●1 用途
●2 船の性能
●3 船体の構造
長崎製鉄所の立神ドック・明治12年(1879)完成(三菱重工業株式会社・長崎造船所蔵) 東洋最大といわれていたドック。古いドックは、今日のものに比べて深さが浅く、四方から木材により支えているのが特徴 |
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(新典社版 名所図会叢刊3・摂津名所図会より) 浜で新造した菱垣廻船の船卸しの祝い。コロを使って波打ち際に運ぼうとしている |
Difference between Japanese and Western-style Ships
1. Use
Western-style ships (mainly European sailing ships) were developed for the purpose of sailing across the ocean -long distance transportation, while Japanese-style wooden ships were mainly for domestic coastal transport.
2. Properties
As Western-style ships had round bottoms, they turned over in case they ran ashore. On the other hand, Japanese-style ships, with flat bottoms, could be pulled onto the land.
Western-style ships were sealed up while Japanese-style ships weren't and easily wetted in times of high wave.
3. Hull Construction
It was possible to build a Western-style ship even with thin wood if enough was available, for it was made by planking the ribs; however, a Japanese-style ship did not have ribs.
Its structure was made by nailing long, wide and thick boards. The fact that Japan was rich in good cedar trees made it possible to build a ship in such a way.
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図の薄い外板の張り方は突き合せ張り(カラベル)。よろい張り(クリンカー)もある。いずれも内外二重張りだが、鉄の釘を大量に使う。そして水漏れ防止に槙皮(まきはだ・槙の木皮の細縄)と接着剤を詰め込んでいく。 |
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平均厚さ10.5cmほどの杉の大板を使う。長いほど良材で、接合は鉄の大釘。水漏れ防止に槙皮を使うが、洋船ほどは使わない。 |
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●船大工道具について 丸木船、胴船、羽賀瀬船などは、くり船造りの道具で造る。主役はくったり掘ったりする手斧(ちょうな)。北前船は大板で造る。主役は丸太を板にひく大型の横びき鋸(のこ)。 |
History of Japanese-style Ships in Japan Sea
In the Edo era, the sea was a main road for goods distribution. Bezai-sen, a large planked Japanese-style ship, which came to be used around 18th century, played an important role there. Formerly Japanese people had built a ship by assembling the parts made by hollowing or breaking wood. However as a large saw to cut timber out of a log and iron nails to connect timber came to be commonly used, a planked ship superseded such a ship.