1. HAYASHI, Ryoji (2002011, MA) OKAMURA, Tomonori (2002044, METN)
Supervisor - Prof. HIKIMA, Toshio Prof.
2. HAYASHI, Ryoji
4. Representative*: coordination
Secretary*: support to Representative
Assistant Secretary: support to Secretary
Supervisor: advise to the fellows *: They are selected from students.
5. Representative coordinate and/or correspondent for the regional network.
6. Students have a meeting annually.
7. See attachment
8. Graduates have to send their specification such as work, position, TEL/FAX and E-mail to the Secretariat.
Secretariat has to make sure the Graduates' specification at least once a year.
9. Representative of Japan Region has a responsibility to report to SOF.
10. Making E-mail List until August 2001
Establish Japan Region Homepage until September 2001
First General Assembly on January 2002
11. Secretariat is responsible for contacting all Graduates using E-mail, TEL/FAX etc.
12. E-mail accounts will be given all Graduates by SOF if it is possible.
( a ) Collecting issues and submitting to the Secretariat.
( b ) Evaluating, making alternatives and asking the Graduates.
( c ) Feedback (voting, tacit acceptance etc.).
( d ) Making implementing plans. Asking the Graduates again if necessary.