資料 7
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図−5. E. ジュースが提唱したゴンドワナ大陸 (Suess, E, 1883)
Fig−5. Gondwana Land proposed by Eduard Suess in 1883.
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図−6. A.ウェゲナ−の大陸移動説(1912;1915)
Fig−6. Continental Drift Theory proposed by Alfred Wegener in 1912 and 1915.
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図−7. 1950年代後半にB.ヒーゼンが発見した中央海嶺系と中軸部の連続地溝
Fig−7. Mid-oceanic Ridge System and the continious central rift axis discovered by Bruce Heezen during the later half of 1950' th.
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図−8. 東北日本の東西断面
Fig−8. East-West Section of the Northern Honshu of Japan.
Upper Figure : indicates the Waditi=Benioff Zone along which earthquake focuses are concentrated.
Lower Figure : Tyical Subduction Zone. Orogenesis, trench, volanic zone, earthquake belt. margin sea, Fore-arc Basin, Back-ar Basin are associated.
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図−9. 大洋底拡大説と沈み込み帯の提唱(ディーツとヘスによる、1961-62).移動する固体地球表層の固化した部分は地殻と考えられていた。
Fig−9. Ocean Floor Spreading Theory and the existence of Subduction Zones proposed by Robert Dietz and Harry Hess (1961-62). Moving solid part of the surface of the Earth was interpreted as the crust.