02)藤岡換太郎,蒲生俊敬,木下正高,千葉 仁,益田晴恵,松林 修,島 伸和,西澤あずさ,青木美澄,リチャ−ド・P・フォン・ヘルツェン,ロバ−ト・エバンス,ジェ−ムス・カ−クリン,ヘンリエッタ・エドモンズ,加藤和浩(1995):大西洋中央海嶺TAGの熱水活動と長期観測−MODE'94 TAG Cruiseの結果−.海洋科学技術センタ−編,JAMSTEC深海研究,n. 11, 441p., pp. 71-91.
15)松本 良・渡部芳夫・佐藤幹夫・岡田尚武・廣木義久・川崎正行,Leg164乗船研究者(1996):海洋のガスハイドレ−トの分布と産状−ODPLeg164ブレ−クリッジ掘削の成果−.地質学雑誌,v. 102, n. 11, pp. 932-944.
17)中村一明(1983):日本海東縁新生海溝の可能性.震研彙報,v. 58, part 3, pp. 711-722.
18)奈須紀幸(1954):大洋の海底 I, II.岩波科学,v. 24, n. 8, n. 9, pp. 378-451.
19)奈須紀幸(1961):海洋学の話題・地球は膨張するか?−「深海底拡大説をめぐっての問題点−.科学読売,v. 13, n. 5, pp. 21-29.(前年の1960年のScientific American誌10月号に発表されたB. Heezenの深海底拡大説を中心に、関連する問題を解説したものである)
20)奈須紀幸(1963):氷期海面低下の痕跡−考古学への一提言−.岩波科学,v. 38, n. 7, pp. 344-350.
21)奈須紀幸(1969):海底.(坪井忠二編,地球の構成・増補版,現代の自然観2),岩波書店,381p., pp. 133-170.
22)奈須紀幸(1973):海水準変動と文明.学士会会報.n. 721, pp. 17-21.
23)奈須紀幸(1975):海洋の神秘を探る−その3−,海水準変動(3).国際電信電話,国際通信文化協会,v. 23, n. 12, pp. 26-29.
24)奈須紀幸(1976):浅海堆積物.(奈須紀幸編,海洋地質),東京大学出版会,215p., pp. 27-40.
25)奈須紀幸(1979):国際深海掘削計画(IPOD).学術月報,日本学術振興会,v. 31, n. 10, pp. 28-40.
26)奈須紀幸(1981):失われた入江.学術月報,日本学術振興会,v. 38, n. 4, pp. 70-71.
27)奈須紀幸(1984):グロ−マ−・チャレンジャ−号による深海掘削計画の地学に対する貢献.地学雑誌,v. 92, n. 7, pp. 461-468.
28)奈須紀幸(1987):深海底ボ−リング船建造およびこれを用いての深海底の調査・研究.革新技術を目ざした基礎的研究の方向に関する調査報告書−地球系科学技術の研究開発方向の調査−,科学技術庁資源調査所,76p., pp. 36-37.
29)奈須紀幸(1988):深海底ボ−リング船の建造およびこれを用いての深海底の調査・研究.革新技術を用いての基礎的研究の方向に関する調査報告書・地球系科学技術の研究開発方向の調査(昭和61・62年度科学技術振興調整費による科学技術政策基礎調査),164p., pp. 83-85.
31)奈須紀幸(1991a):海水準変動.海洋時報,日本海洋協会,n. 63, pp. 14-21.
32)奈須紀幸(1991b):固体地球(改定版).放送大学教育振興会,206p. n. 6, pp. 645-663.
33)奈須紀幸(1993):海洋底の歴史.地学雑誌,v. 102, n. 6, pp. 645-663..
34)奈須紀幸(1996):固体地球.(太田次郎・奈須紀幸・飯田睦次郎・小森長生・萩原祥宏・後藤道夫著.ザ・科学),日本放送教育協会,318p., pp. 63-144.
35)奈須紀幸(1998):視点・海水準変動.科学技術ジャ−ナル,科学技術広報財団,v. 7, n. 5, p. 7.
36)奈須紀幸(2000a):閉会式挨拶.日本財団,国際海洋シンポジウム1999「海は人類を救えるか」(奈須紀幸監修),邦文,145p., 140-143;英文,294p., pp. 278-281.(1999年7月29日の閉会式挨拶で,奈須は初めて「低緯度海域に展開する新・万里の長城」の図を提示した.)
37)奈須紀幸(2000b):低緯度海域に新・万里の長城を.海産研NEWS, n. 39,(財)海洋産業研究会,p. 10.
38)奈須紀幸(2001):海を科学する,−「新・万里の長城」の提案−.外交フォ−ラム,都市出版(編集協力・外務省),n. 156, pp. 42-49.
39)奈須紀幸・本座栄一・藤岡換太郎・佐藤俊二(1979):Leg57. 日本海溝の深海掘削−2,−親潮古陸の発見−.海洋科学,海洋出版,v. 11, n. 10, pp. 807-815.
40)新妻信明,他(1990a):インド洋の海洋地質−ODPの成果−(1).海洋,海洋出版,v. 22, n. 5, pp. 239-306.
41)新妻信明,他(1990b):インド洋の海洋地質−ODPの成果−(2).海洋,海洋出版,v. 22, n. 6, pp. 309-371.
42)日本財団(2000):国際海洋シンポジウム 1999「海は人類を救えるか」(奈須紀幸監修)(International Ocean Symposium 1999, Can Sea Save Us?).邦文,145p. 英文,294p.
43)奥田義久・松本 良,他(1994):SYMPOSIUMガスハイドレ−ト.地球,海洋出版,v. 16, n. 9, pp. 510-567.
(Heading number coincides with that of Japanese so that this translation series is not alphabetical order precisely.)
01)Fujii, S. and Nasu, N. et al. (1988): Submerged Forests−The discovery of the submerged forests on the continental shelf off the coast of Nyuzen Town at the edge of Kurobe River Alluvial Fan; The first discovery in the world−. Tokyo University Press, 163p.
02)Fujioka, K., Gamou, T. et al. (1995): Hot water activity of the TAG mound at the axis along the mid-Atlantic Ridge and its observation during long duration−MODE'94 TAG Cruise Results−JAMSTEC DEEP SEA RESEARCH, n. 11, 441p., pp. 71-91.
03)Le Pichon, Xavier (1986, transrated into Japanese by Shuichi Kaganoi in 1990): KAIKO VOTAGE AUX EXTREMITES DE LAMER. published by Odile Jacob.; Japanese edition "KYOKUGEN ENO KOUKAI −CHIKYUKAGAKU TO NINGEN", published by IWANAMI Book Co., 284p.
04)Science and Technology Agency; Deep Sea Drilling Research Committee (1994): Deep Sea Drilling Program in 21st Century〜OD21〜. 13p.
05)Science and Technology Agency; The Informal Gathering for Discussion on Deep Sea Drilling (1997): The Planning to realize the Japanese Deep Sea Drilling in 21st Century. 〜OD21 Form〜, 33p.
06)JAMSTEC (Japan Marine Science and Technology Center) (1981): History of 10 years of JAMSTEC. 248p.
07)JAMSTEC (1998): 2000 Diving Records of manned deep sea diving vessel "SINKAI 2000". 189p.
08)JAMSTEC (1998): Deep Sea Drilling Program. 7p.
09)Kinoshita, Hajime.(1992): To investigate the ocean floor to detect the heat source of the Earth. JAMSEC Journal, v. 4, n. 2, pp. 1-9.
10)Japan Ocean Society (1997): United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). Official Japanese Translation of the English Original (inspected by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, Seizando Pub. Co., 479p.
11)Kuramoto, Shinichi. (1996); Survey on methane hydrate and the significance of BSR. Bull. Geol. Soc. Japan, v. 102, n. 11, pp. 951-957.
12)Maruyama, S., Fukao, Y. and M. Ohbayashi (1993): Plume Tectonics. IWANAMI KAGAKU (Science), v. 63, pp. 373-389.
13)Maruyama, S. and Y. Isozaki (1998): History of the Life and the Earth. IWANAMI SHINSHO. 275p.
14)Matsumoto, R., Okuda, Y. and Y. Aoki (1994): Methane Hydrate−Giant natural gas resources in the 21st Century−. NIKKEI SCIENCE, 275p.
15)Matsumoto, R., Watanabe, Y. and Shipboard Scientific Party (1996): Distribution and Condition of Gas Hydrate under the Ocean Bottom−Outcome of ODP Leg164 Drilling at the Blake Ridge−. Bull. Geol. Soc. Japan, v. 102, n. 11, pp. 932-944.
16)Matuzawa, Takeo (1950): Seismology. KADOKAWA Book Co., 374p.
17)Nakamura, kazuaki (1983): The possibility of newly boan subduction to be along the eastern margin of the Sea of Japan. Bull. Earthquake Res. Inst., University of Tokyo, v. 58, part 3, pp. 711-722.
18)Nasu, Noriyuki (1954): The Ocean Floor I and II. IWANAMIKAGKU (Science), v. 24, n. 8 & 9, pp. 378-451.
19)Nasu, N. (1961): Introducton of the Article by Bruce Heezen on October issue of in 1960 of the Scientific American (discussion on the Ocean Floor Spreading Theory). KAGAKU YOMIURI, v. 13, n. 5, pp. 21-29.
20)Nasu, N. (1963): Trace of the eustatic sea level lowering during last glacial age−A proposed hypothesis to explain the rapid development of the human civilization−. IWANAMI KAGAKU (Science). v. 38, n. 7, pp. 344-350.
21)Nasu, N. (1969): Ocean Floor. (in the Structure of the Earth, ed. by T. Tuboi, 2nd ed.), IWANAMI Book Co., 381p., pp. 133-170.
22)Nasu, N. (1973): Development of Civilization related with the Eustatic Sea Level Changes. Gakushikai Kaiho, n. 721, pp. 17-21.
23)Nasu, N. (1975): To investigate the secrets of the Ocean−3−, Eustatic Sea Level Changes. KOKUSAIDENSHINDENWA, KOKUSAITSUSHINBUNKA KYOKAI, v. 28, n. 12, pp. 26-29.
24)Nasu, N. (1976): Shallow Water Sediment. (in Marine Geology, ed. by N. Nasu), Tokyo University Press, 215p., pp. 27-40.
25)Nasu, N. (1979): Deep Sea Drilling Project (IPOD). Gakujutsu Monthly, Nihon Gakujutsu Shinkokai, v. 31, n. 10, pp. 28-40.
26)Nasu, N. (1981): The sediment deposited inlet. Gakujutsu Monthly, Nihon Gakujutsu Shinkokai, v. 38, n. 4, pp. 70-71.
27)Nasu, N. (1984): Contribution to the field of earth science by deep sea drilling project operated by D/V Glomar Challenger. Tokyo Geogr. Soc., v. 92, n. 7, pp. 461-468.
28)Nasu, N. (1987): Proposal of the construction of Japanese Deep Sea Drilling Vessel and its Utilization. Report. Survey Division of Natural Resources, Science and Technology Agency, 76p., pp. 36-37.
29)Nasu, N. (1988): Repeated Proposal of the construction of Japanese Deep Sea Drilling Vessel and its Utilization. Report. Survey Division of Natural Resources, Science and Technology Agency, 164p., pp. 83-85.
30)Nasu, N. (1990; 1996): Pacific Ocean Floor is approaching toward Japan. POPURA Pub. Co., 137p.
31)Nasu, N. (1991a): Eustatic Sea Level Changes. KAIYO JIHO, Japan Ocean Foundation, n. 63, pp. 14-21.
32)Nasu, N. (1991b): Solid Earth (2nd ed.). University of the Air Press, 206p.
33)Nasu, N. (1993): History of the Ocean Floor. Tokyo Geogra. Soc., v. 102, n. 6, pp. 645-663.
34)Nasu, N. (1996): Solid Earth (in the SCIENCE, ed. by Ohta, Nasu, Komori, Hagiwara and Goto). NIHON HOSO KYOIKU KYOKAI, 318p., pp. 645-663.
35)Nasu, N. (1886): Views Point; Eustatic Sea Level Changes. Science and Technology Journal, KAGAKU GIJUTSU KOHO ZAIDAN, v. 7. n. 5, p7.
36)Nasu, N. (2000a): Closing Remarks. International Ocean Symposium 1999 (ed. by N. Nasu), The Ocean. Can She Save Us? The Nippon Foundation, Original in Japanese, 145p., pp. 140-143; Original in English, 294p., pp. 278-281. (In the occasion of the final remarks on July 29, 1999, the first presentation of the figure to propose "Construction of New Long Wall in low latitude oceans to realize the ideal climatic condition on our Planet.)
37)Nasu, N. (2000b): Proposal of the construction of New Long Wall in low latitude oceans. KAISANKEN News, KAIYO SANGYO KENKYUKAI, n. 39, p. 10.
38)Nasu, N. (2001): The Ocean from Scientific View Point. The proposal of the construction of New Long Wall in low latitude oceans to realize the ideal climatic condition on our Planet. Diplomatic Forum, Toshi Pub. Co., (cooperated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan), n. 156, pp. 42-49.
39)Nasu, N., Honza, E., Fujioka, K. and S. Sato (1979): Leg57. Deep Sea Drilling Result by D/V Glomar Challenger−2. −The discovery of "Oyashio Ancient Landmass−. KAIYOKAGAKU (Ocean Science), KAIYO Pub. Co., v. 11, n. 10, pp. 807-815.
40)Niitsuma, N. et al. (1990a): Marine Geology of the Indian Ocean−Outcome of Ocean Drilling Program−(1). KAIYO (The Ocean), KAIYO Pub. Co., v. 22. n. 5, pp. 239-305.
41)Niitsuma, N. et al. (1990b): Marine Geology of the Indian Ocean−Outcome of Ocean Drilling Program−(2). KAIYO (The Ocean), KAIYO Pub. Co., v. 22, n. 6, pp. 309-371.
42)The Nippon Foundation (2000): International Ocean Symposium 1999 (ed. by N. Nasu), The Ocean. Can She Save Us?. Original in Japanese, 145p.; Original in English, 294p.
43)Okuda, Y., Matsumoto, R. et al. (1994): SYMPOSIUM, Gas Hydrate. CHIKYU (The Earth), KAIYO Pub. Co., v. 16, n. 9, pp. 510-568.
44)Dietz, R. and J. Holden (1971): New Continental Drift Theory (translated by N. Nasu). SCIENCE, NIHONKEIZAI PRESS, v. 0 (first trial edition), pp. 106-119.
45)Sugimura, Arata (1972): Plate boudaries in the vicinity of Japan. IWANAMI KAGAKU (Science), v. 42, n. 4, pp. 192-202.
46)Sugimura, A. (1978): Distribution of the Japanese Island Arc and its two Vlcanic Fronts. IWANAMI KOZA, CHUKYU KAGAKU (Earth Science) n. 10 Changing Earth, −Recent and Quaternary Period−, 269p. pp. 162-166.
47)Taira, A., Kinoshita, H., Kasahara, J. et al. (1992): The Challenge on the New Aspect of the Earth. −Outcome of the International Deep Sea Drilling Program (ODP). CHIKYU (The Earth), KAIYO Pub. Co., Special Issue, n. 6, 311p.
48)Taira, A., Gamou, T., Yamano, M., Kato, Y. and H, Matsuoka (1992): Resultof ODP Leg131, Deep Sea Drilling Project−Penetrated through the accretionary wedge of Nankai Trough−. (in the Challenge on the New Aspect of the Earth. −Outcome of the International Deep Sea Drilling Program (ODP), ed. by Taira, A., Kinoshita, H., Kasahara, J. et al.). CHIKYU (The Earth), KAIYO Pub. Co., Special Issue, n. 6, 311p., pp. 264-267.,
49)Takemura, Toshio (1987): Kurobe River Alluvial Fan, n. 12, pp. 61-66.
50)Tamaki, Kensaku (1992): Results of Deep Sea Drilling Leg127/128 at the Sea of Japan. (in the Challenge on the New Aspect of the Earth. −Outcome of the International Deep Sea Drilling Program (ODP), ed. by Taira. A., Kinoshita, H., Kasahara, J. et al.). CHIKYU (The Earth), KAIYO Pub. Co., Special Issue, n. 6, 311p., pp. 238-244.
51)Cromie, William J. (1964, translatedinto Japanese by N. Nasu in 1966): WHY THE MOHOLE−Adventure in Inner Space−.published by Little Brown & Co., Boston; Japanese edition, "CHIKYUNAIBUNO TANKEN−MOHOLE KEIKAKU-", published by JIJITSUSHIN Pub. Co., 259p.
52)Yoneoka, M., Huji, N., Nasu, N., Fujii, S. and H. Yamamoto (2000): Report of the discovery of submerged forests off the coast of the Matsutou City, Ishikwa Prefecture. The Educational Committee of the Matsutou City, Ishikawa Prefecture, 47p.
(Alphabetical Order)
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009)Broecker, W. S. and G. H. Denton (1990): What drives glacial cycles?. Scientific American, Jan., pp. 43-50.
010)Chapelle. J. and N. J. Shakleton (1986): Oxygen isotopes and sea level. Nature, v. 324, pp. 137-140.
011)Chepelle, J., A. Omura, T. Esat, M. McCulloch, J. Pandolfi, Y. Ota and. Pillans (1996): Reconciliation of late Quaternary sea levels derived from coral terraces at Huon Peninsula with deep sea oxygen isotope records. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 141, pp. 227-236.
012)Cox, A. (1969): Geomagnetic reversals. Science, 163, pp. 237-245.
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016)Dansgaard, W. S., Jhonson, S. J., Clausen, H. B., Dahl-Jansen, D., Gundestrup, N. S., Hammer, C. U., Hvidverg, C. S., Steffensen, J. P., Sveinbj oernsdottir, A. E., Jouzel, J. and G. Bond (1993): Evidence for general instability of past climate from 250-kyr ice-core record. Nature, v. 364 (15, July), pp. 218-220.
017)Dietz, R. S. (1954): Marine geology of North-western Pacific: Description of Japanese Bathymetric Chart 6901. Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., v. 65, pp. 1199-1224.
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021)Dietz, R. S. and J. C. Holden (1970a): Reconstruction of Pangaea: Breakup and dispersion of continents, Permian to Present. Jour. Geophys. Res., v. 75., n. 26., pp. 4939-4950.
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