Topics of Discussion
・The Port Security Context
・Port Security Mission
・AIS Contributions
・LA/LB Illustration
・AIS Current Issues
・“The Port Security Context”−我々USCGが何故米国内の港湾のセキュリティに関心を持っているか
・“Port Security mission”−港湾のセキュリティに関するUSCGの業務内容と今後AISはどのように活用され得るのか
・“AIS Contribution”−今後、同種の対応を行う場合のAIS活用の可能性
・“LA/KB illustration”−ロサンジェルス・ロングビーチ両港のAIS活用に係るケース・スタディ
・AIS Current Issues-AISが今必要とする事項
かつて、私はNational Defense Universityで「自国のセキュリティ確保のための戦略(HSS)」の要素として、「軍事力(military power)」「外交力(diplomatic power)」、「経済力(economic power)」の3つがあり、軍事力としては戦争に行かなくても目的を達成できる技術の開発を、外交力が戦略として最も重要な要素であることを、経済の重要性と自国の目的達成のためどのように経済力を活用するかをそれぞれ学んだ。
HSSについては、ここ数年において、HSSを構成する要素の見直しが行われてきた。右は昨年九月の同時多発テロ以前に前長官M.Loy氏とCap.Robert G.Ross氏が共著し、昨年10月に公表された論文*において「行政権限(Civil Authority)」をHSSの要素の一つとして取り込むべき旨主張している。現在我々が直面している脅威は、国内的なものではない。それは単純な犯罪以上のもので軍事行動を必要とするようなものであり、それを念頭においた上で「Civil Authority」の必要性を説いている。
Coast Guard Missions and Authorities
At Home
Search & Rescue
Vessel & Port Safety
Fisheries Enforcement
Environmental Protection
Boating Safety
Maritime Security
Force Protection
Waterways Management
Drug Enforcement
Law Enforcement
Migrant Interdiction
Force Protection
National Defense
All CG activities within a port area can be categorized into one or more of the CG's five strategic goals:
・Maritime Safety: Eliminate deaths, injuries, and property damage associated with maritime transportation, fishing, and recreational boating.
Maritime Security: Protect our maritime borders from all intrusions by halting the flow of illegal drugs, aliens, and contraband into this county through maritime routes.
Protection of Natural Resources: Eliminate environmental damage and natural resource degradation associated with all maritime activities, including transportation, commercial fishing, and recreational boating.
Maritime Mobility: Facilitate maritime commerce and eliminate interruptions and impediments to the economical movement of goods and people, while maximizing recreational access to and enjoyment of the water.
National Defense: Defend the nation as one of the five U.S. Armed Services.
Primary Port Security Legal Authorities
1915 |
14 USC § 1 |
CG Designated Armed Service |
1917 |
50 USC § 191 |
Espionage Act |
1941 |
14 USC § 91 |
Safety of Naval Vessels |
1950 |
50 USC § 191 |
Magnuson Act |
1972 |
33 USC §§1221 to 1236 |
Ports and Waterways Safety Act |
1986 |
33 USC §1226 |
Ports and Waterways Safety Act - Antiterrorism |
While many of the Coast Guard's authorities can be traced back to the First Congress, in 1915 when the present day Coast Guard was created, it was specifically stated that, "The Coast Guard shall be a military service and branch of the armed forces of the United States at all times." (14 USC 1 [1915]). The Coast Guard also has the duty to "enforce ... all applicable Federal laws on, under, and over the high seas and waters subject to the jurisdiction of the United States...." (14 USC §2)
Espionage Act [1917] is an extremely broad authority to control vessel operations. It is applicable only after the President declares a national emergency by reason of actual or threatened war, insurrection, invasion, or disturbance or threatened disturbance of the international relations of the United States. This authority is enforceable within the navigable waters of the U.S. out to 3 nm from the baseline.
Under 14 USC § 91 Safety of naval vessels, the Coast Guard "may control the anchorage and movement of any vessel in the navigable waters [internal waters and territorial sea out to 3 nm from the baseline] of the United States to ensure the safety or security of any United States naval vessel in those waters [1941]. Following the Sept 11 attack, Commander, CG Atlantic Area issued temporary regulations that required a 500-yd regulated area surrounding US Navy vessels at all times. All vessels are required to operate at the minimum speed necessary to maintain a safe course and proceed as directed by an official patrol; no vessel or person is allowed within 100 yds of a US Navy vessel unless authorized by the official patrol. When reps of CG are unavailable/unable to enforce these requirements, the CO of the Navy vessel will enforce them.
The Magnuson Act [1950] is a broad authority to control vessel operations and is often used to create threat-based Security Zones. This authority is used to safeguard vessels, harbors, ports and waterfront facilities from sabotage or other subversive acts, accidents or other causes of a similar nature. This authority is enforceable within the navigable waters of the U.S. out to 3 nm from the baseline.
33 USC 1221 to 1236 The Ports and Waterways Safety Act [1972] contains various port security authorities that a COTP can exercise including:
・Captain of the Port (COTP) Orders. Directed to a specific vessel, facility, or individual in order to: restrict or stop vessel operations; require specific actions to be taken; deny a vessel further entry to port until a deficiency is corrected, or detain a vessel in port. This authority is enforceable within the navigable waters of the U.S. out to 12 nm from the baseline.
・Safety Zones. Established for the protection of vessels, structures, waterways, and shore areas; established for general safety and environmental protection purposes. It may be described by fixed limits, or it may be a zone around a vessel in motion. This authority is enforceable within the navigable waters of the U.S. out to 12 nm from the baseline.
PWSA Antiterrorism Safety Zones and Security Zones. [1986] Used to prevent or respond to an act of terrorism against an individual, vessel or structure. Authority is within the navigable waters of the United States seaward to 12nm from the baseline as determined in accordance with international law. Within the EEZ (200 nm from the baseline) if the vessel or structure is subject to the jurisdiction of the United States.
*同論文“Meeting the Homeland Security Challenge: A Principled Strategy for a Balanced and Practical Response”を末尾に添付する。