II 国・海域別調査等
5 バルト海におけるAISネットワーク整備の進捗状況について
1 開催日
2 開催地
3 参加国
4 会議結果概要
イ ヘルコムAISデモンストレーション(HAD)で使用されるAIS情報のフォーマット
ロ 交換される情報−静的情報、動的情報、航海関連情報
ハ インターネットをデモンストレーション用の情報通信手段として活用すること。情報を必要とする国が、相手国にログインして情報を入手する。
イ ラトビア、ロシアを除き、いずれの国も2003年末までには整備完了。
ロ ラトビアは設備のレンタルを検討中。
ハ ロシアは2局の内1局は2003年4月末までに終了、他の一局も財政的手当てを検討中。
イ フィンランドのAIS整備状況 基地局19局整備済み、2004年末までに更に38局整備予定。フィンランドのVTSネットワークは49基のレーダー・センサーを含む6つの主要なVTS局で構成される。
ロ ノルウェーのAIS整備の現状等
A ノルウェー沿岸から沖合いに至る船舶交通をカバーするAISネットワーク及び交通管理システムの整備計画に基づき、2003年にはノルウェー南部、2004年には北部を整備予定。
B ノルウェーは、バルト海から大西洋向けのタンカーが何時ノルウェー南側海域を航行するのか出来るだけ早く知るため、HAD、ひいてはバルト海AIS監視システムとの共有に興味を表明。
I バルト海沿岸の航路の改善
II Rout Tとthe Soundにおけるパイロット使用の拡大
III 水路保全業務の促進確保と電子航海図の利用に係る方策の採択
IV AISの利用の拡大
HELSINKI COMMISSION - Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission |
Expert Working Group for Mutual Exchange and Deliveries of AIS data (AIS EWG)
AIS EWG 4/2003 Document No.3/Rev.1
Fourth Meeting Helsinki, Finland 8-9 January 2003
9 January 2003
1. The Fourth Meeting of the Expert Working Group for Mutual Exchange and Deliveries of AIS data (AIS EWG) was held in Helsinki, Finland, on 8-9 January 2003, on the basis of the Report of the Third Meeting of the Expert Working Group (AIS EWG 3/2002, Document No.4/Rev.1).
2. The Meeting was attended by Delegations from Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Russia and Sweden. Mr. Jon-Leon Ervik from the Norwegian National Coastal Administration participated as an invited guest. The List of Participants is attached as Annex 1.
3. Mr. Benny Pettersson from Sweden, Chairman of the Expert Working Group, acted as Chairman of the Meeting. Ms. Anne Christine Brusendorff, Professional Secretary of the Commission, acted as Secretary of the Meeting.
4. The Agenda of the Meeting is attached as Annex 2.
5. In his opening remarks the Chairman stated that the outcomes of the 76th session of the Maritime Safety Committee and the SOLAS Conference were of relevance for the work of the AIS EWG. More concretely it had been decided to put forward the date for fitting AIS transponders on ships of 300 tonnes and above and in international voyages to be finalized by 31 December 2004. The SOLAS Conference had highlighted the role of the port as part of the ships' security, an aspect which should be taken into account when considering for which applications national competent authorities should allow access to national AIS data in the common AIS Baltic Sea monitoring system. The sinking of the Prestige had fuelled a lot of discussion and had emphasized the importance of actions to improve the safety of navigation.
6. The Delegation of Finland made a presentation of the ETA-log Project part of the Finnish PortNet maritime information system (in the following abbreviated "the system"). The nucleus of the system is the elaboration of advance timetables for ships' traffic. The system is made up on the basis of information from different sources and thus enables the simultaneous handling and display of information from different sensor systems. Besides this system, various other systems have been established relating to icebreaker services, pilotage services, AIS, VTS and statistics on ships. The Delegation further informed that Finland had 19 AIS land-based stations and further planned 38 to be established before the end of 2004. The Finnish VTS network consisted of 6 major VTS stations, including 49 radar sensors (100 if also including the military sensors).
7. The Meeting took note of the presentation by the Delegation of Finland and noted that with the establishment of the EU Safesea Net every country would need to have a system similar to the Finnish PortNet maritime information system.
8. The Delegation of Sweden informed about the work carried out intersessionally concerning the establishment of common principles for the exchange of AIS data in the HELCOM AIS demonstrator as well as the format for the data exchange. Proposals concerning these two issues had been circulated via e-mail of 21 October 2002. Based on the comments received the Delegation considered that the proposals had been approved.
9. The Meeting agreed that for the exchange of data in the HELCOM AIS demonstrator the format specified in IEC 61993-2 shall be used. This format is based on an encapsulation of the ITU-R M.1371-1 radio message (a full description of the format is given in the SAAB Transponder Tech document 7000 106 014, available as a restricted document in the HELCOM DPS under the folder: AIS EWG 4, 2003).
10. The Meeting further agreed that the messages to be transferred are those covering static, dynamic and voyage related data, covering messages 1, 2, 3 and 5. These messages, defined in the ITU-R Recommendation M.1371-1 are also described in the above-mentioned SAAB Transponder Tech document 7000 106 014.
11 . The Meeting furthermore agreed to use Internet for the running of the demonstrator as the data communication means, using the TCP/IP protocol. A country, A, requesting AIS information from another country. B, will log on to a server in country B. The server will send national AIS data, according to a national filter, until it receives a log off command or the connection is broken. A description of the log on/log off procedure is described in the SAAB Transponder Tech document "NMR Client Application Programmers Interface", document id 7000 101-185 C (this document was attached to the e-mail of 21 October 2002 from Rolf Zetterberg, Swedish Maritime Administration, and will be made available as a restricted document in the HELCOM DPS under the folder: AIS EWG 4, 2003).
12. The Meeting adopted the draft action and time plan, as contained in Annex 3, for the establishment of the HELCOM AIS demonstrator and for the future work of the HELCOM AIS EWG.
13. The Meeting discussed the necessity to encrypt AIS data, on national servers, to be made available through the HELCOM AIS demonstrator. The Meeting noted the recommendation by Sweden that there is no need for such encryption and that Sweden will make its national AIS data available in the HELCOM AIS demonstrator without encryption.
14. The Meeting noted that Sweden in the nearest future will submit a form to be filled in by those countries interested in accessing Swedish AIS data. Once filled-in and returned to Sweden, access will be obtained.
15. The Meeting welcomed the kind offer of TRANSAS EURASIA LTD to provide, during the life time of the HELCOM AIS demonstrator, software needed to be able to display AIS data. The Meeting requested interested countries to contact Mr. Michail Kirilin (Michail.Kirilin@transas.com, phone: +7 812 3253131, fax: +7 812 5679455).
16. In order to be able to assess the progress in establishing the HELCOM AIS demonstrator Sweden asked each country present to inform about their plans to establish national AIS servers, to which other countries would be given access.
・Denmark: a national server will be established by the end of 2003;
・Estonia: a national server will be established by the first half of 2003;
・Finland: a national server will be established by the first quarter of 2003;
・Latvia: will be interested to learn about possibilities to rent equipment;
・Lithuania: a national server will be established by the end of 2003;
・Russia: will establish two national servers; one in the St. Petersburg area and one in the Kaliningrad area. The St. Petersburg server will be established by the end of April 2003. Feasibility studies for the port of Kaliningrad have already been elaborated for this purpose and only the financial issue needs to be settled.
17. The Meeting found that the establishment of the HELCOM AIS demonstrator is well under way. The Meeting stressed the possibility for a country to join to the demonstrator with national AIS data whenever it is ready, and underlined that there is always a possibility for a country to lock up to the demonstrator and access AIS data from other countries.
18. The Delegation of Denmark presented possible software solutions for the elaboration of statistics on ships' traffic in the Baltic Sea area. Existing systems used by the Danish Ministry of Fisheries for tracking fishing vessels in Danish waters, and exchanged with other EU Member States, and by the Danish navy for exchange of information with other NATO countries were given as examples. There was also a possibility that the Royal Danish Administration of Navigation and Hydrography developed a specific tailor-made system. The Delegation stressed that the final solution should be independent of national AIS data systems, and mentioned as one example a XML solution. The Delegation offered to give a presentation at the next AIS EWG meeting on the use of a HELCOM database (to be located on a server in Denmark) for the storing of historical Baltic AIS data, to be used for the elaboration of ships' statistics as well as accessible, on the basis of username and password, to competent national authorities.
19. The Meeting stressed that while the technical solution for how to elaborate statistics did not seem to be a problem, the challenge would be how to best utilize all the information available in the common AIS Baltic Sea monitoring system. The Meeting further stressed that before storing the data in a HELCOM database it was important to have an idea of the purposes for which the data would be made use of.
20. The Meeting took note of a presentation by the invited guest from Norway on the Norwegian plans for building up an AIS network and traffic control system, covering the coastline and the off-shore traffic. The AIS network will be installed in the Southern part of Norway by 2003 and in the Northern part of Norway by 2004.
21. The Meeting acknowledged the interest of Norway in accessing the HELCOM AIS demonstrator, and later on the common AIS Baltic Sea monitoring system, in order to know as early as possible when an oil tanker leaving the Baltic, and heading for the Atlantic, will pass the Southern part of the Norwegian coast. The Meeting also stressed the interest of the Baltic Sea States in accessing Northern Norwegian AIS information, in order to get information on ships heading for the Baltic. The Meeting noted that a connection between Swedish and Norwegian AIS networks already exists. For these purposes the Meeting decided to allow Norway to join the demonstrator and later on the common AIS Baltic Sea monitoring system.
22. The Meeting further elaborated on which competent authorities and for what purposes these shall be allowed to use retrieved AIS data from the common AIS Baltic monitoring system, as outlined in Annex 4.
23. The Meeting decided to arrange its fifth meeting on 29-30 April 2003 in Copenhagen, Denmark, starting and ending at 12:30 p.m. In advance of this meeting Sweden offered to elaborate a draft agreement relating to the access to the common AIS Baltic monitoring system as well as to show, during the meeting, the HELCOM demonstrator, displaying AIS data from at least Sweden and Finland. The meeting should also discuss the configuration of the HELCOM server, based on a proposal by Denmark and Sweden, to be submitted in advance of the meeting.
24. The Meeting adopted the draft Report of the Meeting, as contained in AIS EWG 4/2003, Document No.3.