日本財団 図書館

Appendix 8-3
Session 8. SYLFF Program Self-Study: Consideration of a network-wide self-study
 During the past two decades, a systematic, network-wide review of the core functions of the SYLFF Program-fund management, fellowship program administration and promotion of SYLFF follow-up programs-has not been conducted. Both The Nippon Foundation (the donor) and The Tokyo Foundation (the program administrator) wish to engage all SYLFF-endowed institutions in such a review in FY2007 (April 1, 2007〜March 31, 2008) based on the following objectives.
1. Review SYLFF Steering Committee practices which relate to:
a. Fund management, including capital investment, allocation and disbursement of disposable income.
b. Fellowship program administration, including promotion, announcement, selection and guidance of SYLFF fellows.
c. Promotion and facilitation of SYLFF follow-up programs, including the SYLFF Fellows Mobility Program (FMP), Joint Initiatives Program (JIP), SYLFF Network Program (SNP), SYLFF Regional Forums, SYLFF Prize, and Program Development Award (PDA), with prospective, currently enrolled and graduated SYLFF fellows, and the university community-at-large.
2. Identify effective practices and less effective practices in relation to item 1.a., 1.b. and 1.c. above, which SYLFF Steering Committees wish to alter.
3. Examine the underlying factors of effective/less effective practices, and consider concrete ways in which less effective practices can be altered and, therefore, improved by the respective SYLFF institutions and the Scholarship Division.
 In the ongoing practice and spirit of the SYLFF Program, the Scholarship Division proposes taking a utilization-focused, self-study approach. That is, an approach which,
1. Seeks information and feedback from the "users" (SYLFF Steering Committees) and in ways which are directly related to enhancing and improving practices by the "users" and the Scholarship Division, and
2. Takes a participatory approach (rather than evaluation or assessment by external "experts")
 The Scholarship Division will be requesting all SYLFF Steering Committees to complete a survey form and respond to a set of items that are being designed to generate useful feedback.
Tentative timeline
Mid-January 2007
Presentation of the self-study concept and plan
April 2007
Self-study survey form and guidelines disseminated to all SYLFF-endowed institutions
October 2007
Submission of institution-based self-study reports
December 2007
Draft summary of institution-based self-study reports circulated to all SYLFF institutions for review and comment
January 2008
Submission of comments and suggestions
March 2008
Summary published and disseminated (see next section, Outputs)
(Concrete products, such as written reports and activity)
(Anticipated results)
1. Institution-based self-study reports by SYLFF Steering Committees
1-a. Enhanced fund management, and and administration of SYLFF fellowship and follow-up programs for the benefit of the institution and prospective, currently enrolled and graduated SYLFF fellows
1-b. Consideration by SYLFF Steering Committees to submit proposals to the Scholarship Division to revise Appendix 2. Objectives and Scope of the Program to better meet institutional and student needs and priorities
1-c. Increased visibility of the SYLFF Program throughout the respective SYLFF institutions
1-d. Increased competitiveness for SYLFF fellowships
2. Summary of institution-based, self-study reports prepared and disseminated by the Scholarship Division to all SYLFF institutions, International Advisory Committee, The Nippon Foundation (donor) and The Tokyo Foundation (program administrator), including case studies of effective practices
2-a. Learning from the experiences of other SYLFF institutions
2-b. Implementation of new approaches to announcement, selection and follow-up of new SYLFF fellows; and
and to promotion and facilitation of SYLFF follow-up programs and activities
2-c. Strengthening of the SYLFF fellowship program
2-d. Increased transparency of the SYLFF fellowship program
3. Increased understanding of the core Functions of the SYLFF Program
4. Apply lessons learned during the implementation of this proposed self-study to assessment of SYLFF specific follow-up programs (from FY2008 onwards)
3. Revision of the Operational Guidelines for the Administration of the SYLFF Fund (March 1996)
1. Streamlining annual reporting procedures and implementation
2. Systematizing fund management and Program administration
4. Panel presentation during the next SYLFF Program Administrators' Meeting in FY2008
1. Introduce the self-study to all SYLFF Program administrators and solicit their participation
* * *
Kindly direct queries about the proposed self-study to:
Ellen Mashiko, Executive Director, Scholarship Division
The Tokyo Foundation
E-mail: mashiko@tkfd.or.jp cc: sugai@tkfd.or.jp
Facsimile: +81-3-6229-5507

