drilling Co., Ltd., Japan)


Technical Sessions

TS-1 The Modern Two-stroke Diesel Engine

C. E. Egeberg (Man B&W Diesel A/S, Denmark)

TS-3 The Mitsubishi UEC-LS II/LSE Engine Development Program

K. Sakaguchi (Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd., Japan) and O. Motomura

TS-4 Development of UEC52LSE Diesel Engine

R. Nakano (Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd., Japan) and S. Ono


TS-5 Reliability Safeguard through Step by Step Development

R. Herrmann (SEMT Pielstick, France), T. Yamada and T. Ono

TS-6 A New Medium-Speed Diesel Engine Series

J. Sato (Niigata Engineering Co., Ltd., Japan), K. Sonobe, T. Sato, H. Nagasawa, D. Koishi, H. Kido and Y. Sarai

TS-7 Development of NIIGATA V20FX Diesel Engine for High-speed Vessel

N. Yokoyama (Niigata Engineering Co., Ltd., Japan), K. Yaguchi, Y. Takagi and E. Hirayama


TS-8 Analysis of Nozzle Orifice Size Effect on Smoke in a Diesel Engine

M. Ishida (Nagasaki University, Japan), D. Sakaguchi and H. Ueki

TS-9 Effect of Impingement Distance on Penetration and Volume of Post-impingement Diesel Spray

K. Ko (Gunma University, Japan), T. Momiyama, K. Amagai and M. Arai

TS-10 Fundamental Study for Optimizing Fuel Injection Rate Shaping of Diesel Engines

A. Azetsu (University of Tokyo, Japan) and Y. Wakisaka

TS-11 Scale Model Experiment of Flows in D.I. Diesel Injection Nozzles

K. Nishida (University of Hiroshima, Japan), T. Mizuguchi, T. Yoshizaki and H. Hiroyasu


TS-12 Three Dimensional Combustion Simulation for Low Speed 2 Stroke Diesel Engine

H. Endo (Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd., Japan), Y. Oda, M. Okabe and O. Motomura

TS-13 Heat Release Rate of Two-Stage Injection Diesel Engine

K. Iwazaki (Gunma University, Japan), G. Ogiwara and M. Arai

TS-14 Comprehensive Study on Two-Stage Combustion for the Reduction of Soot and NOx Emissions from DI Diesel Engines

T. Chikahisa (Hokkaido University, Japan)


TS-15 Minimization of Tank Washings on Chemical Tanker

K. Ueda (Ship Research Institute, Ministry of Transport, Japan) and H. Yamanouchi

TS-16 Cleaning and De-Oiling of Machine Parts with Low-pressure Flashing Flow

S. Horiki (Tokyo University of Mercantile Marine, Japan), T. Itoh and M. Osakabe

TS-17 Working Environment Level on Chemical Tanker Engaged in Benzene Transfer Operation

T. Majima (Ship Research Institute, Ministry of Transport, Japan), K Yamaguchi, S. Fujii, H. Yamanouchi, S. Sakamoto and T. Yamao


TS-18 The North Sea: A Case Study on the Reduction of Sulphur Levels in Marine Fuels

P. J. Spreutels (Texaco Technology Ghent, Belgium)

TS-19 Application of Life Cycle Inventory Analysis to Manufacturing Process of Marine Main Engine in Japan

H. Shirota (Ship Reasearch Institute, Ministry of Transport, Japan), K. Hiraoka, M. Kameyama and T. Kihara

TS-20 Life Cycle Inventory Analysis of Ship for Estimation of CO2 Emission

M. Kameyama (Ship Research Institute, Ministry of Transport, Japan), T. Kihara, K. Hiraoka, H. Shirota, T. Senda, S. Hayashi and M. Fukumoto


TS-21 Development of New Propeller for High Speed Vessels, Effective for Prevention of Root Cavitation Erosion

Y. Okada (Nakashima Propeller Co., Ltd., Japan), M. Yoshioka and H. Kubo

TS-22 Numerical and Experimental Investigations on Flow Interaction Effect for Water-Jet Intake Duct

T. Eguchi (Mitusubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd., Japan) and N. Kamide

TS-23 An Approximate Value of Planing Boat Thrust

Y. Yoshida (International Boat Research, Japan)

TS-24 Applications of a Non Conventional More Efficient Tip Bladed CLT Propeller on Bulk Carriers and Judgement Traps of Its Performance

J.Listewnik (Szczecin Maritime University, Poland)


TS-25 Modelling and Simulation of Propulsion Dynamics Due to Clutching

H. Engja (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway) and O. Bunes

TS-26 Application of Push-Pull Control Slipping Clutch to the Marine Propulsion System

Y. Yoshimura (Hokkaido University, Japan), K. Maekawa, S, Nakajima and K. Osaka

TS-27 A Study on the Relation between Shape of Slope and Bearing Characteristics of Oil Lubricated Aft Stern Tube Bearing

H. Yoshii (NKK Design & Engineering Corporation, Japan)


TS-28 A Shaft Generator System without Output Voltage Distortion and Its Steady-State Characteristics

S. Nishikata (Tokyo Denki University, Japan), K. Yamashita, F. Mita and T. Kataoka

TS-29 Performance of Water Droplet Separators

H. Sugita (Kobe University of Mercantile Marine, Japan), T. Nakazawa, T. Xu and T. Osarakawa

TS-30 Electromagnetic Induction Eddy Current-Based Fluid-Heating Boiler Using New High-Frequency Inverters for Super Heated Steamer

H. Tanaka (Yamaguchi University, Japan), M. Kaneda, S. Chandhakt, A. Okuno, M. Nakaoka and K. Sakamoto

TS-31 New Proposal for Chemical Reaction System of Scale Components and Water Treatment Chemicals of Phosphate/Alkali Type in Marine Boilers - For Automatic Control of Water Quality in Marine Auxiliary Boilers by Monitoring of pH and Electric Conductivity -

Y. Itami (Marine Technical College, Japan), E. Nishikawa and M. Umeda


TS-32 Research for Abnormal Condition Diagnosis on Diesel Engine

T. Shimizu (Akasaka Diesels LTD., Japan)

TS-33 Estimation of Maintainability Characteristics on Diesel Engine Plant

H. Kido (Marine Technical College, Japan) and T. Hashimoto

TS-34 An Application of LabVIEW in Engine Condition Monitoring

J.-H. Horng (National Taiwan Ocean University, Taiwan) and Y. -T. Wang

TS-35 Support System of Marine Engine Operation Based on Skilled Chief Engineer's Knowledge

K. Matsushita (Yuge National College of Maritime Technology, Japan), K. Nagao, M. Numano and T. Hashimoto


TS-36 Development of Low-Temperature Difference Stirling Engine

F. Toda (Saitama University, Japan), S. Iwamoto and M. Takeuchi

TS-37 Proposal of Steam Super Stirling Engine Fit to Marine Use

N. Isshiki (Professor emeritus of Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan), H. Kojima, S. Isshiki

TS-38 Development of a Small 50W Class Stirling Engine

K. Hirata (Ship Research Institute, Ministry of Transport, Japan)

TS-39 Characteristics of Bottoming Cycle Using Ammonia/Water Mixture

M. Kojima (Tokyo University of Mercantile Marine, Japan), M. Goto and T. Kashiwagi


TS-40 Dynamic Analysis of Gas Turbine Systems for Marine Propulsion by Computer Simulation

M. Jefferson (University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK), and P.L.Zhou

TS-41 Combustion of Hydrogen in Hydrogen Combustion Gas Stream and Its Characteristics of Emissions

K. Harumi (Ship Research Institute, Ministry of Transport, Japan), K. Hiraoka, M. Ikame and H. Shirota

TS-42 Basic Research on the Application of Wind Energy Generation System to Ships

K. Sumi (Marine Technical College, Japan), T. Hashimoto, S. Yamamoto and T. Hikima


TS-43 MTU's New Diesel Engine Family

G. Haussmann (MTU Motoren- and Turbinen-Union Friedrichshafen GmbH, Germany)

TS-44 Reciprocating Engines for Future Fuels and Emission Demands

D. Paro (Wärtsilä NSD Corporation, Finland)

TS-45 The Intelligent Engine: Prospects and Experience from Service

P.S. Pedersen (MAN B&W Diesel A/S, Denmark) and O. Grφne


TS-46 The Effect of Water Injection to Inlet Air on Engine Emissions and Performance

C. Chrysanthou (Louis Cruis Lines, Greece), E. Mesbahi and P.L. Zhou

TS-47 Study of Correction Factors on NOx Emission from Medium Speed Diesel Engine

H. Kondoh (Daihatsu Diesel Mfg. Co., Ltd., Japan), T. Kawano, K. Masuda and Y. Inui

TS-48 NOx Reduction Study on Four Stroke, Slow Speed Engine for Marine Propulsion Use

H. Kimura (Niigata Engineering Co.,Ltd., Japan), S. Goto, T. Mimura and K. Ikawa

TS-49 Simultaneous Reduction of Soot and NOx by Intake Gas Variation

H.T.C. Machacon (Gunma University, Japan), S. Shiga, T. Karasawa and H. Nakamura


TS-50 Measurement and Analysis of Particulate Matter (PM) from Marine Diesel Engines

Y. Nakajima (Ship Research Institute, Ministry of Transport, Japan), Y. Takasugi, M. Kikuchi, M. Kuwabara, S. Nishio, E. Ishimura, J. Zhang and K. Nishikawa

TS-51 Measurement on PM Emission from 2-Cycle Marine Diesel Engine during Voyage

K. Maeda (National Fishieries University, Japan), K. Takasaki, S. Morishita and H. Matsusita

TS-52 Measurement of Particulate Emission from Two-Stroke Marine Diesel Engine

T. Tsukamoto (Tokyo University of Mercantile Marine, Japan), K. Ohe and H. Okada


TS-53 Assessment and Treatment for Harmful Exhaust Emissions from Marine Diesel Engines

S. Nishio (Ship Research Institute, Ministry of Transport, Japan), Y. Takasugi, M. Kuwabara, E. Ishimura, Y. Nakajima, J. Zhang and M. Kikuchi

TS-54 Report on the Use of PLUTOcen-F on "LILAC" Owned by SHIN-NIHONKAI FERRY

H. Shimizu (Shinnihonkai Ferry Co.,Ltd., Japan)

TS-55 Characteristic of Main Engine Specific Fule Consumption on Sea Trial

N. Habata (Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries Co.,Ltd., Japan) and T. Nakashima


TS-56 Service Experience of the World's First Large-Bore Gas-Injection Engine

T. Fukuda (GID Corporation, Japan), M. Ohtsu and P.S. Pedersen

TS-57 Redundant Propulsion Plant by Gas Injection Diesel Engine for LNG Vessels

K. Sasaki (Mitsui Engineering & Shipbuilding Co.,Ltd., Japan) and K. Etokoro

TS-58 Heat Release Control in a Gas Engine by a Dual Flame Ignition

S. Ono (Kyushu University, Japan) and Y. Hirayama


TS-59 TPL..-B- Tailor Made Two-Stroke Turbocharger

C. Rofka (Turbo Systems United Co., Ltd, Japan) and V. Haueisen

TS-60 TPS-High Efficiency, Heavy Duty Turbocharger for Medium Size Engines

H. Born (ABB Turbo Systems, Ltd., Switzerland) and T. Akita

TS-61 Development of Turbocharger

M. Kimura (Mitsubishi Heave Industries, Ltd., Japan), K. Imakiire and K. Shiraishi







