Friday, July 26, 10:30 a.m. -12:30 p.m., Room 301A
Chair: Ron Weiner (USA)
Co-Chair: Hirofumi Watanabe (Japan)
Pyruvate and Acetate Metabolism in the Termite and Its Symbionts
Shuji Itakura, Akio Enoki
Department of Agricultural Chemistry, Kinki University, Nara, JAPAN
Chemistry and Enzyme Inhibitory Activity of Calyculins, Metabolites of a Marine Sponge
Shigeki Matsunaga, Toshiyuki Wakimoto, Nobuhiro Fusetani
Laboratory of Aquatic Natural Products Chemistry, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, JAPAN
Identification of Diverse Cellulase Genes from Symbiotic Protists in the Hindgut of Termite
Moriya Ohkuma, Shigeharu Moriya, Tetsushi Inoue, Toshiaki Kudo
Bioscience Technology Ctr., RIKEN and Japan Science & Technology Corporation, Saitama, JAPAN
Marine-Derived Excitatory Amino Acids
Ryuichi Sakai, Kazuhiko Koike, Kanae Koike, Hisao Kamiya
Kitasato University, School of Fisheries Sciences, Sanriku-cho Ofunato Iwate, JAPAN
Geoffery T. Swanson
Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, Texas, USA
Diversity and Applications of Arhthrpod Cellulases
Hirofumi Watanabe, Ayako Yokota, Ravikumar Goppalapili, Nathan Lo, Masahiro Sugimura, Keisuke Nakashima
National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences, Ibaraki, JAPAN
Gaku Tokuda
Center of Molecular Biosciences, University of the Ryukyus, Nishihara, Okinawa, JAPAN
A Unique Bacterium Participates in the Marine Carbon Cycle: Hydrolysome Model
Ronald Weiner, Larry Taylor, Nathan Ekborg, Ahmed Hafez, Mike Howard, Steve Hutcheson
Department of Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics, College Park, Maryland, USA
Wednesday, July 24, 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., Room 302
Chair: Tomonari Akamatsu (Japan)
Co-Chair: Adam Zielinski (Canada)
The Present State of Research of Fisheries Resource Using Hydroacoustics in Korea
Doojin Hwang
Dept. of Fisheries Science and Technology, Yosu National University, Challanam, KOREA
The Development of New Techniques as Indices of Activity in Free-Ranging Flatfish
Ryo Kawabe, Katsuaki Nashimoto
Graduate School of Fisheries Sciences, Hokkaido University, Hakodate, JAPAN
Yasuhiko Naito
National Institute of Polar Research, Itabashi, Tokyo, JAPAN
Monitoring of Animal Life in the Sea by Micro Data-Logger Attached to the Animal Body
Yasuhiko Naito, Akiko Kato, Katsufumi Sato, Yan Courdert-Ropert
National Institute of Polar Research, Itabashi, Tokyo, JAPAN
Estimation of Length and Behavior of an Individual Fish by Acoustic Method
Kouichi Sawada, Yoshimi Takao
National Research Institute of Fisheries Engineering, Fisheries Research Agency, Ebidai, Hasaki, Kashima, JAPAN
Effects of Ship Motions on Echograms in Fisheries
Adam Zielinski, Shuya Xiao
University of Victoria, Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Victoria, B.C., CANADA
Robert Kieser
Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, B.C., CANADA
Tuesday, July 23, 4:00-5:30 p.m., Room 301A
Chair: Akira Wada (Japan)
Co-Chair: Takashige Sugimoto (Japan)
Possibility of Isolation CO2 in the High Latitude of the Pacific Ocean
Kazuyuki Hasegawa, Akira Wada, Ryosuke Nishimura
Nihon University, College of Industrial Technology, Narashino, Chiba, JAPAN
Seiichiro Nagoya
Ark Information System, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, JAPAN
Kenji Takano
Londo Columbia University, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory Palisades, New York, USA
A Comparison of Wind-Driven Currents and Direct ADCP Observations
Sergey M. Shapovalov
P. P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, RUSSIA
Dmitry Besedin
Moscow State University, Moscow, RUSSIA
Seasonal and Interannual Variations of Plankton Biomass in the Subarctic Pacific
Takashige Sugimoto
Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo, Nakano Ku, Tokyo, JAPAN
Kazuaki Tadokoro
Frontier Research System for Global Change, Yokohawa, Kanagawa, JAPAN
Analysis of Flow and Diffusion of Radio-Nuclides in the Arctic Ocean
Akira Wada
Nihon University, College of Industrial Technology, Chiba, JAPAN
Tairyu Takano
Laboratory of Aquatic Science Consultant Corp., Tokyo, JAPAN
Teruo Hozumi
Ark Information System, Tokyo, JAPAN
Coordinator: Young C. Kim (USA)
Co-Coordinator: Mitsuo Takezawa (Japan)
Monday, July 22, 4:00-5:30 p.m., Room 301A
Chair: Akira Kimura (Japan)
Co-Chair: Kyung Doug Suh (Korea)
The Study of Maritime Support by the Hospital Ship in Disaster
Shunsuke Fujihashi
Nihon University, Funabashi, Chiba, JAPAN
Takeo Kondo, Kazukiyo Yamamoto
Nihon University, Chiba, JAPAN
Distributions and Effective Environmental Half-Lives of Man-Made Radionuclides Off the Japanese Coast
Naohiko Inatomi, Fujio Kasamatsu, Yutaka Nagaya
Marine Ecology Research Institute, Tokyo, JAPAN
Three-Dimensional Computation for Hydrodyamic Characteristics of Two Circular Cylinders
Norio Kondo
Department of Oceanic Architecture and Engineering, Nihon University, Chiba, JAPAN
Daisuke Matsukuma
Graduate School of Nihon University, Chiba, JAPAN
Modeling Hydrodynamics and Water Quality in the Separation Waterway of Yulin Offshore Industrial Park, Taiwan
Wen-Cheng Liu
Hydrotech Research Institute, National Taiwan University, Taipei, TAIWAN
Jan-Tai Kuo
Department of Civil Engineering and Hydrotech Research Institute, National Taiwan University Taipei, TAIWAN
Albert Y. Kuo
Department of Bioenvironmental Systems Engineering and Hydrotech Research Institute National Taiwan University, Taipei, TAIWAN
Monday, July 22, 1:30-3:30 p.m., Room 303
Chair: Byung Ho Choi (Korea)
Co-Chair: Yusaku Kyozuka (Japan)
Co-Chair: See Whan Kang (Korea)
A Finely-Resolved Tidal Computations for the Global Ocean
Byung Ho Choi, Doo Seop Kim
Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon, KOREA
Assessment on Surface Wind Field Models for Wave and Storm Surge Prediction
S. W. Kang, K. C. Jun, K. S. Park, G. H. Bang
Coastal and Harbor Engineering Research laboratory, KORDI, Seoul, KOREA
Tidal Simulations in the YS-ECS by Finite Element Numerical Models
Kyeong Ok Kim
Dept. of Civil Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University, Uji, JAPAN
Byung Ho Choi
Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University Suwon, KOREA
Tidal Simulation in Ariake Sea by Parallelized Ocean Model
Kyeong Ok Kim
Dept. of Civil Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University, Uji, JAPAN
Takao Yamashita
Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University, Uji, JAPAN
A Feasibility Study on Generation of Electricity by Tidal Current in Kanmon Straits
Yusaku Kyozuka, Takaharu Hamada, and Takamichi Fujiwara
Kyushu University, Kasuga, Fukuoha, JAPAN
Variation of Water Qualities According to Tidal Movement in the Tidal Flat of Young-Jong Do
Yi Yong Yoon
Division of Construction, Environment & System Engineering, Kwandong University, Kangwondo, KOREA
Chong Kun Pyun
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Myongji University, Kyonggido, KOREA
Kyu Han Kim
Division of Construction, Environment & System Engineering, Kwandong University, Kangwondo, KOREA
Byung Man Yoon
Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Myongji University, Kyonggido, KOREA
Tuesday, July 23, 1:30-3:30p.m., Room 302
Chair: Tad Murty (Canada)
Co-Chair: Yoshinobu Tsuji (Japan)
Co-Chair: Jong Sup Lee (Korea)
Tsunami Runup and Drawdown on a Plane Beach
George F. Carrier
Division of Engineering & Applied Sciences, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA
Harry Yeh
Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA
Characteristics of Infra-Gravity Waves Developed with Typhoon
Ryota Karube, Akio Kobayashi
Nihon University, Chiba, Japan
The Flow Parameters Estimation Above Dry Land in the Tsunami Run-Up Modeling
Andrei G. Marchuk, Alexandr A. Anisimov
Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics, Siberian Division of the RAS, Novosibirsk, RUSSIA
Development of a Full Nonlinear Numerical Modelin of Nearshore Tsunami
Jong-Chun Park, Atsushi Iwata, Hideaki Miyata
Department of Environmental and Ocean Engineering, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, JAPAN
Effect of the Tsunami Breakwater Under Construction Against Tsunami Disasters
Hiroaki Sato
River and Coastal Engineering Department, NEWJEC Inc., Osaka, JAPAN
Hitoshi Murakami, Yasunori Kozuki, Kengo Kurata
Department of Ecosystem Engineering, University of Tokushima, Tokushima, JAPAN
Tuesday, July 23, 4:00-5:30 p.m., Room 302
Chair: Tad Murty (Canada)
Co-Chair: Yoshinobu Tsuji (Japan)
Co-Chair: Jong Sup Lee (Korea)
Effect of Tide and Flood Gates on Tsunami Inundation
Takuji Sugimoto, Hitoshi Murakami, Yasunori Kozuki, Kengo Kurata, Takemi Shikata
Department of Ecosystem Engineering, University of Tokushima, JAPAN
Traces of Tsunamis of Major Tokai Earthquakes in the Bottom Sedimentary Layers of O-Ike and Suwa-Lagoons, Kii Peninsula
Yoshinobu Tsuji, Makoto Okamura
Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, JAPAN
Yumi Matsuoka, Tomoko Goto
Kochi University
Tsunami Propagation Characteristics in Channels Leading into the Seto Inland Sea
Kazuo Yoshida
Coastal Engineering Div., River & Coastal Engineering Dept., NEWJEC Inc., Osaka, JAPAN
Tomio Shimada
Department of Construction Systems Engineering, Anan National College of Technology, Tokushima, JAPAN
Hitoshi Murakami, Yasunori Kozuki, Hiroshi Ichishima
Department of Ecosystem Engineering, University of Tokushima, Tokushima, JAPAN