日本財団 図書館

●Skeleton (10-22A):
This skeleton belongs to a child of about 18 months old. It was found between the legs of the previous skeleton (10-22). The available bones are:
* Upper limb:
- Humerus: right and left.
- Radius and ulna: right and left.
* Lower limb:
- Innominate bone: only right and left iliac bones are present.
- Femur: right and left.
- Tibia and fibula: right and left.
●Skeleton (10-22B):
Consists of a very few bones belonging to a newly born full term fetus. These bones are:
* Upper limb:
- Scapula: right and left.
- Clavicle: right and left.
Tomb (21):
This tomb contains one burial no. (13-25).
●Skeleton (13-25):
This skeleton belongs to an old female above 60 years of age. The bones are as follows:
* Upper limb:
- Scapula: right (intact) and left (broken).
- Humerus: right (intact) and left (broken).
- Radius and ulna: right and left, all broken.
- Hand bones: al metacarpals and phalanges are present.
* Lower limb: only one terminal phalanx of big toe.
* Sternum: body of sternum (broken).
* Ribs: right (10) and left (10) many of which are broken.
* Vertebrae: the vertebrae are all broken but signs of marked osteoarthritis can be seen on the articular facets of the diarthrodial joints available. These facets show marked pitting and irregularity (pl. 1-14).
Tomb (22):
This tomb contains one burial no. (12-24).
●Skeleton (12-24):
This skeleton belongs to a young sub-adult female about 18 years of age. The available bones are:
* Skull:
- Nearly complete skull with a few bones broken.
- The basi-occipital suture is already closed.
- The occiput is flat and the skull is rounded (pl. 2-1A).
- All teeth are erupted but some are missing.
- Nasal septum is deviated to one side (pl. 2-1B).
* Mandible:
- Incomplete, with the 1st and 2nd molars are present on the right side, but other teeth are missing (pl. 2-1 B).
* Upper limb:
- Clavicle: right (broken) and left (intact).
- Humerus: right. The head and tubercles are found as one mass but not yet fused with the shaft.
* Lower limb:
- Innominate bone: right (broken) and left (intact). The iliac crest is not completely fused.
* Sternum.
* Ribs: some fragments are present.
* Vertebrae:
- Thoracic vertebrae: 9 T.V. are present.
- Lumbar vertebrae: 4 L.V. are present.
- Sacrum: 4 separate pieces are present. The sacral canal is deficient posteriorly nearly throughout most of its length; a case of spina bifida (pl. 2-2).
Tomb (23):
This tomb contains 4 burials nos. (20-34), (20-34A), (20-34B) and (20-34 C).
●Skeleton (20-34):
This skeleton belongs to a child of about 12 years old. The sex cannot be easily detected. The bones available are:
* Upper limb:
- Scapula: right (intact) and left (broken).
- Clavicle: right (intact) and left (broken).
- Humerus: right and left.
- Radius and ulna: right. Both bones are broken.
- Hand bones: all metacarpals and phalanges are present but no carpals.
* Lower limb:
- Innominate bones: separate ilium, ischium and pubis on both sides.
- Femur: right and left.
- Tibia and fibula: right and left.
- Foot bones: almost all tarsals are present, no metatarsals, and no phalanges.
* Ribs: all present, some are broken.
* Vertebrae: epiphyseal rings of all vertebrae are not fused.
- Cervical vertebrae: 5 C.V. are present, these are 3-7.
- Thoracic vertebrae: all is present.
- Lumbar vertebrae: all is present.
- Sacral vertebrae: all is found separate (not yet a complete sacrum).
- Coccygeal vertebrae: only one.
N. B. : all epiphyses of long bones are not fused, many of them are found separate.
●Skeleton (20-34A):
This skeleton belongs to an infant aged about one year. The bones available are:
* Skull bones: parts of occipital bone, basilar part is separate.
* Mandible: 2 halves united, central incisors are erupted.
* Upper limb:
- Humerus: right (broken) and left (intact).
- Radius and ulna: right and left both are broken.
* Lower limb:
- Innominate bone: separate right and left ilium.
- Femur: right and left.
- Tibia: right and left.
* Ribs: only some fragments.
* Vertebrae: all arches present are fused posteriorly at their spines, but the bodies are separate.
●Skeleton (20-34B):
This skeleton belongs to an infant of about six months postnatal. The available bones are:
* Upper limb:
- Scapula: right and left.
- Clavicle: right and left.
- Humerus: right and left.
- Radius and ulna: right and left.
* Lower limb:
- Innominate bone: right and left ilium as well as right and left ischium.
- Femur: right and left.
- Tibia: left (broken).
●Skeleton (20-34C):
It consists of a few bones mixed with those of the preceding skeleton (20-34B), both are nearly of the same age about six months postnatal. The bones present are:
* Upper limb:
- scapula: right and left.
- Humerus: right and left.
- Ulna: left (broken).
Tomb (24):
This tomb contains 2 skeletons nos. (15-28) and (15-28A) in addition to some mixed bones.
●Skeleton (15-28):
This skeleton belongs to an old male, more than 60 years of age. It is almost complete and consists of the following bones:
* Skull:
- Rounded skull with flat occiput (pl. 2-3A).
- Maxillary teeth: right side teeth are present except the central incisors, while the left teeth are all missing except the last 2 molars.
* Mandible: broad, with all the teeth present except the 2nd right incisor (pl. 2-3B).
* Upper limb:
- Scapula: right and left. The acromion process is broad and rough on both sides.
- Clavicle: right and left. The lateral end is rough with pitted articular surface on both sides, i.e., osteoarthritis of acromio clavicular joints.
The right clavicle shows a small abnormal facet on the lower surface of its medial part, most probably to articulate with an ossified 1st costal cartilage (pl. 2-4).
- Humerus right and left. The lower ends are rough with new bony projections.
- Radius and ulna: right and left. The upper ends of both bones show marked irregularity with bony projections at the margins of the articular surfaces.
- Hand bones: all is present.
* Lower limb bones:
- Innominate bone: right and left.
- Femur: right and left. The lower surface of both condyles show elevated irregular elongated patches of new bone formation (pl. 2-1A, B).
- Tibia: right and left.
- Patella: right and left. The articular surfaces show large elevated bony patches (color pl. 4-3).
- Fibula: right and left.
- Foot bones: nearly complete. The heads of the 1st metatarsal bones on both sides show marked eburnation and grooving of the articular surfaces (pl. 2-6); a sign of osteoarthritis of the metatarsophalangeal joints.
* Sternum: the xiphoid process is ossified and splitted.
* Ribs: nearly complete. There is an additional separate cervical rib (pl. 2-9).
* Vertebrae:
- Cervical vertebrae: 2nd, 3rd and 4th C.V. show signs of osteoarthritis affecting the articular facets of the diarthrodial joints on the left side and more marked between 2nd and 3rd vertebrae (pl. 2-7). The intervertebral foramen between the 6th and 7th C. V. on the right side is narrow as compared with the left side (pl. 2-8). The costal elements on the right side of both vertebrae are absent. The 7th C. V. shows a separate cervical rib (pl. 2-9).
- Thoracic vertebrae: Marked large Schmorl's nodes are seen on the inferior surfaces of most of the lower thoracic vertebrae.
- Lumbar vertebrae: show marked osteophytes in all of them.
●Skeleton (15-28A):
This skeleton belongs to a very old female where most of the bones are osteoporotic and friable. The bones available are the following.
* Lower limb:
- Innominate bones: right and left (broken).
- Femur: right (intact) and left (broken).
- Tibia and fibula: right and left. The bones of the left side are broken.
- Foot bones: calcaneus (right and left), talus (right and left), some metatarsal bones and phalanges.
* Vertebrae:
- Lumbar vertebrae: 5th L. V. only.
- Sacrum.
* Mixed bony collection:
It was difficult to assess the exact age and sex of this bony collection which consists of:
- Femur.
- Broken tibia.
- Some foot bones.
- Young bones: left femur, left humerus and broken left innominate bone.
Tomb (25):
Contains one burial no. (25).
●Skeleton (25):
This skeleton belongs to a child of about 18 months old. It is incomplete and consists of:
* Skull:
- A few broken pieces.
- Part of temporal bone showing a very small mastoid process.
* Mandible:
- The 2 halves are united.
- Central incisors are erupted.
* Upper limb:
- Scapula: right.
- Humerus: right.
- Ulna: right.
* Lower limb:
- Innominate bone: right ilium (broken), right ischium.
* Vertebrae:
- Neural arches: some are in halves while some others are fused posteriorly.
- All vertebral bodies are separate.
Tomb (26):
This tomb contains one burial no. (16-29).
●Skeleton (16-29):
This skeleton belongs to an old male aged about 50 years. In general, the bones are strong and consists of the following:
* Upper limb:
- Scapula: right and left (incomplete). The clavicular facet on the tip of the acromion of left scapula is rough and pitted; a sign of osteoarthritis of the left acromio-clavicular joint.
- Clavicle: right and left. The acromial ends of both clavicles show signs of osteoarthritis (pitting and roughness).
- Humerus: right and left.
- Radius and ulna: right and left. They are broken.
- Hand bones: all is present.
* Lower limb:
- Innominate bones: right and left (both broken).
- Femur: right (intact) and left (broken).
- Tibia and fibula: right (intact) and left: (broken).
- Patella: left.
- Foot bones: cuneiform (right and left), talus (right), all metatarsals and some phalanges.
* Ribs: All are present but some are fragmented. Two adjacent right ribs show healed fracture shafts (pl. 2-10).
* Vertebrae:
- Cervical vertebrae: The 6th C. V. shows lipping are the lower margin of its anterior surface. The 7th C. V. is fused with the 1st T. V. by projecting osteophytes and by the articular processes which show lipping and bony projections around their margins (pl. 2-11A).
- Thoracic vertebrae: the lower 3 T.V. show osteophytes at the lower margins of the anterior surfaces of their bodies (pl. 2-11B). The lower 6 T.V. show signs of osteoarthritis as lipping and roughness in the articular facets on the left side.
The 11th T.V. shows Schmorl's nodes on both its upper and lower surfaces.
Some of the costal facets on the sides of the bodies of the lower T.V. show slight pitting.
- Lumbar vertebrae: show marked osteophytes mainly on the lower margins of the bodies. The 5th L.V. shows unilateral spondylolysis(pl. 3-1).
