日本財団 図書館

●Skeleton (22-38):
This skeleton belongs to a young female aged about 25 years. The skeleton is almost complete and consists of:
* Skull (table 3):
- The occiput is flat and the skull appears rounded (pl. 4-1A).
- There are some teeth in the maxilla. The 2nd left upper molar is transversely directed (malaligned), while the 3rd left upper molar shows an additional cusp called Carabelli's cusp (pl. 4-2).
* Mandible: strong (pl. 4-1B).
* Hyoid bone: both greater cornua are fused with the body.
* Upper limb:
- Scapula: right and left.
- Clavicle: right and left.
- Humerus: right and left.
- Radius and ulna: right and left.
- Hand bones: almost complete.
* Lower limb:
- Innominate bones: right and left. The auricular surface on both sides shows a cavity situated deep to the articular surface.
This surface is narrow and formed only of the vertical facet (pl. 4-3). This defect appears to be a congenital deformity.
- Femur: right and left.
- Tibia and fibula: right and left.
- Patella: right and left.
- Foot bones: almost complete.
* Ribs: all is present.
* Sternum: separate manubrium and body.
* Vertebrae:
- Cervical vertebrae: upper 4 only.
- Thoracic vertebrae: 11 vertebrae.
- Lumbar vertebrae: 5 vertebrae with pitting of the epiphyseal rings on the inferior surfaces.
●Skeleton (22-39):
This skeleton belongs to a child aged about five to six years. The bones available are:
* Skull:
- All milk teeth are erupting and the 1st permanent molar is present on both sides.
- The spheno-occipital suture is still open.
- The occipital bone is a complete bone.
* Lower limb:
- Tibia and fibula: right side only.
* Vertebrae:
- Cervical vertebrae: the neural arches are fused to the bodies but epiphyseal rings are absent.
●Skeleton (22-40):
This skeleton belongs to an old female aged about 60 Years. The few bones available are:
* Upper limb:
- Humerus: right and left.
- Radius and ulna: right and left.
* Lower limb:
- Femur: right and left. The lower ends of both bones show new bone formations and lipping (pl. 4-4).
- Tibia and fibula: right and left. The upper ends of both tibiae show roughness and lipping with osteophytes (pl. 4-5). This indicates the presence of osteoarthritis in the knee.
- Foot bones: first metatarsal and the proximal phalanx of the big toe show signs of osteoarthritis. This is marked in the head of the 1st metatarsal (pl. 4-6A, B).
●Skeleton (22-41):
This skeleton consists of a very few bones belonging to an adult male aged about 45 years.
* Lower limb:
- Femur: right and left.
- Tibia and fibula: right and left tibiae, but only left fibula.
* Mixed bone collection (22-36) to (22-41):
These are bones excavated from tomb (34) and are not easy to identify the skeleton to which they belong as the burials were badly disturbed and mixed. These bones are:
* Skulls:
- Skull (a): belongs to a female of about 40-50 years of age (pl. 4-7A, B). It shows atrophy in the alveolar margin in the region of the incisors (pl. 4-9A, B).
- Skull (b): belongs to a male aged about 50 years (pl. 4-8A, B).
- Skull (c): belongs to a male above 60 years of age (pl. 4-9A, B).
- Skull (d): belongs to a subadult female about 10 years of age. Permanent canines are not yet erupted but the 1st molar is present on both sides.
- Skull (e): is fragmented and belongs to a male aged about 50 years.
* Mandibles:
- Mandible (a): belongs to a male aged about 45-50 years.
- Mandible (b): (broken) belonging to a male about 30 years of age.
* Upper limb:
- Clavicle: left bone.
- Scapula: right.
- Radius and ulna (a): right and left belonging to the skeleton of an old person. The 2 bones show signs of osteoarthritis in the elbow region as seen from the lipping and the bony osteophytes at the margins of the articular surfaces of both bones (pl. 4-10).
- Ulna (b): left.
* Lower limb:
- Innominate bones: one right bone belonging to a male subject while a left bone belonging to a female subject.
- Femur: right and left bones belonging to an adult male.
- Tibia (a) , (b) : 2 pairs of tibiae belonging to adult skeletons of unknown sex.
- Tibia (c) : left tibia showing signs of osteoarthritis.
- Tibia (d): belonging to a subadult skeletron as both upper and lower epiphyses are missing.
Tomb (35):
This tomb contains only one burial no. (24-44):
*Skeleton (24-44):
This skeleton belongs to a child aged about three-six years. The bones available are:
* Skull:
- Metopic suture is still open separating the 2 frontal bones.
- Large wormian bones are seen at the region of the lambda.
- All deciduous teeth of maxilla are erupting but no permanent teeth are seen.
* Rib: one only.
* Vertebrae: one thoracic vertebra only, with absent epiphyseal rings absent.
Tomb (36):
This tomb contains one burial no. (23-43).
*Skeleton (23-43):
This skeleton belongs to an old male of more than 60 years of age. The skeleton is almost complete and consists of the following bones:
* Skull:
- Huge rounded skull with flat occiput (pl. 4-11A).
- Styloid process is very long and nasal septum appears deviated (pl. 4-11B).
- Maxilla is nearly edentulous.
* Mandible: huge and edentulous (pl. 4-11A, B).
* Hyoid bone: complete.
* Thyroid and cricoid cartilages: nearly completely ossified.
* Upper limb:
- Scapula: right and left. There is lipping of the glenoid cavities especially on the left side. There are also signs of osteoarthritis of the right acromioclavicular joint.
- Clavicle: right and left. The lateral end of the right clavicle shows lipping and pitting of the acromial facet.
- Humerus: right and left. They show rough muscular attachments (pl. 5-3).
- Radius and ulna: right and left. There is roughness in the upper ends of both bones in addition to the lower end of the right radius.
- Hand bones: Most of the carpal bones show roughness and pitting.
Metacarpal bones show rough bases. The 4th and 5th left metacarpals are connected by a bar of bone most probably a callus after healed trauma (pl. 5-1).
* Lower limb:
- Innominate bone: right and left. Both have very rough and irregular margins due to bony projections (pl. 5-2).
- Femur: right and left. The bones show roughness at the sites of muscular and ligamentous attachments (pl. 5-3). There are also rough elevated patches of new bone formations on the patellar surfaces of both femora.
- Tibia: right and left. Rough muscular and legamentous attachments (pl. 5-3). There are also rough elevated patches on the upper surface of the lateral condyles.
- Patella: right and left. Both show roughness of their anterior surfaces (pl. 5-4).
Fibula right and left. There is eburnation of the articular facets of the head on both sides, i.e., bilateral osteoarthritis of the superior tibio-fibular joints.
- Foot bones: all is present and most of the tarsal bones are rough.
* Sternum:
- Manubrium and body are ossified.
- The 3rd and 4th costal cartilages are ossified and fused to the body of the sternum (pl. 5-5).
- The clavicular facets of the manubrium show pitting and lipping especially on the left side.
* Ribs:
- The first rib shows ossified costal cartilages on both sides (pl. 5-6).
- Three left ribs show healed fractures (pl. 5-7).
- Some ribs show signs of osteoarthritis at the articular facets on their heads (pl. 5-7).
- A short rib with a rounded tip is present; it is a lumbar rib (pl. 5-8).
* Vertebrae:
- Cervical vertebrae: marked degenerative changes, DISH and osteoarthritis.
Atlas: the articular facet for the dens is rough with lipping.
Axis: ossified part of apical ligament attached to the tip of the dens. There are osteophytes at the lower margin of the body. Cervical vertebrae from 3 to 6 are fused together. The 6th C.V. shows osteophytes on the left side of the lower margin of the body.
The 7th C.V.: there are osteophytes on the left side of the upper margin of the body. A cervical rib is seen fused with the right transverse process (pl. 5-9).
- Thoracic vertebrae: most of the costal articular facets on the transverse processes show osteoarthritis (roughness, lipping and irregular margins) particularly in the 8th and 9th T.V.
The bodies of the T.V. from 2 to 5 are fused together by ossified anterior longitudinal ligament on the right side (pl. 5-10).
The bodies of the T.V. from 7 to 12 are also fused together by ossified anterior longitudinal ligament on the right side. In addition, the bodies of the lower 3 T.V. are fused by ossified anterior longitudinal ligament on the left side, i.e., fused by both right and left ligaments (pl. 5-11, 5-12). This is a case of DISH.
- Lumbar vertebrae: there is only 4 L.V.
The 1st and 2nd vertebrae are separate while the 3rd and 4th are fused together at their bodies (pl. 5-13).
Huge bony masses are seen on the left sides of the bodies of all L.V. in addition to roughness, trabeculations and osteophytes in all L.V.
The articular facets of the diarthrodial joints show large irregular osteophytes at their margins.
- Sacrum: there is bilateral complete sacralization of the 5th lumbar vertebra, thus the sacrum is formed of 6 pieces.
There is lipping of the promontory.
Tomb (37):
This tomb contains one burial no. (39-62).
*Skeleton (39-62):
These bones are very friable and belong to a premature stillbirth aged about eight months (intrauterine). The 4 pieces of the occipital bone are separate. The 3 parts of the innominate bones are separate and all vertebrae are in 3 pieces (arches in halves and bodies separate).
Tomb (38):
This tomb contains 3 burials nos. (31-53), (31-53A) and (31-53B).
*Skeleton (31-53):
This skeleton belongs to a child aged about two years. The skeleton is nearly complete, and consists of:
* Skull:
- Occipital bone: squamous and condylar parts are united whereas the basilar part is separate.
- Sphenoid bone: united. The mastoid process is small.
- Maxillary teeth are all erupted except the 2nd milk molar which is just erupting.
* Upper limb:
- Scapula: right and left.
- Clavicle: right and left.
- Humerus: right and left.
* Lower limb:
- Innominate bone: right and left ilium, right and left ischium and right and left pubis.
- Femur: right and left.
- Tibia and fibula: right and left. The right tibia shows a small osteochondroma (pl. 6-1).
* Vertebrae: the neural arches of all vertebrae are united but the bodies are separate.
*Skeleton (31-53A):
This skeleton belongs to a fetus of eight months (intrauterine) and consists of:
* Skull:
- Sphenoid: the sphenoid and presphenoid are separate, and the lesser wings are not united to tbe body of sphenoid.
- Temporal bone: separate parts.
- Occipital bone: separate parts.
* Mandible: formed of 2 separate parts, no teeth.
* Upper limb:
- Scapula: right and left.
- Clavicle: right and left.
- Humerus: right only.
- Ulna: right and left.
* Lower limb:
- Innominate bone: ilium (right and left), ischium (right and left).
- Femur: right and left.
- Tibia and fibula: right and left.
* Vertebrae: all vertebrae available are in 3 pieces, that is, the neural arches in halves and bodies separate.
*Skeleton (31-53B):
This skeleton belongs to a fetus of 6 months (intrauterine). The bones are a very few.
