1. Description
Kind of ship: RO-RO & Passenger Ferry
Type of ship: Twin screws and twin main engines with twin deck hull
Kind of cargo: Container or Truck
Classifications: NK (NS* MNS*)
Navigation area: Not - International, Coasting service (South Thailand including Andaman sea)
Gross tonnage: About 3,200 tons
Dead weight: About 1,000 tons
Flag: Thailand
2. Rules and regulation
The vessel including its hull, machinery equipment and propulsion machinery shall designed, manufactured and built under the survey of Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (NK).
The vessel to be registered under the flag of Thailand.
The following Rules and Regulations to be applied for construction of the vessel,
1) Rules and regulation of the classification society.
2) International convention on tonnage measurement of ship (1969)
3) Convention on the international regulations for preventing collision at sea, 1972) as amended in 1981
4) International telecommunication radio regulations, 1974 including 1978 amendment
5) Protocol of 1978 relating to the international convention for the prevention of pollutions from ships, 1973, as amended in 1981
6) International convention on load lines, 1966
7) Regulations for Life saving and Fire fighting of Passenger vessel (Category II (Not International)) by the Japanese Government
8) Recommendation on Intact stability of cargo ship by IMO resolution A.685
* Safety communication
system shall comply correspondingly with GMDSS of the SOLAS policy.
3. Spare parts
Spare parts to be supplied in accordance with the requirement of the classification society, builder's practice and manufacturer's standard.
4. Owners supplies
1) All spares and gears over and above the rule requirement and other builder's standard.
2) Inventories such as carpenter's and boatswain's stores above the builder's standard.
3) Saloon wares, galley and mess utensils, blankets, cloths, linen, crockery, silver wares, books, charts, medicine, bandages and other consumable stores.
4) All fastening and cargo lashings for carriage of special cargoes in excess of those specified with particularity herein.
5) Water, fuel oil, lubricants and grease, working oil for deck machinery, all consumable liquids or gas including remaining LO. in pipe etc., to be of Owner's account excepting those which have been consumed trails and tests, which are to be borne by the builder.
5. Principal particulars
Length over all: About 93.25 m
Length B.P.: 85.00 m
Breadth (mld.): 16.00 m
Depth (mld.): 11.00 m (Super structure deck), 6.00 m (Upper deck)
Draft: 4.50 m
6. Loading capacities
Fuel oil: About 100 m3
Fresh water tank: About 30 m3
7. Deck height and strength
Deck height: Upper deck - Superstructure deck = 5.00 m
Deck Capacity: Truck (B=2490 × L=12000 × H=380O): 17
Container (20 feet, B=2440 × L=6060 × H=2590): 36
* Deck capacity capable of only truck or container
8. Speed and endurance
Service speed: About 12knots
At design draft, normal output of main engine with 15% S.M.
Endurance About 3000 sea miles
Based on 10% fuel oil tank capacity margin and service speed
9. Complements
Passenger: 150 persons
Officer: 8 persons
Crew: 12 persons
Total: 170 persons
10. Deck machinery
Steering gear: Electro hydraulic driven, with 100% × 2sets motor × 1 set
Windlass: Hydraulic driven, CW × 2, HD × 2, WE × 2 × 1 set
Auto tensioning device not to be provided
Mooring winch: Hydraulic driven, HD × 1,WE × 1 × 2 sets
Auto tensioning device not to be provided
Fore ramp winch: Hydraulic driven × 1 set
Stern ramp winch: Hydraulic driven × 1 set
Hydraulic pump unit: Electric driven for Windlass and fore ramp winch × 1 set
Electric driven for Mooring winch and stern ramp winch × 1 set
11. Shore ramp
Fore ramp: Type: Hinged type with flap
Number: 1 set
Dimension: About L=11.5 m (incl. Flap) × B=6.0m
Design load: 30 tons container chassis
Stern ramp: Type: Hinged type with flap
Number: 1 set
Dimension: About L=15.0 m (incl. Flap) × B=6.0m
Design load: 30 tons container chassis
12. Anchor & anchor chain etc.
Bower anchor: Stockless type × 2 sets
Anchor chain cable: Grade 2 type × 1 set
Tow line: Steel wire rope (6 × 12) × 1 set
Mooring line: Polypropylene × 4 sets
13. Accommodation ladder
Accommodation ladder: Shall not be installed (Using by ramp way)
14. Life saving appliances
Life raft: Inflatable for 25P × 8 sets
Launching appliance: For life raft × 2 sets
Fast rescue boat: With launching appliance × 1 set
Life buoy: 6 sets
Life jacket: For adult × 200 sets, for children × 30 sets
Life saving appliances: 1 set (Rocket parachute flare, Rocket star signal, etc.)
15. Windows
Wheelhouse front & side: Fixed type
Accommodation: Fixed type
16. Air conditioning & ventilation system
Air conditioning unit: Low velocity, Central unit, single duct system
(R-22 ref. compressor, Condenser S.W. cooled, Supply fan)
Design condition
Outside |
Inside |
Sea water |
Summer |
32℃, 70%RH |
27℃, 50%RH |
32℃, |
Galley: Mechanical ventilation system
Lavatory: Mechanical ventilation system
Cargo hold: Mechanical ventilation system (20times/hour)
Engine room: Mechanical ventilation system
17. Fire fighting system
Fire pump: 2 sets
Emergency fire pump: 1 set
Fire hose and nozzle: 1 set (suitable numbers)
CO2 fire extinguishing system: 1 set for RO-RO area and engine room
Portable fire extinguisher: 1 set (for RO-RO area, engine room and accommodation)
Fireman outfit: 2 sets
Fire detecting system: 1 set for RO-RO area
18. Refrigerated provision chamber
Chamber capacity & temperature
Capacity |
Temperature |
Freezer |
About 16 m3 |
-18℃ |
Chiller |
About 16 m3 |
+2℃ |
Refrigerate compressor: 3.0 kW electric driven × 2 sets (1 set stand-by)
19. Accommodation
All living rooms for total number of complement to be provided as follows,
Officer's class: Single berth cabin × 8
Crew's class: Double berths cabin × 6
Wheelhouse with chart space and radio space, Mess room, Pantry, Galley, Ref. chamber, Laundry, Lavatory, A/C room, provision store, locker, etc. to be suitable arranged.
20. Galley & laundry equipment
Cooking range: Electric × 1 set
Water boiler: Electric × 1 set
Disposer: Electric × 1 set
Washing machine: Electric domestic type × 2 sets
21. Painting
Preparation of surface:
Painted plate surface of shell and deck to be coated one (1) coat of zinc silicate wash primer immediately after shot blasting.
Painting schedule |
Bottom |
2 - PEAC, 2 - TEPCA (1.0 years life) |
-Abbreviations- PEAC (Pure epoxy anti-corrosive) TFPCA (Tributyl tin free-polishing copolymer anti-fouling) NBTE (Non tar blead tar epoxy) EPFC (Epoxy finish coat) PE (Pure epoxy) TE (Tar epoxy) HB (High build type) ACV (Anti-corrosive varnish) |
Boot top |
2 - PEAC, 2 - TEPCA (1.0 years life) |
Top side |
1 - NBTE, 1 - EPFC |
Exposed deck |
1 - NBTE, 1 - EPFC |
Enclosed deck & bulkhead |
1 - NBTE |
RO-RO area |
1 - NBTE |
Fresh water tank |
1 - PE |
Water ballast tank |
1 - TE (HB) |
Fuel oil tank |
1 - ACV |
Other |
Conventional paint |
22. Main engine
Type & No.: 4 cycle, medium speed, trunk piston, turbocharged marine diesel
engine with reverse / reduction gear and clutch × 2 sets
Rating (M.C.R.): About 735 kW (About 1,000 PS)
(C.S.R): About 625 kW (About 850 PS)
Fuel oil: Diesel oil
23. Propeller
Type & No.: 4 bladed, fixed pitch type × 2 sets
Material: Nickel aluminum bronze
24. Electric generator
Type & No.: Diesel engine driven × 2 sets
Voltage: A.C. 385 V, 50 Hz
25. Generator engine & Switch board
Type of No.: 4 cycle diesel engine × 2 sets
Fuel oil: Diesel oil
Main switch board: Dead front type × 1 set
26. Emergency generator
Emergency generator: Diesel engine driven × 1 set
27. Electric interior communication and Navigation equipment
Magnetic compass: Reflector type × 1 set
Gyro compass and auto pilot: Combined type × 1 set
Echo sounder: 1 set
Doppler speed log: 1 set
Radar: 21 inch C.R.T. X 2 sets
GPS navigator: 1 set
Weather facsimile recorder: 1 set
Wind direction and speed indicator: 1 set
Air horn: 1 set
Automatic exchange telephone: 1 set
Common battery telephone: 1 set
Portable radio telephone: 1 W, 400 MHz, FM personal radio for onboard
communication × 3sets
Public addressor: 1 set
Engine telegraph: 1 set
Rudder angle indicator: 1 set
Main engine revolution indicator: 1 set
Fire alarm system: 1 set
Automatic identification system (AIS) 1 set
28. Radio communication equipment
MF / HF radio communication: 250 W × 1 set
VHF radio telephone: 2 sets
Inmarsat C system: 1 set
NAVTEX receiver: 1 set
VHF two-way radio telephone: 3 sets
406 MHz EPIRB: 1 set
Radar transponder: 2 sets
Note: All other details not mentioned herein to be provided in accordance with Builder's standard and practice.
about 93.25m |
85.00m |
16.00m |
6.00m |
11.00m |
4.50m |
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