日本財団 図書館

Tomb (27):
This tomb contains one burial no. (18-32).
●Skeleton (18-32):
This skeleton belongs to a child aged about two years. It is an almost complete skeleton and consists of:
* Skull: most of its bones are separate.
- The maxilla shows all milk teeth erupted.
- The parts of the occipital bone are fused.
* Mandible: the 2 halves are fused with the milk teeth erupted.
* Upper limb:
- Scapula: right and left.
- Clavicle: right and left.
- Humerus: right and left.
- Radius and ulna: right and left.
* Lower limb:
Innominate bone ilium, ischium and pubis are separate on both sides.
- Femur: right and left.
- Tibia and fibula: right and left.
* Ribs: there are some ribs.
* Vertebrae:
- Neural arches of all vertebrae are fused posteriorly.
- Bodies of vertebrae are separate from the neural arches.
Tomb (28):
This tomb contains one burial no. (19-33).
●Skeleton (19-33):
This skeleton belongs to a child of about seven years old, most probably a female child as the preauricular sulcus is present on both sides. The bones available are a very few and all are incomplete, they are:
- Innominate bone: right and left (incomplete).
- Sacrum: 5 separate segments not yet united.
- Parts of limb bones present have no epiphyses.
- 2 sternebrae are found separate.
- Many epiphyses are found separate.
Tomb (29):
This tomb contains 4 burials nos. (17-30), (17-30A), (17-31) and (17-31A).
●Skeleton (17-30):
This skeleton belongs to an infant aged six months. The skeleton is incomplete and the available bones include:
* Skull: occipital bone in 4 pieces.
* Upper limb:
- Scapula: right and left.
- Clavicle: light and left.
- Radius and ulna: right and left.
* Lower limb:
- Innominate bone: ilium (right and left).
- Femur: right and left.
- Tibia and fibula: right and left.
* Vertebrae:
- Neural arches are in halves in the cervical region but fused posteriorly in the thoracic and lumbar regions. Bodies are separate from the arches in all regions.
This skeleton belongs to a newly born infant. Only a few bones are found, the skull is fragmented and the 4 parts of the occipital bone are found separate.
●Skeleton (17-31):
This skeleton belongs to a subadult female aged about 16 years old. It consists of the following bones:
* Skull: the 3rd molar tooth is just erupting.
* Mandible: the 3rd molar is just erupting.
* Upper limb:
- Scapula: left.
- Clavicle: right (intact) and left (broken).
- Humerus: right and left (the upper epiphyses are absent).
- Radius and ulna: right only (the lower epiphyses are absent).
* Lower limb:
- Femur: right (the lower epiphysis is absent).
* Vertebrae:
- Cervical vertebrae: the atlas only is present.
- Thoracic vertebrae: 8 T.V. are found (the epiphyseal rings are not fused).
- Lumbar vertebrae: all is present but without the epiphyseal rings.
- Sacrum: 5 pieces (partly fused).
●Skeleton (17-31A):
This skeleton belongs to a male aged about 45 years. It is almost complete.
* Skull (table 3):
- Occipital region flat and rounded (pl. 3-2A).
- Most of the maxillary teeth are present (pl. 3-2B). The alveolar margin shows signs of periodontitis (color pl. 4-4).
The teeth show colored transverse striation; a condition called enamel hypoplasia (pl. 3-3).
* Mandible:
- All teeth are present with signs of periodontitis of the alveolar margin (color pl. 4-4).
* Upper limb:
- Scapula: the acromial processes of the 2 scapulae are broad and strong.
- Clavicle: both are present.
- Humerus: marked roughness at the sites of muscle attachments (pl. 3-5). There is lipping and new bony projections at the margins of the articular surfaces of the lower ends of both bones (pl. 3-4A, B).
- Radius and ulna: the bones of both sides show roughness, lipping and new bony projections around the margins of the articular surfaces of their upper ends (pl. 3-4, 3-5).
* Lower limb:
- Innominate bone: both right and left are present.
- Femur: There is an antero-posterior flattening of the upper part of shaft, while the region of gluteal tuberosity shows marked muscular impressions.
- Tibia and fibula: right and left (with marked muscular impressions).
* Ribs: nearly complete.
* Vertebrae:
- Thoracic vertebrae: 11 vertebrae are found. The 10th T.V. shows a large Schmorl's node (pl. 3-6A). The 11th T.V. shows, in addition to Schmorl's node, a large transverse, curved compression fissure fracture of the body (pl. 3-6B).
- Lumbar vertebrae: all is present, the 2nd vertebra shows marked degenerative changes in its body.
Tomb (30):
It contains 2 skeletons nos. (21-35) and (21-35A).
●Skeleton (21-35):
This skeleton belongs to a newly born infant. The bones are fragmented.
* Skull: fragmented bones.
* Mandible: 2 separate halves, no erupted teeth.
* Upper limb:
- Scapula: right only.
- Clavicle: right and left.
- Humerus: right and left.
- Radius and ulna: right and left.
* Lower limb:
- Innominate bone: ischium (right and left), ilium (right and left) and pubis (right and left).
- Femur: right and left.
- Tibia and fibula: right and left.
* Vertebrae:
- All vertebrae are in 3 pieces: neural arches in halves and the bodies are separate.
●Skeleton (21-35A):
This skeleton belongs to a child aged 20 months.
* Skull: incomplete and badly broken. Parts of the maxilla show eruption of the 1st milk molar.
* Mandible: consists of one bone with all milk teeth are erupting except the 2nd milk molar.
* Upper limb:
- Scapula: right and left.
- Clavicle: right and left.
- Humerus: right only.
- Radius: right and left.
* Lower limb:
- Innominate bone: ilium (right and left), ischium (right and left) and pubis (right and left).
- Femur: right and left.
- Tibia and fibula: right and left.
* Vertebrae:
- Cervical vertebrae: some neural arches are fused and some are still separate and the bodies are all separate.
- Thoracic and lumbar vertebrae: have fused neural arches but separate bodies.
Tomb (31):
This tomb contains 4 burials nos. (31), (31A), (31B) and (31C).
●Skeleton (31):
This skeleton belongs to a middle aged male of about 40 to 50 years. The bones found consist of:
* Thyroid cartilage: ossified.
* Upper limb:
- Scapula: small broken part showing ossified suprascapular ligament (pl. 3-7).
- Clavicle: right only.
- Ulna: right only.
* Lower limb:
- Femur right only.
- Foot bones: left talus, left calcaneus, left navicular and 5 metatarsals.
* Sternum: manubrium and body of sternum are fused.
* Ribs: 6 right and 5 left ribs are found with some fragments.
* Vertebrae:
- Cervical vertebrae: only the 6th C.V. is present. It shows pitting of inferior surface of the body with lipping of its margin.
- Thoracic vertebrae: 3 T.V. are present with slight degenerative changes.
- Lumbar vertebrae: 5th L.V. with slight lipping on the lower border of the body.
●Skeleton (31A):
This skeleton belongs to an infant about one year of age. The available bones are:
* Skull: separate skull bones.
- Sphenoid bone: body fused with the lesser wings.
- Maxilla: no erupted teeth.
* Upper limb:
- Scapula; right and left.
- Humerus: right and left.
- Radius and ulna: right and left.
* Lower limb:
- Innominate bone: Ilium (right and left), ischium (right and left).
- Femur: right and left.
* Vertebrae: most of the neural arches are in halves and all bodies are separate.
●Skeleton (31B):
This skeleton belongs to a child of about 10 years old. It consists of a very few bones which are:
* Mandible: broken.
* Upper limb:
- Humerus: right only.
* Lower limb:
- Fibula: broken.
* Ribs: a few broken ribs.
* Vertebrae:
- Thoracic vertebrae: only one with the body fused with the neural arch, and epiphyseal rings are absent.
- Lumbar vertebrae: 3 L.V. with fused bodies but with no epiphyseal rings.
- Sacrum: separate 1st sacral piece.
●Skeleton (31C):
A very few bones belonging to a child aged about two years. These bones are:
* Mandible: broken with the 2nd milk molar present.
* Upper limb:
- Ulna: left.
Tomb (32):
This tomb contains one burial only no. (32).
The bones found in this burial consist of a mixture of unrelated adult bones. These are some foot bones: right calcaneus, left cuboid, right 5th metatarsal (broken) and 4 phalanges.
Tomb (33):
This tomb contains 2 burials nos. (34-57) and (34-57A).
●Skeleton (34-57):
This skeleton belongs to an infant aged about six months postnatal. The skeleton is almost complete and consists of:
* Skull: separate bones.
- Sphenoid bone: greater wing not yet united to the body.
- Occipital bone: its 4 parts are separate.
* Mandible: the two halves are still separate and no teeth are erupted.
* Upper limb:
- Scapula: right and left.
- Clavicle: right and left.
- Humerus: right and left.
- Radius and ulna: right side bones only.
* Lower limb:
- Innominate bone: right and left ilium, right and left ischium and right and left pubis.
- Femur: right and left.
- Tibia and fibula right and left.
* Ribs: some are present.
* Vertebrae:
- Neural arches are in halves.
- Bodies: not united with the arches.
●Skeleton (34-57A):
This skeleton consists of a very few bones belonging to an infant about 18 months old. The available bones are:
* Lower limb:
- Innominate bone: separate ischium and pubis.
- Tibia: right (intact) and left(broken).
* Ribs: some ribs.
* Vertebrae:
- Cervical vertebrae: neural arches are in halves and the bodies are separate.
- Thoracic vertebrae: neural arches are fused posteriorly but the bodies are separate.
- Lumbar vertebrae: neural arches are fused posteriorly but the bodies are separate.
Tomb (34):
This is a pan grave containing more than 7 skeletons, some of which are nearly complete but others are mixed and incomplete.
The burial numbers are (22-36), (22-37), (22-38), (22-39), (22-40), (22-41) in addition to a mixed bony collection.
●Skeleton (22-36):
This skeleton belongs to a female child aged about seven years. The bones available are:
* Upper limb:
- Scapula: right and left.
- Clavicles: right and left.
- Humerus: right and left.
* Lower limb:
- Innominate bone: left ilium, left ischium and left pubis (all separate).
* Vertebrae:
- Cervical vertebrae: all is present, the neural arches are fused with the bodies. The epiphyseal rings are not fused with both the upper and lower surfaces of the bodies. The axis vertebra shows a depression on the right superior articular facet which may indicate the presence of a bone cyst (pl. 3-8).
- Thoracic and lumbar vertebrae: the neural arches are fused with the bodies which show absence of both the upper and lower epiphyseal rings.
- Sacrum: separate sacral vertebrae.
●Skeleton (22-37):
This skeleton belongs to an old male aged about 60 years. The bones available are:
* Upper limb:
- Clavicle: left only.
- Humerus: right and left.
* Lower limb:
- Innominate bone: right and left (both broken).
- Femur: right (incomplete) and left (intact). The femoral condyles show signs of osteoarthritis as lipping and bony osteophytes at the margins of the articular surfaces (pl. 3-9).
- Tibia: right and left. The upper surfaces of both tibial condyles show signs of osteoarthritis in the form of irregular bony osteophytes, pitting and eburnation (pl. 3-10).
- Patella: right and left. They show pitting new bone formations and roughness.
- Fibula: right and left.
- Foot bones: all tarsal bones, 6 metatarsals and 8 phalanges.
* Ribs: 4 right ribs and 5 left ribs. The first left rib shows ossified costal cartilage (pl. 3-11).
* Vertebrae:
- Cervical vertebrae: only the 7th C.V. is present.
- Thoracic vertebrae: all is present. Schmorl's nodes are seen on the inferior surfaces of the bodies of lower T.V.
- Lumbar vertebrae: upper 4 with marked osteophytes and trabeculations (pl. 3-12).
- Sacrum.
