日本財団 図書館

* Upper limb:
- Clavicle: right and left. The epiphyses of medial ends are not fused.
- Humerus: right and left. The epiphyses of the upper end of humerus of both sides are not fused.
- Radius and ulna: right and left. The epiphyses of their lower ends are partly fused.
* Lower limb:
- Hip bones: right and left. The epiphysis of iliac crest is partly fused while that of the symphysis pubis is absent.
- Femur: right and left. The epiphyses of upper and lower ends on both sides are fused.
- Foot bones: there are few metatarsals and phalanges.
* Ribs: nearly complete with a few fragments.
* vertebrae: the bodies of the vertebrae found have no epiphyseal rings (not fused).
The sacral segments are fused posteriorly only but fusion is not yet completed anteriorly.
●Skelton (4-12 A):
This skeleton is that of an old adult male above 60 years of age. The bones found are:
* Skull: intact except for the lacrimal bone.
- The occiput is flat and the skull is more or less rounded (pl. 1-3 A).
- Most of the teeth were lost during life, 3 teeth were left in the maxilla (pl. 1-3 B).
- There is an apical abscess at the root of the 1st premolar (pl. 1-4).
* Mandible: all teeth were lost before death (pl. 1-3 B).
* Upper limb:
- Clavicle: left. The lateral end (acromial) shows pitting and roughness of the articular surface which are signs of osteoarthritis.
- Humerus: right. The lower end shows degenerative changes in the form of roughness, lipping and new bone formation at the margins of the articular surfaces.
- Ulna: right and left. The upper ends show lipping (pl. 1-5).
* Lower limb:
- Innominate bone: right and left. The right bone shows marked ossification of the anterior superior iliac spine. The left bone is ankylosed to the sacrum.
- Tibia: right and left.
- Patella: right.
- Fibula: right and left (fragmented).
* Manubrium: parts of the ossified 1st costal cartilages are fused with it.
* Ribs: there are 3 right and 4 left ribs with some fragments.
* Vertebrae:
- Cervical vertebrae: atlas and the last 3 C.V. The 7th C.V. is fused with the 1st thoracic by large osteophytes (pl. 1-6).
The bodies of the last 3 C.V. show rough irregular surfaces with osteophytes and lipping (pl. 1-7).
- Thoracic vertebrae: 11 T.V. all showing signs of degenerative changes with marked osteophytosis. The lower ones show Schmorls nodes on their upper and lower surfaces (pl. 1-8).
- Lumbar vertebrae: show degenerative changes, pitting; trabeculation of the anterior surfaces of the bodies. There are also Schmorls nodes on upper and lower surfaces of bodies.
Tomb (12):
It contains one burial no. (4-58).
●Skeleton (4-58):
It consists of a few bones belonging to a child of about 10 years. These bones are:
* Upper limb:
- Hand bones: 2 unidentified carpal bones and some phalanges.
* Lower libm:
- Tibia: right and left.
- Fibula: right and left.
- Foot bones: calcaneus (right and left), talus (right and left), cuboid (right and left) and 3 cuneiforms, 9 metatarsals and some phalanges.
* Vertebrae: only 2 lumbar vertebrae.
* Some separate epiphyses are found
Tomb (13):
It contains one burial no. (14-27).
●Skeleton (14-27):
It belongs to a child of two-three years old and consists of a few bones as follows:
* Upper limb bones:
- Scapula: right.
- Humerus: left.
* Lower limb:
- Innominate bones: separate right ilium, right ischium, right pubis and left ischium.
- Femur: right.
- Tibia and fibula: right and left.
- vertebrae: all vertebrae are found (cervical, thoracic and lumbar). The neural arches are fused posteriorly but separate from the bodies.
Tomb (14):
It contains 2 burials nos. (26) and (26A).
●Skeleton (26):
This skeleton belongs to an adult male aged 20-25 years. The available bones are:
* Upper limb:
- Scapula: right (broken).
- Clavicle: right.
* Lower limb:
- Innominate bone: left (broken).
- Patella: left. Shows patches of new bone formation and roughness on its articular surface.
- Foot bones: Cuneiform bone (left), 5th metatarsal (left), 13 unidentified phalanges.
* Ribs: Right 1st rib and other rib fragments.
* Vertebrae: last 3 cervical vertebrae and first 3 thoracic vertebrae.
●Skeleton (26A):
This skeleton belongs to an infant aged one year. The available bones are:
* Skull: parts of parietal bone and 3 separate incisors (erupted).
* Upper limb:
- Scapula: right and left.
- Clavicle: right (broken) and left.
- Humerus: right.
- Ulna: right and left.
- Hand bones: few.
* Lower limb:
- Innominate bone: separate right ilium and right ischium.
- Femur: right.
- Tibia: right and left.
- Foot bones: a few.
* Ribs: 20 right and left.
* Vertebrae: some neural arches are fused posteriorly at the spines but others are ununited. The bodies are all separate.
Tomb (15)
It contains one burial no. (5-13).
●Skeleton (5-13):
This skeleton belongs to an adult male about 45 years of age. It consists of the following bones:
* Upper limb:
- Scapula: right (broken) and left.
- Clavicle: right and left.
- Humerus: right and left.
- Radius and ulna: right and left.
- Hand bones: all carpals, metacarpals and phalanges.
* Lower limb:
- Innominate bone: right and left (broken).
- Femur: right and left.
- Tibia: right and left. The left bone shows a small osteochondroma at the upper end of soleal line (pl. 1-9).
- Fibula: right (fragmented).
- Foot bones: left calcaneus and left 1st metatarsal.
* Sternum: manubrium and body fused together.
* Ribs: nearly all right and left ribs are present.
* Vertebrae:
- Cervical vertebrae: all is present except atlas and 6th C.V. Bodies of lower C.V. show slight lipping at the lower margins of the anterior surfaces.
- Thoracic vertebrae: all is present. The bodies show osteophytes and lipping at the lower margins of the anterior surfaces.
- Lumbar vertebrae: all is present. Degenerative changes as lipping, osteophytes and trabeculation are seen especially affecting the 5th L.V.
- Sacrum.
Tomb (16):
This tomb contains one burial no. (6-14).
●Skeleton (6-14):
This skeleton belongs to an adult female about 30-40 years of age (middle age). The available bones are:
* Upper limb:
- Radius: right.
* Lower limb:
- Innominate bones: both right and left bones are broken.
- Femur: left.
- Tibia and fibula: right and left.
- Foot bones: calcaneus (right and left), talus (right and left) and navicular (left).
* Ribs: right (10) and left (9) with some fragments. There is a lumbar rib which is small and short rib with a rounded tip (pl. 1-10).
Tomb (17):
This tomb contains one burial no. (7- 15).
●Skeleton (7-15):
This skeleton belongs to an old adult male aged more than 60 years. It consists of the following bones:
* Upper limb:
- Scapula: broken right and left.
- Humerus: broken right and left. The lower ends of both bones show rough bony projections and lipping.
- Radius: left. Its upper end shows new bony projections and lipping.
- Ulna: left. The margins of the trochlear fossa are irregular with bony osteophytes.
- Hand bones: almost complete.
* Lower limb:
- Innominate bone: right and left (fragmented).
- Femur: right and left (incomplete). The lower ends of both bones show roughness, lipping and bony outgrowths.
- Tibia: right and left. The upper ends of both bones show irregular bony outgrowths and lipping.
- Fibula: right and left (incomplete).
- Foot bones: calcaneus (left), navicular (left), 3 cuneiforms, metatarsals (5) and phalange s(6).
* Ribs: only rib fragments are available. The heads of the ribs present show signs of osteoarthritis.
* vertebrae:
- Thoracic vertebrae: most of them are broken but some mid-thoracic vertebrae are fused together by projecting osteophytes and by their diarthrodial joints (ankylosing spondylitis). Some ribs are fixed to the vertebrae (pl. 1-11). The laminae and spines of these vertebrae are fused together by ossified ligaments.
- Sacrum.
- Coccyx: one piece is present.
Tomb (18):
It contains one burial no. (7-16).
●Skeleton (7-16):
This skeleton belongs to a young person about 16-18 years of age, the sex cannot be identified as the bones present are a very few, these bones are:
* Upper limb:
- Scapula: left (broken).
* Lower limb:
- Femur: left (broken).
* Vertebrae:
- Cervical vertebrae: axis (broken).
- Thoracic vertebrae: only 2 (broken).
Tomb (19):
This tomb contains one burial no. (8-21).
This skeleton belongs to a young child of about seven years old. The available bones are:
* Skull: occipital bone: its 4 parts are fused into one bone.
* Upper limb:
- Scapula: right (intact) and left (broken).
- Clavicle: right.
- Humerus: right.
- Radius and ulna: right and left.
- Hand bones: one carpal, 10 phalanges.
* Lower limb:
- Innominate bone: separate right ileum, separate right ischium and separate left ischium.
- Femur: right and left.
- Tibia and fibula: right and left.
- Foot bones: talus (right and left), calcaneus (right and left), cuboid (right), some metatarsals.
* Ribs: all ribs are present and some are broken. A lumbar rib (short, with a rounded end) is present.
* Vertebrae:
- Cervical vertebrae: ring epiphyses are absent.
- Sacral segments: only 4 which are still separate.
Tomb (20):
This tomb contains 3 burials nos. (10-22), (10-22A) and (10-22B).
●Skeleton (10-22):
This skeleton belongs to an old male above 50 years of age. The bones are generally huge and tough. The available bones are:
* Skull only petrous temporal bone.
* Upper limb:
- Ulna: right and left.
- Hand bones: a few carpal bones with signs of osteoarthritis as pitting and roughness.
* Lower limb:
- Femur: right and left. They are tough with prominent bony ridges at the sites of muscle attachments. There is also lipping at the margins of the articular surfaces of the lower ends (pl. 1-12).
- Tibia: right and left. Both bones show lipping at the articular surfaces. Part of the ligamentum patellae is ossified at the site of its attachment to the tibial tuberosity (pl. 1-12).
- Patella: right and left. Both bones are rough (pl. 1-12).
- Foot bones: some terminal phalanges of the toes are rough.
* Ribs: only rib fragments are present.
* Vertebrae:
- Cervical vertebrae: only 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th C.V. are present. Their bodies show sloping upper surfaces with lipping of their upper margins.
- Thoracic vertebrae: 5 T.V. are present. One of the lower T.V. shows a small rounded bony elevation on the upper surface of its body (pl. 1-13).
- Lumbar vertebrae: only 2 are found.
