日本財団 図書館

Annex 1
Limitations of chemical-specific numerical sediment quality guidelines (付録1 原文)
1 Scope
This annex addresses quality guidelines that have been derived according to certain methodologies and using ecotoxicological data. At present, there is still substantial scientific debate on the validity of such quality guidelines and their use for marine environmental management. Quality guidelines encounter one generic limitation that applies to all matrices whether sediments, water or biota. They only address concerns regarding those chemicals for which guidelines have been developed. A sediment, for example, could be below all existing guidelines yet still pose environmental risks due to additional chemicals for which guidelines have not been developed. Existing guidelines provide no means of evaluating such constituents. Moreover, the derivation of sediment quality guidelines (SQG) is hampered by the uncertainties surrounding estimations of the biological availability of sediment-associated contaminants. The actual availability and consequent ecotoxicological effects are strongly influenced by factors such as grain-size distribution, composition of organic matter, occurrence of sulphides and the time period over which the contaminants are present in the sediment. Therefore, in the process of identifying adverse effects of certain sediment compounds, SQGs should merely be used as a first screening tool.
2 Limitations of specific derivation methods for sediment quality guidelines
2.1 Equilibrium partitioning (EqP)
Equilibrium partitioning is usually understood to refer to (1) the partitioning of non-ionic organic chemicals between sedimentary organic carbon and porewater (Di Toro et al., 1991); and (2) the partitioning of ionic metals between sulphides and porewater, as described by the acid volatile sulphides/simultaneously extracted metals (AVS/SEM) process (Di Toro et al., 1992). They are limited by the assumption of equilibrium between sediment and porewater which is questionable in the case of estuarine and coastal sediments (USACE, 1998). Moreover, even if equilibrium between abiotic phases does exist, benthic organisms do not equilibrate with the porewater because they develop strategies to obtain oxygen and waterborne nourishment from the overlying water.
2.2 Co-occurrence Analysis
SQGs have been derived on the basis of co-occurrence analyses, i.e., from collections of data on bulk sediment chemical concentrations that were measured along with some measure of biological response. Responses could be results from various bioassays performed in the laboratory, benthic community changes or various sediment quality guidelines from other sources. Examples of such SQGs are the apparent effects threshold (AET), the effects range-low and effects range-medium (ERL/ERM) and the threshold effects level and probable effects level (TEL/PEL). There are potential sources of uncertainty in all co-occurrence approaches, e.g.,:
- AET, ERL/ERM or TEL/PEL do not demonstrate cause and effect (O'Connor et al., 1998: USACE, 1998).
- AET, ERL/ERM or TEL/PEL provide inconsistent results. Because these types of SQGs are based on statistical correspondence methods and not on mechanistically based descriptions of the process by which effects are caused, the results are inconsistent from one geographical area to another (Becker et al., 1990). It is difficult to see how such processes could be used to derive numerical action levels for international application.
- AET, ERM or PEL have a high probability of being false. Some inconsistencies may be caused by correlations among contaminant distributions resulting in false values. It is not uncommon for several contaminants to originate from the same source and for their concentrations in sediment to be closely correlated. When this occurs, the nature of the AET, ERM or PEL process is such that the effects of chemical A cannot be distinguished from the effects of chemical B. Therefore, the value for chemical B reflects combined effects of A and B, resulting in a false effect threshold value (Alden and Rule, 1992).
- Uncertainties in AET, ERL/ERM or TEL/PEL are not adequately described. All the potentially important sources of uncertainty in the derivation and use of the values have not been adequately described and evaluated (USACE, 1998). Until this is done, it is not possible to know the confidence that can be placed in evaluations based on such values.
(An example of national experience with a site-specific assessment) (大意)
 ・Amphipod survival test(端脚類の生存試験)…アメリカでは10年前より堆積物の毒性判定試験にこの方法を用いている。堆積物(サンプル)全体に暴露した場合、堆積物の採取場所の汚染源からの距離により、端脚類の反応が異なる。他の種では、汚染源と関連して漠然とした結果しか出なかった。または、堆積物から抽出物を用いて暴露試験を行う、といった、実際的でない試験方法が要求された。
 ・アメリカにおけるAmphipod survival testでは、室内での10日間にわたる暴露試験の結果、Amphipodの生存率が80%未満なら有害と判定する。
 ・本試験を用いた結果によると、堆積物(底質)が汚染されているアメリカ国内の沿岸域は10%未満とされた(Long et al.,1996)。
(報告1)Long et al.(1995):
(報告2)O'Conncor and Paul(2000):
 ―2500検体に対して化学分析及び端脚類の毒性試験(Amphipod Toxicity test)を実施。
 ―730検体のうち33検体(730検体に対して4.5%)…生物試験の結果、有毒と判定。ただし、いずれの検体でも、濃度を測定した25物質はLong and Morgan(1990)の示した許容限度値の範囲を超えていない(すなわち、化学物質濃度の判定で無害とされた検体のうち実際は有害であったものは極めて確率が低かった)。これらの検体が有害と判定された理由については、25物質以外の物質の毒性によるものか、あるいは低減できない誤差のためとと考えられる。
Annex 2
An example of national experience with a site-specific assessment  (付録2 原文)
During a period of over 10 years of development in the United States, it has been found that amphipod survival during 10-day laboratory exposures to whole sediment varies in proportion to sediment proximity to chemical sources. Other tests with other species have shown ambiguous results in relation to sources or require unrealistic exposures to sediment extracts. Therefore, in the United States, the amphipod test has been chosen for classifying sediments as toxic. This same test could apply in other regions. Other choices are possible on the basis of national experience with tests, particularly in respect to their practicality, reproducibility and sensitivity to gradients in chemical contamination.
In the United States, sediments are classified as toxic if they allow less than 80% survival of amphipods in 10-day laboratory tests. This sensitive test has found that less than 10% of the United States coastal area has toxic sediments (Long et al., 1996). While no chemical measurements can identify toxic sediments, there is some value in listing sets of chemical concentrations that are rarely found in toxic sediments. These have limited value because higher concentrations co-occur with the very common condition of non-toxicity. However, if a sediment sample has no chemical concentration above the no-effect level, biological tests of toxicity are unnecessary. Long et al. (1995) provided a set of 25 no-effect concentrations that are all higher than background for metals and above global deposition levels for organic compounds.
In a set of 2,500 samples of sediment chemical data paired with amphipod toxicity measurements, O'Connor and Paul (2000) found only 33 toxic samples among 730 samples where all 25 concentrations were below the no-effect range. This less-than-5% occurrence of toxicity in the no-effect range as calculated by Long and Morgan (1990) may be due to chemicals not included among the 25 with no-effect levels but may also be an irreducible minimum rate of error. In the same dataset 1,370 (80%) of the 1,725 sediment samples with concentrations above the no-effect levels were also non-toxic. Exceedance of a no-effect concentration means only that biological considerations are necessary.
References of recommended literature
Alden, R.W., III, and Rule, J.H. (1992). "Uncertainty and sediment quality assessments; II. Effects of correlations between contaminants on the interpretation of apparent effects threshold data", Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 11: 654-61.
Becker, D.S., Barrick, R.C., and Read, L.B. (1990). "Evaluation of the AET approach for assessing contamination of marine sediments in California", State Water Resources Control Board Report No. 90-3SQ, Sacramento, CA.
Daskalakis, K.D., and O'Connor, T.P. (1995). "Normalization and elemental sediment contamination in the Coastal United States", Environmental Science and Technology 29: 470-477.
Di Toro, D.M., Mahoney, J.D., Hansen, D.J., Scott, K.J., Carlson, A.R., and Ankley, G.T. (1992)."Acid volatile sulfide predicts the acute toxicity of cadmium and nickel in sediments", Environmental Science and Technology 26(1): 96-101.
Di Toro, D.M., Zarba, C.S., Hansen, D.J., Berry, S.J., Swartz, R.C., Cowan, C.E., Pavlou, S.P., Allen, H.E., Thomas, N.A., and Paquin, P.R. (1991). "Technical basis for establishing sediment quality criteria for non-ionic organic chemicals using equilibrium partitioning", Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 10: 1541-83.
Long, E.R., Field, L.J., and MacDonald, D.D. (in press). "Predicting toxicity in marine sediments with numerical sediment quality guidelines", Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry.
Long, E.R., and Morgan, L.G. (1990). "The potential for biological effects of sediment-sorbed contaminants tested in the National Status and Trends Program," NOAA Tech. Memo NOS OMA 52, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Seattle, WA.
Loring, D.H. (1990). "The Li solution - a new approach for the granulometric normalization of trace metal data". Marine Chemistry 19: 155-168.
Loring, D.H. (1991). "Normalization of heavy-metal data from estuarine and coastal sediments". ICES Journal of Marine Science 48: 101-115.
O'Connor, T.P., Daskalakis, K.D., Hyland, J.L., Paul, J.F., and Summers, J.K. (1998). "Comparisons of sediment toxicity with predictions based on chemical guidelines", Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (173): 468-71.
O'Connor, T.P., and Paul, J.F. (2000). "Misfit between sediment toxicity and chemistry," Marine Pollution Bulletin 40: 59-64.
USACE (1998). "Use of sediment quality guidelines (SQGs) in dredged material management", Dredging Research Technical Note EEDP-04-29, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (1989). "Evaluation of the apparent effects threshold (AET)approach for assessing sediment quality", USEPA Report No. SAB-EETFC-89-027, Science Advisory Board, Washington, DC.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (1993). "Technical basis for establishing sediment quality criteria for non-ionic organic contaminants for the protection of benthic organisms by using equilibrium partitioning", Draft EPA 822-R-93-011, Office of Science and Technology, Health and Ecological Criteria Division, Washington, DC.
Group of experts involved in preparing this report
Dr. Helge Bergmann
Federal Institute of Hydrology
Post Box 20 02 53
56002 Koblenz
Tel: +49 261 1306 5407
Fax: +49 261 1306 5610
Email: bergmann@bafg.de
Dr. Mike Bewers
Grand Quercy
47350 Montignac Toupinerie
Tel.: +33 5 53 83 81 02
Fax: +33 5 53 83 81 02
E-mail: john.bewers@wanadoo.fr
Mr. Rick Boelens
QSR Office
Marine Institute
c/o Enterprise Ireland Laboratory
Shannon Town Centre
Co. Clare
Tel.: +353 61 361 499
Fax: +353 61 360 863
E-mail: qsr@marine.ie
Mr. Rene Coenen
Senior Technical Officer
International Maritime Organization
4 Albert Embankment
London SE1 7SR
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 20 7587 3239
Fax: +44 20 7587 3210
Email: rcoenen@imo.org
Prof. Michael Depledge
Plymouth Environmental Research Centre
University of Plymouth
Drake Circus
Plymouth PL4 8AA
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 1752 233038
Fax: +44 1752 233039
Email: m.depledge@plymouth.ac.uk
Dr. Bob Engler
USAE Waterways Experiment Station
3909 Halls Ferry Road
Vicksburg, MS 39180
Tel: +1 601 634 3624
Fax: +1 601 634 3528
E-mail: englerr@wes.army.mil
Mr. John Karau (Chairman)
Chief, Marine Environment Division
Environment Canada
Ottawa, Ontario
Canada K1A 0H3
E-mail: John.Karau@ec.gc.ca
Dr. Manfred Nauke
Chief, Office for the London Convention 1972
International Maritime Organization
4 Albert Embankment
London SE1 7SR
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 20 7587 3124
Fax: +44 20 7587 3210
Email: mnauke@imo.org
Dr. Tom O'Connor
1305 East West Hwy.
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Tel: +1 301 713 3028 ext. 151
Fax: +1 301 713 4388
Email: tom.oconnor@noaa.gov
Dr. Richard K. Peddicord
Environmental Consultant
Science Adviser to IAPH
PO Box 300
Weems, VA 22576
Tel: +1 804 438 5658
Fax: +1 804 438 6558
Email: dp@rivnet.net
Mr. Joost Stronkhorst
Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management
National Institute for Coastal and Marine Management/RIKZ
PO Box 20907
2500 EX The Hague
The Netherlands
Tel: +31 70 3114377
Fax: +31 70 3114300
Email: j.stronkhorst@rikz.rws.minvenw.nl
Dr. Umit Unluata
Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission
7 place de Fontenoy
75700 Paris
Tel: +33 1 45 684008
Fax: +33 1 45 685812
E-mail: u.unluata@unesco.org
Dr. Chris Vivian
CEFAS Burnham Laboratory
The Centre for Environment Fisheries
and Acquaculture Science
Remembrance Avenue
Essex CM0 8HA
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 1621 787200
Fax: +44 1621 784989
Email: c.m.g.vivian@cefas.co.uk
Dr. Herb Windom
Acting Director
Skidaway Institute of Oceanography
10 Ocean Science Circle
Savannah, GA 31411
Tel: +1 912 598 2490
Fax: +1 912 598 2310
Email: herb@skio.peachnet.edu
