日本財団 図書館

知っておきたい薬の基礎知識 - Useful Medicinal Knowledge -




目    次



1. 薬が効くということ


1. 異常な症状は体の防衛反応

2. 対症療法にも効果がある


1. 成分が血液に入り作用する

2. 病原菌を殺す抗生剤

3. 不足を補うビタミン剤やホルモン剤

4. 体の細胞に作用する薬


2. 薬は両刃の剣


1. 副作用の3つのポイント

2. 副作用を防止する心得

3. 副作用には個人差がある

4. 薬の飲み合わせにも注意


1. 副作用とは呼べない副作用


1. アレルギー体質の人は要注意

2. 漢方薬にも副作用がある

3. 心配な長期服用


3. 薬の正しい飲み方


1. 食前・食間・食後の意味

2. 薬のはたらきによる服用時間


1. 本当にお茶で飲んではいけない

2. 抗生物質は牛乳やジュースに用心

3. アルコールは薬の作用を強める

4. 噛み砕くと効かない薬

5. オブラートに包まない方がよい薬

6. 薬の保管は慎重に


4. 薬のいろいろ


1. タイプを間違えると逆効果

2. 消化を助ける薬

3. 胃酸過多をおさえる薬

4. 胃の痛みを止める薬

5. 二日酔いに効く薬


1. あくまでも症状をおさえるもの

2. 複数の症状なら総合感冒薬

3. 単独の症状をおさえる薬

4. 用法・用量を厳守する

5. かぜ薬の服用は3日が限度


1. 痛みの神経を遮断する

2. 痛みや発熱は体の危険信号

3. 胃腸障害の副作用に注意


1. アレルギーが起きるわけ

2. 抗ヒスタミン剤が中心

3. 抗ヒスタミン剤の副作用

4. 使い過ぎると症状を悪化させる

5. 自己診断に頼らない


1. 平均寿命の延長に多大の貢献

2. 薬の前に生活・食事等の改善


5. 医師からもらう薬と市販薬はどう違うか


1. 対症療法と原因療法

2. 原因療法は医師による診断が前提

3. 情報提供が不安を除く

4. 古くなった薬は?


1. 勝手な薬の服用は危険

2. 薬の剤形を変えてはいけない


1. 市販薬は自己判断で選ぶもの

2. 適切な薬選びのヒント


表1 乙種衛生用品表と商品名(索引兼用)

表2 抗菌薬(経口)とその適応疾患




1. What is medicinal effect?

(1)Medicine as a support to your natural healing power

1 .Abnormal symptoms as the defence mechanisms of your body

2. Effective symptomatic therapy

(2)How does a medicine take effect?

1. Medicinal properties entering the blood flow to exert their effects

2. Antibiotics that kilt pathogens

3. Vitamin and hormone agents as a supplement

4. Medicines that act on cells


2. Medicines as a double-edged sword

(1)All medicines have side effects

1. Three key points concerning side effects

2. How to prevent side effects

3. Side effects differing from each other

4. Medicinal interaction

(2)Slight side effects

1. Side effects not requiring attention

(3)Side effects of over-the-counter and Chinese medicines

1. Special attention required for those with an allergic predisposition

2. Side effects of Chinese medicines

3. Risky long-term administration


3. How to take a medicine

(1)Take a medicine according to its instructions

1. Definition of the time to take a medicine

2. Time to take a medicine determined by its effect

(2)Useful information no how to take a drug

1. Is it true that medicines should not be taken with tea?

2. Risky combination of antibiotics with milk or juices

3. The enhancing of medicinal effects by alcohol

4. Medicines that lose their effectiveness when chewed

5. Medicines unsuitable for medicinal wafers

6. Be careful about medicine strorang conditions


4. Various medicines

(1)Gastro-intestinal medicines

1. Choose correctly to avoid adverse effects

2. Digestion-promoting medicines

3. Acid indigestion suppression medicines

4. Gastric pain-relieving medicines

5. Hangover medicines

(2)Cold medicines

1. Cole medicines as symptomatic treatment

2. Integrated cold medicines for multiple symptoms

3. Medicines for individual symptoms

4. Strictly follow the prescribed usage and dose

5. Cold medicines for up to three days

(3)Anti-pyretic, analgesic, and anti-inflammatory agents

1. Blocking pain-related nerves

2. Pain and fever as the danger signals of the body

3. Dangerous side effects of gastro-intestinal disorders

(4)Allergy medicines

1. Causes of allergies

2. Antihistamines that play a primary role

3. Side effects antihistamines

4. Symptoms worsened by excessive doses

5. Dangerous self-diagnosis

(5)Hypertension medicines

1. Extended average lifespan through the use of hypertension medicines

2. Litestyle and diet improvement before taking a medicine


5. How are prescribed medicines different from over-the-counter medicines?

(1)Difference between prescribed and over-the-counter medicines

1. symptomatic therapy and causal therapy

2. Causal therapy requiring diagnosis by a physician

3. Medicinal information that eliminates patients' worries

4. How Should old medicines be handled?

(2)Strictly follow instructions

1. Dangerous incorrect medicinal usage

2. Do not change medicinal dosage forms

(3)Notes on purchasing a medicine

1. Choose an over-the-counter medicine carefully

2. Tips for choosing an appropriate medicine

Practical use of drugs



List of medical supplies, class B






