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American Automobile Manufacturers Association, “Motor Vehicle Facts & Figures; ”1998.

Automotive News,“1998 Market Data Book,” May 27, 1998:

Heavenrich; RM ., et al ., “Light-Duty Automotive Technology and Fuel Economy Trends Through 1996, ” U.S. Environmental-Protection Agency, August 1996.


Fuel cells for automotive use

Automotive Environment Analyst,. “Zevco launches fuel cell taxis, in London, ”August 1998.

Bloomberg News, “Honda to Develop Fuel Cell Vebicleby2000,”Februaiy5,1999.

Borroni-Bird, Chrisi-0pher E /,“Full cell commercialization issues for light-duty vehicle application, ”Journal of Power Sources61, 1996, pp, 33-48.

The Clean Fuels Report, “Ballard will supply fuel cells for Chrysler concept car by 1999,”June 1997,p.151.

The Clean Fuels Report, “Nissan's Hybrid Electric Fuel Cell Vehicle, ”November 1998,p.103

The Economist, “At last, the fuel cell,” October 25, 1997.

Fuel Cells 2000, http://www.fuelcells.org.

Hart's European Fuels News, “Fuel cell breakthrough,”March.23, 1999.

Kelley, James H,“A Presentation to the Council on Alternative Fuels on the PNGV,” April 29, 1996.

Robinson, Aaron, “Fuel cells still pose thorny problems,”Automotive News, March 29, 1999, p., 40.

Robinson, Aaron, “Methanol-powered minivan puts GM in the fuel-cell race,” Automotive News, October 1999.


Competing technologies

Automotive Environment Analyst, “VW launches Lupo 1 year early,”October1998.

Business Week, “Enviro-cars: The Race is On,” Februarys 8,1999,p.74.

Buss, Dale D., “Holistic Hybrid,” Automotive News Insight, February 23, 1998, p. 44i.

The Clean Fuels Report, “Diesel-Powered Audi Duo Hybrid Reaches Market Maturity,”November 1997, p-173

The Clean Fuels Report, “General Motors Pledges Production-ready Hybrids by 2001,” April 1998, p. 103.

Mitsubishi Motors press release, http://www.mitsubishi-motors.co.jp, March 29,1999.

National Research Council,“Review of the Research Program of the Partnership for a New Generation of Vehicles, Fourth Report, ”1998, p. 7.

Reuters, “New Nissan Models Could Include Hybrid,” April 15, 1998.

Simison, Robert L., “Ford to Start Building Prototypes of ‘Super Car,' ” Wall Street Journal, March 18,1997, p. A4.

Toyota press information, “Direct-Injection 4-stroke Gasoline Engine,” 1996.

Toyota press release, “Toyota Introduces new Passenger Vehicle Hybrid system,”http://www.toyota.co.jp, March 25, 1997.

White, Gregory L., “GM, Isuzu Investing $320 Million to Build Advanced Diesel Engines for GM Pickups,” Wall Street Journal, September 9, 1998.


Fuel options for fuel cell vehicles

American Petroleum Institute, “Alcohols and Ethers: A Technical Assessment of Their Application as Fuels and Fuel Components,” API Publication 4261, 2d ed., July 1988.

Arthur D. Little, Inc., “Fuel Processors for Fuel Cell Power Systems,” Presented at the IQPC Fuel Cell Technology Conference, September 14-15, 1998.

Bentley, J.M., “Fuel Processors for Fuel Cell Power Systems, Arthur .D. Little, Inc., Presentation to CPPI/TSTF and AITF, Toronto, Canada, January 26, 1998.

“Daimler Chrysler says fuel cells are 5 years away,” Automotive News, January 11, 1999,p.3ZBBB.

Kalhammer, Fritz, et al., “Status and Prospects of Fuel Cells as Automobile Engines: A report of the Fuel Cell Technical Advisory Panel,”Prepared. for the State of California Air Resources Board, July 1998.

Moore, R.B., et al., “Hydrogen Infrastructure for Fuel Cell Transportation,” Air Products and Chemicals, Inc., Int. J, Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 23,#7,pp. 617-620,1998.

Robinson, Aaron, “Fuel cells still pose thorny problems, ”Automotive 'News March 29, 1998, p. 40.

Wang, M., et al., “Assessment of PNGV Fuels Infrastructure: Phase 2 Report: Additional Capital Needs and Fuel-Cycle Energy and Emissions Impacts, ”Argonne National Laboratories, August 1998.


Gasoline as a fuel cell fuel

American Petroleum Institute, “Basic Petroleum Data Book: Petroleum Industry Statistics, ”Vol. XVIII NO. 2, July 1998.

Bentley, J.M., “Fuel Processors for Fuel Cell Power Systems, ”Arthur D. Little, Inc., Presentation to CPPI/TSTF and AITF, Toronto, Canada, January 26,1998.

Meyers, Robert A., “Handbook of Petroleum Refining Processes,” 2d ed., 1996, p. 837.

Oil and Gas Journal Data, 1998' ed.


Methanol as a fuel cell fuel

1997 World Methanol Conference.

Ford Motor Company, “Economic, Environmental and Energy Life Assessment of Coal Conversion to Automotive Fuels in Shanxi Province,” July 1997.

Hahn, R.W., “The Economics of Methanol, ”Auto/Oil Air Quality Improvement Research Program, January 1992.

Methanex press release, “Methanex Enters into MOU in Qatar,”November18, 1997.

U.S. Department of Energy, http://www.eia.doe.gov/cneaf/solar.renewables/alt_trans_fuel97/table10.html, June, 1999.


Well-to-wheels efficiency and emissions

American Petroleum Institute Basic Petroleum DataBook, July 1998.

DeLuchi, M. A., “Emissions of Greenhouse Gases From the Use of Transportation Fuels and Electricity,” Argonne National Laboratory, November 1991.

IEA Energy Statistics of OE CD Countries, 1998 ed.

Transportation Energy Data Book, 15th ed, Oak Ridge National Laboratories.


Safety, health and environment

American Petroleum Institute ,.“Transport and Fate of Dissolved Methanol, Methyl-Tertiary-Butyl-Ether, and Monoaromatic Hydrocarbons in. a Shallow Sand Aquifer,” American Petroleum-Institute Publication Number 4601,April 1994.

Environmental Protection Agency, “Analysis of the Economic and Environmental Effects of Methanol as an Automotive Fuel,”September 1989, p. 70.

Health Effects Institute, “Automotive Methanol Vapors and Human Health: An Evaluation of Existing Scientific. Information and issues for Future Research,” May 1987.

Litovitz, T., MD, “Acute Exposure to Methanol in Fuels: A Prediction of Ingestion Incidence and Toxicity, ”National Capital Poison Center; October31, 1988.

Machiele, PA., “Metbanol Fuel Safely: A Comparative Study .of M100, M85, Gasoline, and Diesel Fuel as Motor Vehicle Fuels, ”EPA-AA-SDSB-90-01, November 1990.

Machiele, P.A, “Summary of the Fire Safety Impact of Methanol as a Transportation Fuel,”SAE Technical Paper Series 901113, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency May 1-4, 1990.


Crude oil and natural gas resources

American Petroleum Institute, “Basic Petroleum Data Book: Petroleum Industry Statistics,” Vol. Xキキ N0.2, July 1998.

Exxon Corporation, “Deepwater Solutions, ”June 1998.

McCabe, Peter J., “Energy Resources -Cornucopia or Empty Barrel?” American Association of Petroleum Geologists, November.1998.

Oil and Gas journal, “Worldwide look at reserves and production,” Vol. 95, December 29, 1997, pp.38-39.




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