日本財団 図書館

付録1 IMO・DSC小委員会等審議概要 3
付録1.1 IMO第7回DSC小委員会提案概要 3
文書番号 表題 提案内容
CTU薫蒸に関する改正提案 Related documents: 
認識不足による未申告又は船積書類への不適切な記載を防止するための「UN3359 FUMIGATED UNIT」に関するIMDGコード関連規定の一部改正
1. 現行5.5.2には、運送書類に関する規定と表示に関する規定が混在しているため、次の5.5.2を削除し、それぞれの規定を該当するセクションに規定し直す。
5.5.2:Documentation and identification of fumigated units 
Transport documents associated with the transport of cargo transport units under fumigation should show the date of fumigation and the type and amount of fumigant used. In addition, instructions for disposal of a residual fumigant, including fumigation devices (if used), should be provided. 
A closed cargo transport unit under fumigation should be identified with a warning sign, as specified in the figure, affixed to the access door(s) in a location where it will be easily seen by persons attempting to enter the interior of the cargo transport unit, incorporating the identity of the fumigant and the date and time of fumigation. 
The fumigation warning sign should be rectangular and should not be less than 300 mm wide and 250 mm high. The markings should be black print on a white background with lettering not less than 25 mm high. An illustration of this sign is given below:
2. 「 Information required in document」に次を規定する。 
5.4:DOCUMENTATION Cargo transport units under fumigation. When cargo transport unites are carried under fumigation the transport document shall include the date of fumigation and the type and amount of fumigant used In addition, instructions for disposal of a residual fumigant, including fumigation devices (if used), should be provided.
3. 「5.3.2 Marking of cargo transport units」に次を規定する。 
5.3 :PLACARDING AND MARKING OF CARGO TRANSPORT UNITS Cargo Transport Units under fumigation 
.1 A closed cargo transport unit under fumigation shall be marked with a warning sign, as specified in, affixed in a location where it will be easily seen by persons attempting to enter the interior of the unit. When the fumigated unit has been ventilated to remove harmful concentrations of fumigant gas, the warning sign shall be removed. 
.2 The fumigation warning sign shall be rectangular and shall not be less than 300 mm wide and 250 mm high. The markings should be black print on a white background with lettering not less than 25 mm high. An illustration of this sign is given below:(Fumigation warning sign)
EmSガイドの改正(最新版の維持) Related documents: 
DSC6/15/Add.2(Revised Emergency Procedures for ships carrying dangerous goods(THE EmS GUIDE) 
海洋汚染物質のガイダンスリスト Related documents: 
MEPC47/10/3, MEPC47/20 
クラス6.2海上運送上、その輸送物の外装及び運送書類からの技術的名称の削除 Related documents: 
ST/SG/AC.10/C.3/2002/CRP.1/Add.6、PARA 65 and 66、UN/SCETDG/21/INF.40 
IMDGコードの種々の一部改正 Related documents: 
IMDG Code Amendment 29-98 & 30-00、DSC6/15/Add.1 
IMDGコード第29回、30回、31回改正の比較検討を行いいくつかの改正を提案している。 提案された改正のほとんどはエディトーリアルエラーであり、支持して差し支えないと考えられるが次の3提案に関しては検討が必要である:
1. UN 1848 プロピオン酸
2. Special Provision 900
"The transport of the following substances including mixtures of this entry is prohibited."
3. 容器等級IIの引火性液体の引火点
過酸化水素(水溶液) (安定剤入りのもので、濃度が60質量%を超えるもの)(国連番号2015)へのポータブルタンクの使用に関する改正提案 Related documents: 
IMDG Code Amdt.29.98、30.00 
SP29、281及び940の改正 Related documents: 
IMDG Code Amendment 29-98 & 30-00 
This substance is exempt from labeling、but shall be marked with the appropriate class or division. However, packagings of UN Nos. 1374, 1386, 2216 and 2217 transported as a single commodity in a cargo transport unit are exempted from displaying the class number provided the cargo transport unit in which they are packed is marked with a UN Number.
Transport of hay, straw or bhusa when wet, damp or contaminated with oil is prohibited and when not wet or contaminated with oil is subject to the provisions of this Code. Bales transported as a single commodity in a cargo transport unit are exempted from displaying the label, provided the unit in which the bales are packed is placarded.
Packages transported as a single commodity in a cargo transport unit are exempted from displaying the class number provided the unit is marked "CLASS 8".

The packages, including bales, are exempt from labeling provided that they are marked with the appropriate class (e.g. "class 4.2"). They must also display the official transport designation and the UN number of the substance that they contain in accordance with 5.2.1. 
(5.2.1 Marking of packages including IBCs) In any case the packages, including bales, are exempt from class marking provided that they are loaded in a cargo transport unit and that they contain goods to which only one UN number has been attributed. Furthermore, under the same conditions, the bales are exempt from displaying the official transport designation and the UN number.

The cargo transport units in which the packages, including bales, are loaded must display any relevant labeling placards and marks in accordance with chapter 5.3."
Transport of hay, straw or bhusa when wet, damp or contaminated with oil is prohibited and when not wet or contaminated with oil is subject to the provisions of this Code. Bales transported as a single commodity in a cargo transport unit are exempted from displaying the label, provided the unit in which the bales are packed is placarded. 
UN1364: Cotton waste, oily、UN1365: Cotton, damp及びUN1856: Rags, oilyのSP281を削除する。
3. UN1327: Hay、straw or bhusa、UN1364: Cotton、waste、oil及びUN2800: Batteries、wet non-spillableにSP29を加える。
4. UN2698: Tetrahydrophtalic anhydrides及びUN2800: Batteries、wet non-spillableからSP940を削除する。
5. 「」を次のとおり改正する。 
A package containing a dangerous substance with a low degree of danger and identified as such by a special provision in the Dangerous Goods List may be exempt from these labeling requirements. In these case, the special provision in the Dangerous Goods List indicates that no hazard label is required. However, for certain substances the package shall be marked with the appropriate text as indicated in the special provision. For example: 
A package containing a dangerous substance which has a low degree of danger may be exempt from these labeling requirements.
In this case a special provision specifying that no hazard label is required appears in column 6 of the Dangerous Goods List for the relevant substance. However, for certain substances the package shall be marked with the appropriate text as it appears in the special provision. e.g.:(例略)
7/3/24(仏) 「N.O.S品名」に関する輸送文書への隔離グループの記載 Related documents: 
For substances, mixtures, solutions or preparations shipped under N.O.S. entries not included in the segregation groups listed in paragraph but belonging, in the opinion of the shipper, to one of these groups (see, the appropriate segregation group should be shown in the transport document. N.O.S品名で船積みされる物質、混合物、溶液又は調合剤は、パラ3.1.4.4の隔離グループに含まれていないが、これらのグループに該当すると荷送人が評価した場合には、適切な隔離グループを輸送書類に記載しなければならない。
Although these N.O.S. entries are not themselves listed in the above groups, the shipper should decide, based on assimilation, whether inclusion under the segregation group is appropriate, Mixtures, solutions or preparations containing substances falling within a segregation group and shipped under an N.O.S. entry are considered to fall within that segregation group. and, if so, mention that fact in the transport document (see
7/3/25(仏) IMOタイプタンク規定の明確化及び規定の採り入れ方に関する提案 Related documents: 
1. 第30回改正内容を含む新IMDGコードは2002年1月1日実施されたが、その中で第29回改正内容の旧規定に基づくポータブルタンク(IMOタイプ・ポータブルタンク)の使用が2010年1月1日まで認められている。しかしながら、旧規定によるタンク基準が新IMDGコードで省かれている。
2. IMOタイプ・ポータブルタンクは、2003年1月1日まで第29回改正のIMDGコード規定に従って製造でき、引き続き旧規定による検査に合格すれば2010年1月1日まで使用できる。従って、旧規定が必要である。
3. IMOタイプ・ポータブルタンクの使用に関するIMDGコード規定が種々あるのでこれらを整理し明確化にする必要である。
4. 英国提案7/3/5では、これらをMSCサーキュラーでとりまとめることを提案しているが、仏は、IMDGコード本文に採り入れた方がいいと考える。
