資料 14
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図−26. 図−25の掘削点994,995,997で発見された大陸斜面下のガスハイドレ−ト層とその下底のBSR (Bottom Simulating Reflector)の音波探査による確認。
Fig−26. Discovery of gas hydrate layer at the sites 994,995,997 in the Figure-25, and the recognition of the existence of BSR (Bottom Simulating Layer) by sonic survey.
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図-27. 数千年後に始まることが予想される次の氷期の来襲を防ぎ、地球上に理想的な気候環境を創出するために低緯度海域に建設する「新・万里の長城」の提案(奈須、2000;2001)Fig−27. Proposal to construct "New Long Wall in Low Latitude Oceans" to prevent the start of next future glacial age, and to create ideal climatic condition on the Earth (Nasu, N., 2000;2001(in Japanese))
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図−28. 氷期の日本海。海水準低下により殆ど閉じた内海となり、海面から水蒸気が余り上がらず、雪が少ない。日本列島に氷河は殆んど出来ない。間氷期の日本海には対馬暖流が東よりに流入し、冬季、日本列島の日本海側は世界一の豪雪地帯となるが、夏期、溶けるので、氷河はできない。日本列島に大規模な氷河は形成されない(奈須、1975)。
Fig−28. Sea of Japan during Glacial Ages. It became almost enclosed lake because of the eustatic sea level lowering. Surface water became cool, and less vapour was emitted. Thus, Japanese Island was not covered by large scale glaciers. On the other hand,giant Tsushima Warm Current flows eastern side of the Sea during Interglacial Ages like today. A lot of vapour is emitted. Snow amount along the Sea of Japan side of the Japanese Island is largest in the world during winter season. But, it is melt during summer season. There is no cause to produce big scale glaciers on the Japanese Island (Nasu, N., 1875 (in Japan))
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写真−2. 立ち枯れの海底林の幹に近付くダイバ−。樹種は主に50年ほどの短命のヤナギやハンノキ。(藤井・奈須ら、1988)
Photo−2. A diver approaching to the tree trunk in situ. Trees are mainly Zelkova (Willow) and Alnus. Living duration is short(about 50 years) (Fujii, S., Nasu, N. et al., 1988)