Friday, July 26, 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., Room 302
Chair: Xinqing Zou (China)
Co-Chair: Hee Do Ahn (Korea)
Advantages of Fertilizer for Algae Enhancement Technology
Kenji Hotta, Kyoichi Okamoto
Department of Oceanic Architecture and Engineering, Nihon University, Chiba, JAPAN
Tetsuo Suzuki
CELSS: Coastal Environmental Lab., Shizuoka, JAPAN
Polychlorinated Organic Contaminants in Surface Sediments from the Yangtze Estuary, China
M. Liu, Y. Yang, L. Hou, S. Xu, D. Ou, B. Zhang, Q. Liu
Department of Geography, Open Laboratory of Urban Environmental Process of the State Ministry of Education, East China Normal University, Shanghai, CHINA
A Study of the Relation Between Human and Nature Through the Viewpoint of Tide and-A Case Study of Banzu Tideland
Taro Shibagaki, Akio Kuroyanagi
Department of Oceanic Architecture and Engineering, Nihon University, Chiba, JAPAN
Analysis of Dissolved Oxygen and Fish Eggs and Larvae in a Bay
Yoshihiro Suenaga, Koichi Masuda, Takashi Sasaki, Hee-Do Ahn, Tetsuro Kobayashi
Faculty of Engineering, Kagawa University, Kagawa, JAPAN
Friday, July 26, 1:30-3:30 p.m., Room 302
Chair: Xinqing Zou (China)
Co-Chair: Hee Do Ahn (Korea)
To Research Safety Flood Area Planning in Mekong Delta of Vietnam
Han Duc Viet, Kenji Hotta, Kyoichi Okamoto
Nihon University, Chiba, JAPAN
Coastal Ocean Tourism Planning and Environment Protection of the Yalong Bay, Hainan Island, China
Wang Ying, Dakui Zhu
Centre of Marine Study, Nanjing University, Nanjing, CHINA
A Study on Kelp Forest Regeneration Using Porous Concrete
Munehisa Yoshida
Technical Center, Okumura Engineering Corporation, Osaka, JAPAN
Motoharu Tamai
Department of Civil Engineering, Kinki University, Osaha, JAPAN
An Environmental Evaluation of an Artificial Lagoon by the Sessile Organisms Community
Naotaka Yoshimura, Yasunori Kozuki, Hitoshi Murakami, Kengo Kurata
Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokushima, Tokushima, JAPAN
Koji Otsuka, Naoki Nakatani
Graduate School of Engineering, Osako Prefecture University, JAPAN
Structure and Functional Organization of Coastal Nhatrang Bay Ecosystems
D. S. Pavlov, G. G. Novikov, B. A. Levenko, T. I. Koltsova
Institute of Ecology and Evolution Problems, Russian Academy of Science, Moscow, RUSSIA
T. V. Polakova
Department of Ichthyology, State University of Moscow, Moscow, RUSSIA
Friday, July 26, 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., Room 301B
Chair: Yoshihiko Maeno (Japan)
Co-Chair: Katsuhiko Kurata (Japan)
Co-Chair: Hideo Kondo (Japan)
Development of Predictive Formulae for the Flow Area at Tidal Entrances
Meng Zhaowu, Akira Kawamori
Alpha Hydraulic Engineering Consulting Company Inc., Sapporo, JAPAN
Hideo Kondo
Coastsphere Systems Institute Inc., Sapporo, JAPAN
Vitalizing Reg ions By Shimanami-Virtual-University and the Concept of Eco-Tourism
Hirofumi Sorimachi, Kazukiyo Yamamoto, Takeo Kondo
Nihon University, Chiba, JAPAN
On the Response of Residents Around Bay Bridges
Naohiro Takahashi, Yoshihiko Maeno, Mitsuo Takezawa
Department of Civil Engineering, College of Science & Technology, Nihon University, Tokyo, JAPAN
Strategic Concept for Odawara Revive System as Coastal City
Ryuta Torige, Turuta Kenji, Takeo Kondo, Kazukiyo Yamamoto
Nihon University, Chiba, JAPAN
Exprimental Study on the Behavior of Sand Under the Water
Tadayuki Yamamoto, Mitsuo Takezawa, Yoshihiko Maeno
Department of Civil Engineering, College of Science & Technology, Nihon University, Tokyo, JAPAN
The Great Influence of Human Action on the Development Process of Coastal Landform
Yang Dayuan, Wu Jianghua
Department of Urban and Resources Science, Nanjing University, Nanjing, CHINA