日本財団 図書館


○ MSC72/23 para.11.12-11.14

11.12 The Committee adopted proposed amendments to the BC Code (annex 4 to document DSC 5/13) and approved their dissemination as MSC/Circ.962.

11.13 The Committee endorsed the Sub-Committee's action on the revision of the format of the BC Code.

11.14 The Committee endorsed the re-establishment of the DSC Sub-Committee's correspondence groups on the evaluation of the liquefaction potential of solid bulk cargoes and on the review of the BC Code.


○ MSC72/23 para.21.16

21.16 With regard to the proposed change of the title of the item on "Cargo securing manual" to "Cargo stowage and securing", the Committee agreed to reconsider the issue at MSC 73 and invited Member Governments to submit proposals/comments on this matter.

○ MSC73/21 para.18.8

18.8 Having recalled its decision to reconsider the DSC 5's proposal to change the title of the item on "Cargo securing manual" to "Cargo stowage and securing" at this session, the Committee considered document MSC 73/18/1 (Secretariat) providing background information on the proposed change of the work programme item's title and document MSC 73/18/9 (Norway) supporting such a change. The Committee decided to retain the item's title "Cargo securing manual" and advised the Sub-Committee that, in dealing with this item, the Sub-Committee could address only small additional issues.


○ MSC73/21 para.7.28 & 14.9

7.28 The Committee endorsed the Sub-Committee's instruction to the Secretariat to issue regular FSI circulars containing information on casualties, collected and prepared by the Secretariat and updated on a regular basis on the IMO Bulletin Board System/Secure Internet.


○ MSC72/23 para.21.18

21.18 The work programme of the Sub-Committee, as revised and approved by the Committee, is set out in annex 26.

○ MSC73/21 para.15.5 & 15.6

15.5 The Committee noted that, owing to lack of time, DSC 5 had decided (DSC 5/13, paragraph 8.4) to defer to DSC 6 the consideration of document DSC 5/8 (ICHCA) which had been submitted to MSC 72 as well (MSC 72/18/2). In their submission, ICHCA suggested that IMO collaborate with ILO to achieve the implementation of the IMDG Code by shore-side cargo interests involved in the packing and shipping of cargoes of dangerous goods.

15.6 Following discussion, the Committee requested the Secretary-General to communicate with the Director-General of ILO informing him of the outcome of the Committee's consideration concerning the mandatory application of the IMDG Code and, in this context, explore possible avenues for future co-operation. In addition, the Committee decided to refer document MSC 72/18/2 to DSC 6 for detailed consideration, taking into account the Committee's decision relevant to the mandatory application of the IMDG Code, and advice to MSC 75.



○ MSC72において本マニュアルを作成することが合意された。DSC6においてSPI-WGにより提案されたマニュアル(FAL29/12 annex 2)を考慮し、本件について検討するよう要請されている。

○ MSC72/23 para.4.17及び21.17

4.16 The Committee agreed to amendments to the draft FAL/MSC circular on Safety at solid bulk cargo terminals, prepared by FAL 27 (MSC 72/2/3, annex 3), as proposed by the working group in order to bring attention to the relevant provisions of the BLU Code (annex to MSC 72/WP.9), and approved FAL/Circ.91/MSC/Circ.947 on Safe loading and unloading of bulk carriers: ship/terminal interface (Requirements for terminal operators).




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