日本財団 図書館

因みに、英国におけるHague Visby立法は、“Carriage of Goods by Sea Act, 1971”ですが、そのSection 1, sub-section(4)及びsub-section(6)に次の様な規定が有ります。


"(4)..., nothing in this section shall be taken as applying anything in the Rules (筆者注:Hague Visby Rulesのこと) to any contract for the carriage of goods by sea, unless the contract expressly or by implication provides for the issue of a bill of lading or any similar document of title."


"(6)..., the Rules shall have the force of law in relation to -


(a) any bill of lading if the contract contained in or evidenced by it expressly provides that the Rules shall govern the contract,


(b) any receipt which is a non-negotiable document marked as such if the contract contained in or evidenced by it is a contract for carriage of goods by sea which expressly provides that the Rules are to govern the contract as if the receipt were a bill of lading."


この規定でも、SEA WAYBILLの場合、その約款中に、“the Rules are to govern the contract as if the receipt were a bill of lading”という趣旨の明文の規定が無い限り、HAGUE VISBY RULESは、法律としての効力を持たず、従って、たとえ摂取されていても、単なる契約約款の1つに過ぎず、他により明確な約款

(例えば、「(Hague Visby Rulesを摂取した条項の規定に拘わらず、)運送人の過失は免責とする。」など。)







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