Tuesday, July 23, Io:30 a,m.-12:30 p.m., Room 303
Chair: Kazuki Oda (Japan)
Co-Chair: Donghoon Yoo (Korea)
Diffraction of Random Waves in a Harbor with Partially Reflecting Boundaries
Sung Duk Kim, Hong Sik Lee
Department of Civil Engineering, Chung-Ang University, Kyungki-Do, KOREA
Mitsuo Takezawa
Department of Civil Engineering, Nihon University, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo, JAPAN
Radiation of Low Frequency Waves from a Step Configration
Akira Kimura, Yoshiham Matsumi
Department of Social Systems Engineering, Tottori University, Tottori, JAPAN
Ken-ichi Ohno
Information Processing Center, Tottori University, Tottori, JAPAN
Diffraction of Random Waves with Rectanglar Submarine Pits
Bo Hyung Lee, Hong Sik Lee
Department of Civil Engineering, Chung-Ang University, Kyungki-Do, KOREA
Mitsuo Takezawa
Department of Civil Engineering, Nihon University, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo, JAPAN
An Estimation of Long-Period Oscillations of Moored Ship by Numerical Simulation
Satoru Shiraishi, Haruo Yoneyama, Hirakazu Sato
Port and Airport Research Institute, Yokosuka, JAPAN
Kenji Sasa
Kobe University of Mercantile Marine, Kobe, JAPAN
The Effect of Lon Period Oscillation in the Storm Surge
Hiroshi Yoshioka, Shigeatsu Serizawa, Tomotsuka Takayama
Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University, Kyoto, JAPAN
Armor Unit of Rubble-Mound Breakwater
Dong-Hoon Yoo
Department of Civil Engineering, Ajou University, Suwon, KOREA
Seok-Kun Koo
Delis Construction Co., Yeoido, Seoul, KOREA
Wednesday, July 24, 1:30-3:30 p.m., Room 303
Chair: Shohachi Kakuno (Japan)
Co-Chair: Chong Kun Pyun (Korea)
Wave Trapping Artificial Reef
Tadashi Fukumoto, Tsuyoshi Hashimoto
Nishimatsu Construction Co., Ltd., Technical Research Institute, Kanagawa, JAPAN
Field Experiment of Half-Loc for a Design
Hyuck-Min Kweon
School of Construction and Environmental System Engineering, Kyongju University, Kyongju, KOREA
Shin-Taek Jeong
Division of Architecture, Urban, Civil & Environmental Engineering, Wongkwang University, Iksan, KOREA
Armor Stability of Rubble Mound Foundation for Hi h Mound Composite Seawall
Masaya Mori, Yasuji Yamamoto, Nobutoshi Umezawa
Civil Engineering Research Institute of Hokhaido, Toyohira, Sapporo, JAPAN
Katsutoshi Kimura
Muroran Institute of Technology, Mizumoto-cho, Muroran, JAPAN
The Seismic Behavior of Offshore Structures in Ice Covered Seas
Kouichi Sato
Taisei Corporation, Yokohama, JAPAN
Nobuyoshi Yashima
Ceramic House Ltd., Funabashi, JAPAN
Mitsukazu Nakanishi, Hiromi Adachi
Dept. of Oceanic Architecture & Engineering College of Science & Technology, Nihon University, Funabashi, JAPAN
Wednesday, July 24, 4:00-5:30 p.m., Room 303
Chair: Shohachi Kakuno (Japan)
Co-Chair: Chong Kun Pyun (Korea)
On the Effects of Concrete Block-Type Breakwaters
Yoshifusa Yamada, Susumu Kubota, Mitsuo Takezawa
Dept. of Civil Engr., College of Science & Technology, Nihon University, Tokyo, JAPAN
Development of the Eco-Reef Concrete Blocks
Kazuo Tokikawa, Makoto Kawahara
Toyo Construction Co., Ltd., Hokkaido Branch Sapporo, JAPAN
Nobutoshi Umezawa
Port & Harbor Eng. Division, Sapporo JAPAN
Dr. Kenji Yano
University of Tokoi, Sapporo JAPAN
Influence of Submerged Breakwater to Wave Runup on Step Dyke
Jea-Tzyy Juang, Chao-Fu Lin, Chi-Da Huang
Fooyin Institute of Technology, Kao-Hsiung, TAIWIAN
Wednesday, July, 24, 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., Room 301A
Chair: Ho-Shong Hou (Taiwan)
Co-Chair: Kazuo Tokikawa (Japan)
Basic Study on the Working Conditions in Fishing Port
Mio Anai, Takeo Kondo
Nihon University, Funabashi, Chiba, JAPAN
Heon Chol Park, Kimiyasu Saeki, Sadamitu Akeda
Nobuo Takaki
National Fisheries Research Institute Fisheries Research Agency, Ibaraki, JAPAN
Large Shaking Table Tests on Sand Liquefaction for Pile Foundation
T. Hagiwara, Y. Arai, T. Hosoi
Nishimatsu Construction Co., Ltd., Tokyo, JAPAN
Port Integrated Planning and Development of the Taiwan District
Ho-Shong Hou
Kaohsiung City Government, Taiwan, Kaohsiung, TAIWAN
Peng-His Hou
Institute of Traffic and Transportation, National Chiao Tung University, Taipei, TAIWAN
Offshore Zone Reclamation-Kaohsiung South Star Plan
Ho-Shong Hou
Kaohsiang City Government, Taiwan, Kaohsiung, TAIWAN
Peng-His Hou
Institute of Traffic and Transportation, National Chiao Tung University, Taipei, TAIWAN
Numerical Analysis on Gravity Type Caisson Quay Wall Movement Caused by Liquefaction
Yoshikazu Kobayashi
College of Science and Technology, Nihon University, Tokyo, JAPAN
Ikuo Towhata
The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, JAPAN
Evaluation and Improvement of Working Environment at Fishing Port
Kimiyasu Saeki, Nobuo Takaki, Sadamitsu Akeda
National Research Institute of Fisheries Engineering, Fisheries Research Agency, Ibaraki, JAPAN
Friday, July 26, 1:30-3:30 p.m., Room 301A
Chair: Ki-Dai Yum (Korea)
Co-Chair: Albert Kuo (Taiwan)
Co-Chair: Susumu Kubota (Japan)
Fall Velocity of Sand Particles in Turbulence
Kyungmo Ahn
School of Construction, Urban, & Environmental Engineering, Handong University, Pohang City, KOREA
Robert G. Dean, Daniel M. Hanes
Civil & Coastal Engineering Department, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA
In-Situ Calibration of Indirect SSC Measurements Using an Isokinetic Water Sampler
Jae-Youll Jin, Keun Choon Hwang, Jin Soon Park, Ki Dai Yum
Coastal and Harbor Engineering Laboratory Korea Ocean Research and Development Institute, Ansan, Kyunggido, KOREA
Jae Kyung Oh
Department of Oceanography, Inha University, Incheon KOREA
Influence on Sediment Transport Due to Port Construction in Asan Ba, Korea
S. W. Kang, B. C. Oh, Y. D. Kim
Coastal and Harbor Engineering Research laboratory, KORDI, Seoul, KOREA
T. S. Jung
Department of Civil and Environment, Hannam University, Daejeon, KOREA
Design of Traps for Sediment Management in Harbors and Navigation Channels
Trimbak Parchure, Robert McAdory, Allen Teeter
U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS USA
Removal Efficiency of Deposited Organic Matter Utilizing Feeding Habits of Stichopus japonicus
Takayuki Yamasaki, Kengo Kurata, Yasunori Kozuki, Masaki Morita
Department of Ecosystem Engineering, University of Tokushima, Tokushima, JAPAN
Hiroshi Sasayama
Port and Airport Technical Investigation Office, The Shikoku Regional Development, Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, JAPAN
Thursday, July 25, 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., Room 301A
Chair: Takao Yamashita (Japan)
Co-Chair: Trimbak M. Parchure (USA)
Empirical Formulation of Coastal Currents and Sediment Transport Rate Under Storm Condition
Yasuyuki Baba, Abbas Yeganeh
Ujigawa Hydraulics Laboratory, DPRI, Kyoto University, Kyoto, JAPAN
Takao Yamashita, Takashige Gobuichi
Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University, Kyoto, JAPAN
LISST/ADCP Observation of Suspended Load Profiles in the Surf Zone
Shigeru Kato, Takao Yamashita, Abbas Yeganeh Bakhtiar
Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University, Uji, JAPAN
Shoreline Change Due to Construction of Intake Breakwaters of Nuclear Power Plant
Kyung Doug Suh, Yong Taek Oh
School of Civil, Urban, and Geosystem Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul, KOREA
Shoreline Prediction by Macro Scale Sediment Budget
Saburo Urashima
Department of Civil Engineering, Tomakomai National College of Technology, Hokkaido, JAPAN
Hideo Kondo
Coastsphere Systems Institute Company Limited, Hokkaido, JAPAN
Akira Kawamori
Alpha Hydraulic Engineering Consultants Incorporated, Hokkoido, JAPAN
Surface Wind Field Simulation of Winter Monsoon Storm by PSU/NCAR MM5 in the Japan's Coasts Facing the Japan Sea
Takao Yamashita, Shigeru Kato
Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University, Uji, JAPAN
Hironori Fudeyasu
Department of Civil Engineering, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University, Uji, JAPAN
Hidetoshi Nishiguchi
Department of Civil Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University, Uji, JAPAN