日本財団 図書館


Profile of Performers






Yokohama Brass Ensemble


Established in 1995 by Taizo Okuyama trumpeter at Tokyo Kosei Wind Orchestra, Chisato Abe assistant at Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music and FerrisWomen's University, Takato Saijo horner at Tokyo Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra, and Wataru Ikegami trombonist at Tokyo Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra and Yoshinori Kashiwada tuba at Tokyo City Philharmonic Orchestra. After they spent one year for preparation, they gave their first recital at Philia Hall in Aobadai, Yokohama. Since then they have given a recital annually. In 1998 they appeared in NHK FM recital. At Tsuzuki Nakamachidai District Center, Yokohama, they have given a lobby concert for seven times. They have held concerts at various places including clinics for patients and win popularity.









幼少よりピアノや聖歌隊合唱に親しみ、14歳より崎元譲にハーモニカを師事。16歳で単身渡米、様々な創作活動を行う。93年国内コンクールで優勝、95年世界コンクールチャンピオンとなり注目を浴びた。その後渡英しT・ライリーのもとで研鑚を積む。現在は国内外の演奏会、音楽物語の創作や新作の委嘱初演などを行う。2000年FONTECよりCD「GOLDEN GIRL」をリリース。


KOBAYASHI Shim (Harmonica)


Since her early childhood she has been familiar with piano and choir. At fourteen she started to study harmonica under Yuzuru Sakimoto. After she went to the US by herself, she started various creative activities. She drew public attention, because she won the championship at domestic contest in 1993 and at world contest in 1995. After that she went to England and studied under Terry Riley. Currently she gives concerts both in Japan and abroad, creates musical tales and performs premieres. Her CD "Golden Girl" was released from Fontec label this year.






長崎県出身。沢井忠夫、沢井一恵に師事。高崎芸術短期大学専攻科首席卒業。1992年Sound Symposium '92(カナダ)に参加。94年文化庁芸術インターンシップ研修生に選ばれる。95年第12回インターリンクフェスティバルに出演。98年3月ブッチ・モリスのコンダクションアメリカツアーに参加。沢井忠夫合奏団団員、KOTO VORTEXやモノフォニー・コンソートのメンバー。


MARUTA Miki (Koto)


Born in Nagasaki. She studied Koto under Tadao Sawai and Kazue Sawai. She graduated from Takasaki Art College, special study course, as the most excellent student of the year. In 1992 she participated in Sound Symposium 1992 in Canada. In 1994 she was selected as an artistic internship student of the Agency for Cultural Affairs. In 1995 she appeared in the 12th Inter Link Festival. In March, 1998, she participated in the conduction America tour of Butch Morris. Now she belongs to Sawai Tadao Ensemble, Koto Vortex and Monophony Consort.








MIZOIRI Keizo (Contrabass)


After he graduated from Tokyo National University of Fine Arts & Music in 1978, he has been a double bass player mainly in contemporary music. In 1990 Darmstadt International Music Laboratory awarded him Kranich-Steiner Award. From 1995 to 1996 he studied at the University of California, San Diego, as a scholar in art of the Agency for Cultural Affairs. In 1990 Japan Contemporary Music Association awarded him the New Face Prize on the field of Composition. In 1999 his piece "the Change" was premiered at Asian Composition League in Indonesia.









TANI Atsushi (Bass)


He acquired a master s degree at the graduate school of Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music. As a singer, his range of tunes covers Japanese, French. Italian and Russian. He can sing from Baritone to Countertenor. He premiered many works written in Japanese. He produced his independent performance, "Whereabouts of the song" and "A song for a brand-new egg" and performed other works. He often gave a guest performance in new operas at Konnyakuza. He recited a collection of Toru Takemitsu's essay at NHK Radio. Currently he is a part-time lecturer at his Alma Mater and Saitama University.




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