日本財団 図書館

資料 15
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図−29. 大陸棚がかつて陸地であったことを証明する世界初の立ち枯れの森林の発見海域。日本海に面した富山県黒部川扇状地入善町沖。水深約20m〜40m。1980年5月4日最初の発見。(Fujii, S., Nasu, N. et al .,1986(英文))
Fig−29. The discovery of submerged forests in situ to prove that the continental shelves were once to be the land. The location is off the coast of Nyuzen Town along the shore line of Kurobe River Alluvial Fan, Toyama Prefecture facing the Sea of Japan. The tree trunks distribution depth ranging about 20m〜40m. The first discovery was made in 4th May, 1980. (Fujii, S, Nasu, N. et al., 1986)
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図−30. 黒部川の流路は扇状地の上を、主として洪水を契機として変遷した(藤井昭二・奈須紀幸ら、1988)
Fig−30. Main flow channel of Kurobe River has been often migrated according to floods (Fujii, S., Nasu, N. et al., 1988 (in Japanese))
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図−31. 黒部川扇状地入善町沖海底林の生存期間は炭素14法による年代測定によると、7000〜10000年前になる。水深20m付近のものが約8000年前、水深40m付近のもので約9000年前が中心となる。(藤井昭二・奈須ら、1988)
Fig−31. Ages of the submerged forests off the coast of Nyuzen Town at the edge of Kurobe River Alluvial Fan measured by 14C age determination method. The range covers 7,000〜10,000 years ago. Trees depth around 20m are mainly about 8000 years old, and those depth around 40m are mainly about 9000 years old (Fujii, S., Nasu, N. et al., 1988 (in Japanese))
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図−32. 黒部川扇状地入善町沖海底林の形成過程。(藤井昭二・奈須紀幸ら、1988)
Fig−32. Forming Processes of the submerged forests off the coast of Nyuzen Town at the edge of Kurobe River Alluvial Fan (Fujii, S., Nasu, N. et al., 1988 (in Japanese))
 Please read the main explanation sheets.
