The Guiding Principles Underlying This Agreement Are
1. That dog guide users have a right to privacy, dignity and confidentiality in their dealings with service providers.
2. That service providers are committed to assisting dog guide users to develop and maintain skills which maximise their mobility and independence.
3. That dog guide users are free to raise and have resolved complaints or disputes covered by this agreement.
This Agreement Is Intended To Be Read In The Following Context:
1. That it covers the relationship between Australian dog guide users and Australian providers of dog guides.
2. That it is given to applicants for a dog guide in their preferred format prior to the commencement of training.
3. That it is signed by both parties at the end of the training period.
4. That the term "dog guide" is a generic term which covers all dogs commonly referred to as seeing-eye dogs or guide dogs.
Made this day of the year
In this agreement
Means a dog trained for the purpose of guiding people who are blind or vision impaired.
Means an organisation accredited by the International Guide Dogs Federation which provides training courses for dog guides and/or instruction for blind and vision impaired people in the use, care and maintenance of dog guides.
Trained [Dog]
Means that the dog guide has satisfactorily completed the usual training course conducted by the Provider and that such training course is to the satisfaction of the International Guide Dogs Federation and in accordance with current best practice for the training of dog guides.
Means a blind or vision impaired person using a dog trained for the purpose of guiding.
The dog and all its equipment shall become the property of the User upon completion by the User of the Provider Afs training program to the satisfaction of the Provider and upon the User paying to the Provider the sum of one dollar.
Duties Of The Provider
The Provider agrees to:
a) Supply the User with a trained healthy and fit dog
If the Dog is not fully fit and healthy but the User is willing to accept such Dog, then the Provider shall be solely responsible for all medical and associated costs caused eithr directly or indirectly by the pre-existing illnesses and/or conditions referred to above.
b) Provide the User with full details of the Dog's medical and breeding history prior to the commencement of training.
c) Provide the User with a realistic estimate of veterinary, grooming, feeding and other maintenance expenses related to the Dog prior to the commencement of training.
d) Supply the User with equipment as deemed appropriate by the Provider, but which must include a leash, harness, collar, and raincoat.
e) Replace, free of cost to the User, any such equipment that becomes unable to be used due to fair wear and tear.
f) Provide the User with instruction on care and handling techniques necessary for working with and caring for the Dog. Such instruction is to include, but not be limited to, grooming and guiding work.
g) Provide the User with follow-up training and support services to meet the User's individual needs at the earliest possible time following a request from the User and at no cost to the User.
h) If requested by the User, provide information to the User in relation to new techniques of doghandling if and when they become available and known to the Provider
i) Provide any information, training details, instructional material or other relevant materials, including this agreement, in the User's preferred format.
j) Make available an emergency fund to assist the User with the financial costs owning and operating the Dog. Such funds should be made available to cover extraordinary expenses such as but not limited to veterinary operations, ongoing expensive medication and other similar items. The User's financial circumstances should be taken into account when assessing whether or not such special payment should be made. Such special payment may be made for ongoing expenses as well asone-off expenses.
k) Have facilities orvolunteers available to assist in caring for the Dog, if requested by the User, during periods of temporary separation from the User.
l) Assist the User to obtain a replacement Dog in a timely manner when the current Dog is found to be in need of replacement.
m) Assist in finding the Dog a home upon retirement, if the User requests the Provider to do so.
n) Refrain from pressuring or requiring the User to participate in fundraising activities on behalf of the Provider unless the User wishes to do so.
o) Give the User reasonable notice of a request to inspect the Dog and the reason for such inspection. The right to inspect the Dog may not be exercised capriciously or in a manner which would cause the User undue harassment.
4. Duties Of The User.
The User agrees to:
a) Take good and proper care of the Dog at all times, including payment of all costs relating to the feeding of and the health and general welfare of the Dog, excluding those costs covered by the emergency fund referred to in 3(j) and situations as referred to in 3(a).
b) Give the Provider all reasonable opportunities to inspect the Dog following reasonable notice of such inspection and a reason for the inspection being given to the User by the Provider.
c) Not permanently part with the Dog(excluding retirement) without the agreement of the Provider. This does not include temporarily parting with the Dog as, for example, when travelling, holidaying,or during periods of hospitalisation.
d) Comply with all legislation and local by-laws and regulations relative to the keeping and treatment of dogs.
e) Have the Dog examined by a registered veterinary surgeon each six months for the purpose of assessing its general health and when necessary re-vaccination and hydatidtreatment. A report on the visit is to be forwarded within 14days to the Provider.
f) Be responsible for any damage or injury caused by the Dog whilst in possession of the User.
g) Notify the Provider within 28 days of any change of address of the User.
5. Retirement Of Dog Guide.
The Dog shall be retired from guiding work if:
a) It is unable to perform its required duties because
of a medicalcondition which cannot be rectified.
b) It develops behavioural problems which cannot be remedied.
c) It is no longer able to perform guiding work at the level required by the User.
The retirement of the Dog may be initiated by either the User or the Provider.
6. Repossession Of Dog Guide In Limited Circumstances
The Provider retains the right to repossess the Dog from the User in the following circumstances:
a) The Dog not being used by the User for the purpose for which it was trained.
b) The death or serious illness (of a permanent nature such that the User is no longer able to use the Dog) of the User, provided that the Dog is still suitable for retraining and use by another User.
The User has the right to retum the Dog to the Provider in the circumstances referred to in a) and b).
7. Dispute Resolution Procedures
a) Disputes
If a dispute occurs between the parties, arising from the interpretaton of any part of this agreement, the parties agree to resolve that dispute aocording to the processes set out below. The parties agree to be bound by any determination made through this process, whether it is a mediated settlement between the parties, or a decision of the arbitration panel described below.
b) Internal Grievance Mechanisms
Where the Provider has established an internal grievance mechanism, details of this mechanism will be given to the User by the Provider
(in the User's preferred format) as soon as the Provider becomes aware that a dispute has arisen. The User is encouraged to utilise such a mechanism as the first method of resolving the dispute, but is not bound to do so under this agreement.
c) Independent Mediation
If the dispute is not resolved to the satisfaction of both parties according to clause 5(b) above, the parties agree to attempt to resolve the dispute with the assistance of an independent mediator. The mediator will not determine the dispute, but will assist the parties to achieve a settlement with which they are both satisfied. If the parties cannot agree on the choice of a mediator, who should be a person qualified to undertake the task of mediation, then a mediator will be nominated by the President (at that time) of the Altemative Dispute Resolution Association of Australia.
d) Mediation Procedure
The mediation will occur at a time and place arranged by the any mediated agreement will be voluntary. If such a mediated agreement is reached, the mediator will prepare it in writing and it will be confirmed by both parties. Both parties agree to be bound by the terms of any agreement reached through mediaton.
e) Arbitration
If no agreement is reached through mediation, or if the mediation agreement is breached, either party may refer the dispute to the arbitration panel for determination. Details of the current membership of the panel will be available at the offices of the Provider or of Blind Citizens Australia. This panel shall consist of three persons. The chair of the panel shall be a person with expertise in the arbitration of disputes. This person shall be appointed from time to time, for periods of up to three years, by the Australian Blindness Forum. The Provider nominee shall be appointed from time to time, for periods of up to three years, by the providers of dog guides throughout Australia who undertake to provide dog guides according to the terme of this agreement. The User nominee shall be appointed from time to time, for periods of up to three years, by Blind Citizens Australia.
f) Operation Of The Panel
The Panel shall conduct the arbitration at a time and place to be determined by the Chair, in consultation with the other panel members, and convenient to both the parties. The Chair shall determine all questions of procedure, including how the arbitration is to be conducted, and whether people will participate in person, via telephone or through any other appropriate means. The Panel wili operate informally, and will determine the dispute in an efficient and timely manner, but will be bound by the rules of natural justice and procedural fairness. Decisions of the panel will be made by simple majority, and the decision of the Panel, with reasons for that decision, will be provided to the parties in their preferred formats within one month of the date of the conclusion of the hearing of the dispute. User nominee shall be appointed from time to time, for periods of up to three years, by Blind Citizens Australia.
g) Powers of the Panel
After hearing from each party to the dispute and from any otaer relevant person, the Panel may make a decision which, if appropriate, may include any one or more of the following:
(i) a decision that there has been a breach of the agreement by either or both parties and that the conduct in breach of the agreement should not be repeated or continued:
(ii) a decision that either the User or the Provider should perform any reasonable act or acts to redress any loss or damage suffered due to conduct in breach of this agreement
(iii) a decision that any party to the dispute should pay damages by way of compensation for any loss or damage directly flowing from the breach of this agreernent.
h) Advocates
Parties may be represented at the hearing of the dispute by an advocate who may be legally qualified. However, the Chair shall be the sole arbiter of the way in which the hearing shall proceed, and shall not alow an advocate to unnecessarily complicate the dispute by use of legalistic forms or technicalities, to unreasonably prolong the hearing, or to cause an inappropriate power imbabalance between the parties.
i) Costs Of Dispute Resolution
[To be completed]
Signed: (Provider)
In the presence of: (Witness)
Signed: (User)
In the presence of: (Witness)
Date: サービス評価
□1. 理念や基本方針は、明文化されている。
□2. 理念や基本方針は、法人役員と全ての職員に配布されている。
□3. 理念や基本方針は、利用者主体の考え方に基づいている。
□4. 理念や基本方針は、事業計画や職員の倫理綱領等に反映され、かつ具体化されている。
□5. 理念や基本方針は、必要に応じて見直されている。
□1. 利用者には、サービスの内容や利用方法について、定期的に意見を表す機会がある。
□2. 職員には、日常生活の中で示される利用者の希望や意見を率直に受け止め、これを記録して、必ず幹部職員に伝えることが文書で規定されている。
□3. 利用者の意思疎通の状況に応じて、家族等の意向を把握する機会が設けられている。
□4. 把握された利用者(及び必要に応じて家族等)の意向は、事業計画や施設運営の中に様々なかたちで反映されている。
□1. 接し方(年齢や状況に応じた呼称・言葉づかいを含む)については、指針又はマニュアルが整備されている。
□2. 接し方を点検・改善するための検討会議や研修が設けられている。
□3. 職員に対しては、禁句を含む厳守事項が明確に示されている。
口4. 入浴や排泄等の介助は、同性介助を原則としている。
□5. 介助者や介助方法については利用者の意向を尊重して決めている。
口1. 相談面接では、施設の基本方針・利用条件・サービス内容等について、資料や文書に基づいて説明している。
口2. 施設を案内するだけではなく、体験する機会(注:施設として独自に工夫しているサービス)を設けている。
□3. 相談面接で明らかとなった、利用者の要望事項等を記録するとともに、記録した事項は、利用者(及び必要に応じて家族等)の確認を得ている。
□4. 他の施設等の利用が望ましいと考えられる場合には、利用者(及び必要に応じて家族等)の了解を得て、連絡・依頼・紹介状の作成等を行い、必要な場合には同行して確実に引き継ぐようにしている。
□1. 利用者(及び必要に応じて家族等)の要望を所定の様式で記録している。
□2. 利用者自身の身体的・心理的・社会的状況を把握し、その評価(アセスメント)内容を所定の様式で記録している。
□3. 事故や病気を防止するために利用者の行動の特徴や健康上の留意事項を確実に把握している。
□1. 個別支援計画策定のために、会議等を開催している。
□2. 個別支援計画の見直しを検討するための会議が定期的に行われている。
□3. 緊急に計画の見直しが必要な場合は随時会議・検討会を行っている。
□4. 会議の内容は、所定の様式により記録・保存されている。
□5. 会議には、関係職員のほか、利用者(及び必要に応じて家族等)も参加することができる。
□1. 所定の様式により、個別支援計画は書面で示され、支援の目標・方法・期間等が具体的に記載されている。
□2. 利用者(及び必要に応じて家族等)の参加・不参加に拘わらず、個別支援計画の決定は利用者(及び必要に応じて家族等〉の同意のもとに行われている。
□3. 個別支援計画は、利用者が生活する地域の福祉サービスや社会資源を活用するような内容になっている。
□1. 利用者(及び必要に応じて家族等)に、支援計画に基づくサービスの目標や方法を具体的に説明している。
□2. 個別支援計画に基づき提供される各種サービスは、マニュアル化されている手順に従って提供されている。
□3. 提供されたサービスは、その内容、実施日時、回数、結果等が確実に記録されている。
□1. 所定の手順に従ってサービスの適否を日常的にチェックし、利用者の納得が得られているか否かを確かめている。
□2. サービスが不適切であったり、利用者の要望に応えていない場合には、速やかに見直しが行われ、改善が図られている。
□3. 改善しても十分な結果が得られない場合、新たなサービスの開発を試みるとか、他の施設等を利用することも検討することにしている。
<後略> 苦情解決
1981年に設けられた「国際障害者年」を皮切りに、1983年から始まった「国連障害者の10年」は、世界の障害者や障害者運動に大きな変化をもたらした。70年代から提唱されていた自立生活運動(Independent Life)が世界的な広がりを持ち、障害学(Disability Studies)などの新しい学問も生まれた。『障害学、ディスアビリティースタディーズとは、障害を切り口として確立する学問、思想、知の運動である。それは従来の医療、社会福祉の視点から障害、障害者をとらえるものではない。個人のインペアメント(損傷)の治療を至上命題とする医療、「障害者すなわち障害者福祉の対象」という枠組みからの脱却を目指す試みである。そして、障害者独自の視点の確立を指向し、文化としての障害、障害者として生きる価値に着目する』(長瀬 修「障害学に向けて」、長瀬 修・石川 准編著「障害学への招待」, 11P, 1999)とされている。そして、これらの運動や学問は、社会や政策に大きな影響を与えるようになった。
1)「愛のきずな−盲導犬を支えた人と犬の記録−」ピーター=B=パットナム 偕成社(1981)
2)「イギリスにおける盲導犬の現状−M.セルノウィッチ氏に聞く(東京経済大学会誌175号)−」竹前栄治 東京経済大学(1991.12)
3)「盲導犬関係法令要覧−アメリカおよびカナダ(東京経済大学会誌176号)−」竹前栄治 東京経済大学(1992.03)
4)「盲導犬に関する参考資料集(その1)」岩崎英行監修 日本ライトハウス(1971.11.25)
5)「盲導犬に関する参考資料集(その2)」岩崎英行監修 日本ライトハウス(1974.09.05)
6)「盲導犬に関する調査研究報告書」日本財団公益・福祉部 日本財団(2000.08)
7)「Yearbook」,The Interntional Federation of Guidedog Schools for the Blind 同(1933〜)
8)「The Demand for Dog Guides and the Travel Ajustment of Blind Persons」, The Resarch Center of Columbia univercity's New York School of Social Work(1960)
9)「Another Pair of Eyes −The Story of Guide Dogs in Britain−」Peter lreson, Pelhem Books, (1991)