日本財団 図書館

Contemporary scientific understanding underscores the complexity of any detailed assessment of contaminated sediments. A majority of oceanic areas are remote from emissions and inputs of material from coastal activities. They are, nevertheless, contaminated by widely dispersed contaminants from human activities of recent centuries. Recognizing that the majority of marine sedimentary areas are contaminated only to a nominal degree, the most important and immediate task is to provide a basis for identifying coastal sediments that warrant regulatory concern.
Some preliminary tenets based on scientific considerations relevant to sediment management are:
.1 It is unwarranted, except in exceptional circumstances, to consider the following situations to be of regulatory concern:
・the presence and distribution of natural chemicals stemming from natural processes;
・the presence or baseline of natural and other chemicals derived from diverse human activities* that are distributed by global transport mechanisms.
(*Note: There may be reasons to exclude from management concern a proportion of the natural chemicals mobilized by widespread human activities and practices intrinsic to society, e.g., agriculture, forestry and energy conversion.)
.2 Contaminant concentration and properties alone cannot predict the toxicity of marine sediments to marine life.
Nevertheless, there may be merit in using available data sets on simultaneously measured chemical concentrations and biological conditions/responses to infer no-effect concentrations for a range of benthic species provided that due consideration is given to differing sensitivities among phyla. See annex 2 to this report for an example.
.1 特別の環境下にある場合を除き、次の状況では法規制の検討は必要ない。
.2 海洋生物に対する堆積物の毒性について、汚染物質の濃度や特質だけで予測することはできない。
These tenets are used in chapter 6 to develop an initial screening and evaluation procedure that should greatly simplify the identification of marine sediments not warranting management concern and, thus, further investigation. In the case of sediments not exempted from further consideration by the initial screening, it includes proposals for subsequent assessments and tests to determine the extent of associated biological effects.
It is recommended that sediment quality be assessed by means of a "weight of evidence" approach. This is a sequential process beginning with simple screening and progressing to more detailed assessments in cases where any initial management concerns cannot be discounted.
Initial screening
As a first step, the possibility of significant contamination of sediments within the defined area should be judged by considering answers to the following questions:
・What are the particle size characteristics of the sediment? If the grain-size of the sediment is almost exclusively >63μm, there are unlikely to be significant amounts of contaminants unless contaminant particles from industrial sources are present, e.g., TBT paint flakes.*
(*Note: if the response to this question provides no basis for management concern, addressing the remaining questions of the initial screening procedure should be unnecessary and the conclusion may be reached that the sediments do not warrant any further management concern.)
・What are the current uses and management objectives for the area? For example, does the area currently support aquaculture, shellfish harvesting, important feeding grounds for birds or young fish dependent on clean sediments?
・Are there local sources of contamination, either past or present, e.g., industrial/municipal discharges, riverine inputs containing inputs from industrial, municipal or agricultural sources, and urban surface runoff? Due consideration should be given to the presence of minerals and other materials of natural origin.
・Is there a basis for concern about risks to human health related to sediment-derived contaminants in seafood?
・Is the sedimentary area of management concern defined, or definable, in ecological, resource or other socio-economic terms?
・Are the benthic assemblages (including bottom dwelling fish) typical of those expected for similar areas, allowing for the effects of any physical perturbation?
・Do benthic species in the area show obvious abnormalities (e.g., lesions and tumours that may be linked to contaminant exposures)?
Having considered these questions, if the weight of evidence reveals no significant cause for concern, no further assessment of chemical contamination or associated biological effects is required.
Primary assessment
If, following the initial screening, there remain reasonable doubts as to whether or not the contamination status of the area is consistent with current uses and management objectives, the following questions should be addressed:
・Are metal concentrations in the sediments enriched significantly above natural background or ambient levels? (defined in section 4.3).
・Do organic contaminants in the sediments exceed baseline concentrations? (defined in section 4.3).
If the answer to both of these questions is "no", the sediments should not be regarded as being of management concern.
Toxicity assessment
If management decisions regarding sediment quality cannot be made on the basis of the initial screening and the primary assessment described above, sediment toxicity must be investigated through direct measurement. Using guidance such as that in section 4.4 of this report, regulatory authorities should select biological tests to define toxicity for their particular circumstances and management objectives. Sediment assessments can be based directly on such tests. Alternatively, if no-effect concentrations can be established for the substances present, chemical data can be used as surrogate indicators of non-toxicity (see annex 2 to this report). However, as emphasized in this report, chemical data alone cannot predict toxicity. Where estimated no-effect concentrations are exceeded, it should not be presumed that the sediment is toxic; it is only an indication that direct biological testing is required.
The development of a universally accepted definition of sediment toxicity indicative of unacceptable biological effects presents the greatest difficulty from scientific perspectives. Nevertheless, it may be possible to define a protocol for universal application based primarily on biological testing, that could be used to define levels for local, and possibly national, applications.
Any further work on this topic within the framework of the GIPME Programme would be based on a request from managers to develop appropriate biological testing protocols.
Limitations of chemical-specific numerical sediment quality guidelines
1 Scope
This annex addresses quality guidelines that have been derived according to certain methodologies and using ecotoxicological data. At present, there is still substantial scientific debate on the validity of such quality guidelines and their use for marine environmental management. Quality guidelines encounter one generic limitation that applies to all matrices whether sediments, water or biota. They only address concerns regarding those chemicals for which guidelines have been developed. A sediment, for example, could be below all existing guidelines yet still pose environmental risks due to additional chemicals for which guidelines have not been developed. Existing guidelines provide no means of evaluating such constituents. Moreover, the derivation of sediment quality guidelines (SQG) is hampered by the uncertainties surrounding estimations of the biological availability of sediment-associated contaminants. The actual availability and consequent ecotoxicological effects are strongly influenced by factors such as grain-size distribution, composition of organic matter, occurrence of sulphides and the time period over which the contaminants are present in the sediment. Therefore, in the process of identifying adverse effects of certain sediment compounds, SQGs should merely be used as a first screening tool.
1 対象範囲
 本付録では、ある一定の手法に従って得られた生態毒性のデータを用いた底質の指針について述べる。現時点では、このような指針の有効性やその海洋堆積物の管理への適用について、未だに実質的な科学的討論がなされているところである。指針は、堆積物、水、あるいは生物相のいずれであっても、適用した全てのマトリックスにおいて一つの包括的な限界に直面する。すなわち、指針は、その指針を作成する目的となった対象化学物質についてしか言及していない。例えば、ある堆積物中の化学物質が既存の全指針の数値よりも下限値を示しても、それらの指針にはない化学物質が含まれている可能性がまだあり、その物質が有害かもしれないという環境へのリスクが残りうる。既存の指針は、このような構成要素の評価手段を何ら示していない。さらに、堆積物関連の汚染物質のうち蓄積する(有効な)有毒分が把握できていないため、不確実性の多い推論が導き出されたり、これが底質の指針(Sediment Quality Guidelines, SQG)の作成を妨げている。実際の必然的な生態毒性効果や蓄積する(有効な)有毒分は、粒度分布、有機物組成、硫化物の存在や堆積物中に汚染物質が存在している時間の長さといった要素に左右される。したがって、堆積物中の化合物が及ぼす悪影響を特定する過程においては、SQGは単なる初期スクリーニングの道具として用いるべきである。
2 Limitations of specific derivation methods for sediment quality guidelines
2.1 Equilibrium partitioning (EqP)
Equilibrium partitioning is usually understood to refer to (1) the partitioning of non-ionic organic chemicals between sedimentary organic carbon and porewater (Di Toro et al., 1991); and (2) the partitioning of ionic metals between sulphides and porewater, as described by the acid volatile sulphides/simultaneously extracted metals (AVS/SEM) process (Di Toro et al., 1992). They are limited by the assumption of equilibrium between sediment and porewater which is questionable in the case of estuarine and coastal sediments (USACE, 1998). Moreover, even if equilibrium between abiotic phases does exist, benthic organisms do not equilibrate with the porewater because they develop strategies to obtain oxygen and waterborne nourishment from the overlying water.
2 特定の分析方法に関する底質の指針の限界
2.1 平衡状態の分離
(1)堆積物中の有機炭素と間隙水との間における非イオン性有機化合物の分離(Di Toro et al., 1991)
(2)硫化物と間隙水との間におけるイオン性金属の分離。酸性揮発性硫化物/同時抽出金属(AVS/SEM)プロセスと呼ばれる(Di Toro et al., 1992)。
 これらの方法は、堆積物と間隙水との間の平衡状態を仮定しているという制限があり、汽水域や沿岸域の堆積物においてこの仮定が成り立つかどうかは疑問の余地がある(USACE, 1998)。さらに、無生物相間の平衡が成り立っているとしても、底生生物は間隙水とは平衡状態とならない。底生生物は、自身が棲息する堆積物の上にある水から、酸素や水運搬性の養分を吸収する戦略を展開しているからである。
2.2 Co-occurrence Analysis
SQGs have been derived on the basis of co-occurrence analyses, i.e., from collections of data on bulk sediment chemical concentrations that were measured along with some measure of biological response. Responses could be results from various bioassays performed in the laboratory, benthic community changes or various sediment quality guidelines from other sources. Examples of such SQGs are the apparent effects threshold (AET), the effects range-low and effects range-medium (ERL/ERM) and the threshold effects level and probable effects level (TEI/PEL). There are potential sources of uncertainty in all co-occurrence approaches, e.g.,:
-AET, ERL/ERM or TEL/PEL do not demonstrate cause and effect (O Connor et al., 1998 USACE, 1998).
-AET, ERL/ERM or TEL/PEL provide inconsistent results. Because these types of SQGs are based on statistical correspondence methods and not on mechanistically based to descriptions of the process by which effects are caused, the results are inconsistent from one geographical area to another (Becker et al., 1990). It is difficult to see how such processes could be used to derive numerical action levels for international application.
-AET, ERM or PEL have a high probability of being false. Some inconsistencies may be caused by correlations among contaminant distributions resulting in false values. It is not uncommon for several contaminants to originate from the same source and for their concentrations in sediment to be closely correlated. When this occurs, the nature of the AET, ERM or PEL process is such that the effects of chemical A cannot be distinguished from the effects of chemical B. Therefore, the value for chemical B reflects combined effects of A and B, resulting in a false effect threshold value (Alden and Rule, 1992).
-Uncertainties in AET, ERL/ERM or TEL/PEL are not adequately described. All the potentially important sources of uncertainty in the derivation and use of the values have not been adequately described and evaluated (USACE, 1998). Until it is done, it is not possible to know the confidence that can be placed in evaluations based on such values.
2.2 同時性分析
 ここに掲げるSQGは、同時性分析に基づいて、すなわち一塊の堆積物中の化学物質濃度と生物学的反応を同時に測定することにより作成された。その反応の結果は、各種の室内バイオアッセイから得られたものであったり、あるいは底生生物群集の変動から、または他の情報源からの各種の底質の指針から得られたものである。このようなSQGの例としては、AET(Apparent Effects Threshold:影響が明白に現れる閾値)、ERL/ERH(Effects Range−Low/Effects Range−Medium:影響があまり及ばない範囲/中程度に影響が及ぶ範囲)、またTEL/PEL(Threshold Effect Level/Probable Effect Level:影響の及ぶ閾値/影響が及ぶ可能性の高い値)などがある。すべての同時発生的アプローチに関しての不確実性を述べている筋としては、次のようなものがある。
 −AET、ERL/ERMまたはTLE/PELのいずれにせよ、因果関係を明らかにはしていない(O'Connor et al.,1998;USACE,1998)。
 −AET、ERL/ERMまたはTEL/PELから得られる結果には一貫性がない。これらのSQGは統計学的に対応した手法に基づくものであり、影響が生じたプロセスの機械的な記述にはよらないため、一地理的地点と他の地点との結果の間には一貫性がない(Becker et al.,1990)。このような手法を、国際的に適用する数値的行動レベルの取得において、如何に反映させていけるか見極めるのは、困難な課題である。
 −AET、ERMまたはPELは正しくないという可能性が大いにありえる。汚染物質間の分布の相互関係により矛盾が生じる場合があり、それが正しくない値を導く可能性がある。複数の汚染物質が同一の発生源に帰する場合は珍しくなく、堆積物中のこれらの濃度は相互に関係しあっていることも多い。この場合、AET、ERMまたはPELの手順だと、その特質からみて、化学物質Aの影響は化学物質Bの影響と区別できないようになっている。このため、化学物質Bの値は化学物質A及びB両方の影響を反映しており、これが正しくない影響閾値を導き出すという結果となる(Alden and Rule,1992)。
