日本財団 図書館

1. The names of all fellows who participated in the deliberation:
Mr. Haji Zahidin Haji Dor
Capt. Zainal Akbar Abdul Samad
Mr. Lim Yew Seng
Mr. Yee Lee Chnua
Mr. Loo Leong Peng
Mr. Azfar Bin Mohamad Mustafar
2. The name of the fellow who prepared the report:
 Mr. Lim Yew Seng
3. The organizational structure of the regional network:
 Since the numbers of fellows are small, it was decided that it is impractical to form a formal organization.
4. The role, function, selection procedure and term of appointment of the networks coordinator and/or correspondent:
 As there will be no formal organization, and since the Malaysia Maritime Academy (ALAM) has the largest number of fellows, fellows in ALAM will act as network coordinator until there is a request for a change by fellows.
5. The name of the fellows selected as coordinator and/or correspondent for the regional network:
 Mr. Lim Yew Seng
 Capt. Zainal Akbar Abdul Samad
6. The fundamental objectives of the regional network and a more specific plan of the network's activities:
 The fundamental objective is to exchanges ideas and information on matters relating maritime issues in Malaysia. There will be no specific plan of network's activities.
7. The decision making process for important issues in relation to network activities:
 Since, it is an informal network, any fellow can raise an important issue.
8. The procedures for maintaining an up-to-date network member contact list:
 Fellows will be responsible in forwarding any changes in their position, workplace, address, telephone number, fax number and e-mail address directly to SOF and the network coordinator.
9. The procedures for reporting to SOF on the activities of the network, updating the member contact list and carrying out information exchange with SOF and other regional networks: By e-mail.
10. The discussion of issues that need to be addressed in the future, the creation of action plans and the formation schedules or guidelines to achieve future goals:
 As there will be no formal organization structure, the above issues will be only formalized in the future.
11. The procedure for contacting members on the items finalized above: Be e-mail.
12. Any proposals, ideas or comments that the regional network wishes to make to SOF:
 It is propose that SOF start a homepage for the fellows network and countries with small number of fellows or countries that lack funding may piggyback of the SOF website. The SOF website should include discussion areas where fellows can post the problems or message. The website should also provide email account to member who does not have an email account.
