日本財団 図書館

1 序文
2 対象範囲及び目的
3 管理の枠組み
4 科学的背景
A workshop was held at IMO Headquarters, from 11 to 15 October 1999 to consider the development of guidance on sediment quality guidelines. This workshop was held under the auspices of the Programme of Global Investigation of Pollution in the Marine Environment (GIPME), which is co-sponsored by the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC), the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the International Maritime Organization (IMO).
The workshop had been requested to prepare guidance on the assessment of sediment quality that would assist in both harmonizing national and international mechanisms for environmental protection, and discriminating between sediments that warrant special management attention and those that do not
A list of experts involved in the preparation of this report is shown in annex 4.
1 Preface
Marine environmental managers need pragmatic and scientifically based guidance for evaluating the condition of marine sediments in relation to ecological requirements. A number of agencies and international forums have attempted to develop methods for evaluating the degree to which contaminants in marine sediments adversely affect marine life. Marine sediment quality guidelines are numerical limits or narrative statements designed to support and maintain designated uses of the marine environment. Although there is a wide variety of methods and guidelines for determining sediment quality for general application, most of these methods have been criticized by managers as being insufficiently simple and more commonly by scientists questioning their scientific validity. There are still doubts about the practicality of standardized approaches and their ability to provide the sumplicity and uniformity that managers are seeking.
1 序文
The agencies sponsoring this report collaborated in bringing together a small, multidisciplinary group of scientists, familiar with the problems of assessing and managing contaminated marine sediments. The group was asked to explore the possibilities of developing simpler and clearer guidance that would enable discrimination between sediments that give rise to adverse effects and those that do not. Such guidance, if broadly applicable and offering the benefit of reduced dependence on complex technical procedures, might both encourage and facilitate the rational management of contaminated sediments in countries where approaches for dealing with such problems have so far been lacking.
This guidance is intended for managers who develop rules, regulations, standards or criteria for use in the assessment and management of the marine environment. It may also be helpful to personnel responsible for licensing waste discharges and dredging operations, implementing environmental regulations, and interpreting the results of marine monitoring programmes.
2 Purpose and scope
The main purpose of this report is to address the following questions.
 ・Can the concept of sediment quality guidelines be used to develop simple and uniform procedures for marine environmental protection?
 ・Can such procedures be applied in a manner that provides the benefits expected by managers while still being based on sound scientific principles and methods?
 ・Can sediment toxicity be predicted solely on the basis of chemical measurements?
2 目的及び対象範囲
This report responds to these questions and examines approaches that might fulfil the requirements of environmental managers. It also examines the scientific concepts relevant to assessing the condition of marine sediments in relation to contamination and associated risks to marine life and human health. Finally, it specifies empirical procedures that may be used to distinguish among natural sedimentary conditions, anthropogenically disturbed (e.g., contaminated) sediments and sediment conditions causing adverse effects (i.e., pollution)
The guidance does not provide a rigid framework for the assessment of sediment quality. In essence, it defines approaches that meet the criteria of scientific validity and regulatory utility. Further development of these approaches could provide a basis for management.
It should be noted that the scope of the guidance is confined to the effects of chemicals on biota. Thus, it deals with the risks posed by chemicals (both natural and anthropogenic) in marine sediments, the biological properties of marine sediments, and associated interactions and effects. Physical impacts, such as those associated with the dredging and disposal of sediments, shipping and fishing are not addressed.
3 The management framework
Any approach to the assessment of sediment quality should be consistent with prevailing policies for marine environmental protection. For example, a number of countries are committed to reducing contamination of marine media, including sediments, even where there is no discernible damage from existing levels of contaminants. In such circumstances, contamination alone may be a suitable criterion of sediment condition meriting management attention. Other users of sediment quality criteria require procedures that indicate the extent of damage or threat to the marine environment, its resources and amenities, rather than merely a measure of contamination.
3 管理の枠組み
Policy aside, other factors that will influence the selection of approaches to sediment quality assessment are the availability of relevant technical expertise and the capacity for surveying, sampling and testing of sediments. In this context, it is recognized that many Administrations do not have immediate access to the personnel and facilities needed for the employment of some of the more complex techniques that exist for the investigation of sediment properties. As a result, there is a need for pragmatic, interim approaches that should, in a majority of cases and when properly applied, facilitate rational judgements about the need for management intervention - even with limited data.
Management inputs
Any approach to the assessment of sediment quality will require supporting information that should generally be available from those agencies responsible for environmental protection and management. Most essential is knowledge of land-based sources of contaminants, including direct discharges (sewage and industrial effluents) and diffuse inputs arising from agricultural and industrial activities entering the sea through runoff and atmospheric transport and deposition. Additional information concerning anthropogenic activities in the subject area, including estimates of the quantities of contaminants released, will help in locating coastal areas most vulnerable to sediment contamination.
The choice of appropriate measures for assessing sedimentary conditions will be influenced, in part, by ecological considerations, human uses of the area and associated management objectives. For example, the reasons for conducting an assessment of contamination might include one or more of the following:
・to map spatial patterns;
・to measure temporal trends;
・to determine the condition of marine organisms, populations and communities;
・to estimate risks to human health, and/or to biological production and diversity;
・to evaluate the suitability of a proposed use or development; and
・to assess the impacts of sediment dredging and/or disposal.
 ・対象堆積物の提案されている用途、または開発(整備)方法に適当か評価するため ・堆積物のしゅんせつ及び(または)処分による評価を行うため
In each case, the assessment will guide the selection of management options such as taking no action, imposing strict source controls, or mitigation of impacts. Rigorous definition of the issue of concern will help in developing assessment procedures that yield the most relevant and beneficial information.
Managing risks associated with contaminated sediment
As with many forms of environmental investigation, assessing contaminants in sediments involves the assessment of risk, i.e., the probability that a particular adverse effect will, or will not, occur. These risks can involve harm to human health, marine life and ecosystem function as well as the risk of reducing the value of economically important resources and amenities in most cases, managers will not have all the information needed to assess risk in statistical terms. They will therefore often be required to make judgements of risk by comparing the most likely consequences arising from observed conditions and various future scenarios. Sediment quality assessments will provide information on exposure to contaminants, one of the two principal components of risk assessment. The other component, hazard, is an intrinsic function of a substance's physical and chemical properties.
The sediment screening procedures outlined in chapter 6 of this report take into account the hazards and exposures associated with varying degrees of contamination of marine sediments by both organic and inorganic substances.
4 The scientific context
4.1 Introduction
There are no chemical measurements that reliably predict sediment toxicity. There are sets of chemical concentrations in sediments that correspond to an absence of acute toxicity. A more useful set, one corresponding to toxicity, does not exist. The likelihood of sediment toxicity increases as chemical concentrations increase, but there are so many mitigating processes (O'Connor and Paul, 2000) that none of the proposed chemically-based methods consistently and reliably predict toxicity. This is why a scientific basis for any broadly applicable guidance on the assessment of sediment quality must inevitably incorporate biologrcal, chemical and physical considerations.
4 科学的背景
4.1 はじめに
 確実に堆積物の毒性予測ができるという化学的測定方法はない。堆積物中の化学物質濃度のセット(いくつかの化学物質に係る値の組合せ)で、急性毒性を起こさない程度のものは知られているが、より有効なセットで毒性に直接反応するものはない。化学物質濃度が上昇すれば堆積物が有害である可能性も増加するが、種々の緩和プロセスもある(O'Connor and Paul, 2000)ため、提案されているいかなる化学的手法も、一貫性をもって確実に毒性を予測するまでに至っていない。このため、広範囲に適用可能ないかなる底質の評価に係る手引の科学的根拠であっても、必ず生物学的、化学的及び物理的な検討を組み入れたものでなければならない。
In addition to its use in assessing sediment quality for practical purposes such as dredging, generic guidance might also be applicable to monitoring programmes used both for confirming predicted impacts of regulated activities and for assessing the effectiveness of pollution prevention measures. There is considerable value in adopting a broad approach that takes into account implications for human health and the environment.
Numerical sediment quality criteria are not achievable for global or large - scale application. In developed countries, where substantial resources have been committed to research and development, no single, satisfactory, numerical regime has been established for management applications. The applicability of single numerical values as surrogates for sediment quality is limited. This is partly due to their inability to take account of contaminant interactions but, more importantly, to an inadequate understanding of biological responses to chemical conditions. In addition, fixed standards are often disincentives to the development of innovative approaches based on new scientific findings that might lead to progressive improvements in such assessments.
In summary, a certain number of conclusions can be drawn on the basis of scientific tenets that should underlie the approach to assessing sediment quality. In the context of prevailing management practice, these tenets can be expressed as follows.
・The environmental and human health implications of contaminants in sediments depend on the specific substances and levels present, the natural properties of the sediments, the indigenous flora and fauna and the extent to which local species are used for human consumption. It is clear that, for any area of the marine environment, this combination of conditions is unique. It is therefore essential that assessments of sediment quality take account of the prevailing physrcal, chemical and biological conditions.
・Comprehensive assessments of sediment quality entail the identification of hazards, the evaluation of exposures and the estimation of effects and risks with due attention to the associated uncertainties.
・Sediment quality assessments must recognize that in any region there will be natural occurrences of substances such as metals and hydrocarbons. Their levels and distribution within the region must be characterized as a basis for identifying additions from anthropogenic sources and activities. Furthermore, a proportion of anthropogenic additions will consist of widespread ambient contamination due to large-scale atmospheric and hydrographic transport. This component of contamination must be characterized before the nature and extent of contamination from local anthropogenic sources can be determined.
・The assessment of sediment quality begins with consideration of existing scientific knowledge. The assessment process should be revised continuously, through an iterative process, expanding the base of scientific knowledge and adjusting the information base as new knowledge and understanding is acquired.
Attempts to express all appropriate considerations in numerical terms require numerous assumptions and simplifications. Accordingly, numerical levels should not be used as inflexible standards.
4.2 Physical assessment
To reach any conclusion regarding sediment quality it is necessary to know the physical characteristics of the local environment and the physical composition of the sediment. It must first be established whether or not the subject area is dispersive or depositional in nature.
A dispersive site, generally one in a highenergy hydrodynamic environment, is unlikely to contain fine-grained sediments and is therefore unlikely to be contaminated with, or retain, particle-reactive contaminants. A depositional site, which generally reflects a low energy hydrodynamic environment, is likely to contain fine-grained sediments and is therefore more prone to contamination and the retention of chemicals from anthropogenic sources. In each case, the indigenous biological assemblages will reflect the structure and texture of the sediment and associated hydrodynamic conditions. There are also locations that change from depositional to dispersive as a result of hydrodynamic variability. Sediments at such locations can contain a range of particle sizes. This emphasizes the need to consider the role of non-equilibrium conditions when assessing the mobility and biological availability of sediment associated contaminants. The physical composition of the sediment must be assessed in relation to particle-size distributions. Naturally derived sediments comprising only particles of dimensions greater than 2 mm do not retain any significant quantities of contaminants and should be of little concern to environmental managers. Sands (comprising particles > 63μm diameter) are also unlikely to retain contaminants due to the minimal specific surface area for sorbing chemicals. If the subject sediments have particle sizes exceeding 63μm and are devoid of large particles of anthropogenic origin (e.g., paint particles), they too should not be of concern to managers. In contrast, sediments comprising silts and clays (<63μm in particle size) are prone to sequestering chemicals including those of anthropogenic origin. As sediment particle size decreases from 63μm (silts) to 2μm (clays) the ratio of particle surface area to mass increases exponentially. The increase in specific surface area and susceptibility to increased surface exchanges enhances, the sediment's ability to accumulate ionic and hydrophobic substances. It is sediments containing finer grain-size fractions that warrant more detailed evaluation.
4.2 物理的評価
Background metals
Chemical investigations can be used to determine if a particular sediment contains elevated levels of contaminants relative to natural or ambient conditions. Entirely natural sediments would not contain synthetic organo-metallic compounds, but would contain metals and other elements consistent with natural mineralogical components of sediments. The abundance of these constituents and any differences from natural conditions can be evaluated using several geochemical normalization procedures.
Elemental, including metal, concentrations can be compared with reported natural abundances of the metals in soils and/or crustal rocks, by normalizing against geochemical markers (e.g., Al, Li) of the predominant natural mineralogical phases (Loring, 1990, 1991; Daskalakis and O'Connor, 1995). These markers can also compensate for constituent variability in sediments resulting from granulometric variations. If the element: normalizer ratios in sediments are similar to natural abundance ratios, there is no reason to believe the sediment is significantly contaminated with elemental constituents.
 金属を含む元素の濃度は、地球化学的マーカー(Al、Liなど)に対して標準化を行うことにより、土壌中及び(または)地殻の岩石中に含まれている自然状態での存在量の報告例と比較することができる(Loring,1990,1991:Daskalakis and O'Connor,1995)。このマーカーは、粒度分布の変動に応じた堆積物中の組成を補正するのにも用いることができる。堆積物の元素:標準化元素比が自然状態の存在比と似たようなものであれば、堆積物が元素の構成分によって著しく汚染されていると信じる理由はない。
This concept can be expressed in the following form:
EF = (M/N)Obs / (M/N)Nat ≦ 2
where: EF is the metal enrichment factor for the sediment,
(M/N)Obs is the metal : normalizer ratio observed for the sediment, and
(M/N)Nat is the natural metal: normalizer ratio.
In hemipelagic marine sediments, elemental constituents should be of no management concern.
Given the natural variability of metals in soils and sediments, an enrichment factor of less than 2 would reflect insignificant contamination. If regional sediment data are available from uncontaminated areas, the same approach can be taken by substituting the regional metal: normalizer ratios for such sediments as the denominator of the above equation. Estimates of ambient contaminant levels are often an essential prerequisite to detecting and quantifying recent contamination from local sources. These ambient levels may be inferred by the levels of metals in nearby sediments not prone to contamination from local sources. Where sediments have been uniformly contaminated over large areas by emissions from dispersive sources and associated large-scale transport mechanisms, ambient conditions can be established on the basis of the analysis of sediment layers from cores reflecting past conditions (i.e., in strata representing deposition prior to contaminant introduction or the inception of the activity of concern). This latter approach must, however, include consideration of the effects of post-depositional geochemical processes on the chemical composition of sediments.
Background and baseline organic constituents
The presence of organic compounds at trace levels can be addressed in a somewhat similar manner. Both natural and artificial organic compounds will be present in marine sediments as a result of marine biological processes and geochemical transport from diverse sources or activities such as forest fires, mineral weathering, agriculture, soil erosion, fossil fuel combustion, mining and smelting, etc. Background levels created in this way are beyond national control as they are the legacy of natural processes and previous anthropogenic activities. Clearly, there will be cases and areas in which the levels of organic compounds will be further augmented by nearby anthropogenic activities and these increases may be of concern. Consequently, a method is needed for defining baseline levels that largely represent natural conditions or a legacy of previous human activities and are therefore beyond local control. This, of course, does not rule out the adoption of action at international levels to reduce the dissemination of substances globally such as the development of an international convention on persistent organic pollutants (POPs).
There are two options for approaching the definition of baseline levels of organic compounds in marine sediments. The first is based on an examination of offshore/shelf sediments in regional areas; the second is based on an examination of inshore sediments in areas not prone to contamination from local human and industrial activities. Each of these approaches has advantages and disadvantages. While offshore sediments offer the advantage of being used to define baselines for large coastal areas and are more likely to reflect the regional level of baseline contamination, they do pose some analytical difficulties because of their normally low organic carbon content. These analytical difficulties can be overcome by the use of increased sample sizes to ensure the analysis of a larger quantity of organic matter. Coastal inshore sediments are more prone to local contamination over and above background but may provide a more appropriate reflection of local background conditions in specific inshore areas. Carefully selected coastal sites (i.e., in the context of remoteness from local anthropogenic activities) pose fewer sampling and analytical difficulties but are unlikely to be a true reflection of conditions on regional scales. In either approach, there will be a need for normalization to take account of variations in grain-size distribution and organic matter content.
The procedure consists of obtaining a few representative samples of the closest reference sediments in which a range of commonly-occurring synthetic organic compounds and total organic carbon are determined. The selection of the specific synthetic compounds should be made primarily on the basis of local and regional sources of such materials. Ideally, it should include some petroleum hydrocarbons, some polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and a number of synthetic compounds or congeners of compound groups such as polychlorobiphenyls (PCBs). The baseline would then be represented by the relationship between each of the selected organic compounds and total organic carbon.
A comparison of the ratios of organic compounds to total organic carbon in the subject and reference sediments then provides a basis for assessing the degree of local contamination above the baseline. If the ratios are similar, say within a factor of 2, the subject sediments would be of little concern in terms of damage or risks resulting from the organic chemicals present.
Above-background chemical concentrations consistent with non-toxicity
Most sediments warranting management action contain higher-than-background levels of chemicals. This does not mean that they are toxic. There is merit in compilations such as those of Long et al(1995), who empirically defined no-effect concentrations after extensive literature reviews that identified concentrations rarely associated with toxic sediments. It cannot be concluded that sediments with concentrations above these no-effect levels are toxic. However, those with chemical concentrations at or below these no-effect levels may be assumed to be non-toxic without further testing. A cautionary note is, however, needed here: no-effect levels have not been defined for all chemicals; thus it is possible, depending on the species and chemicals involved, that some organisms could still be affected. Evidence of abnormalities such as tumours or reproductive impairment should prompt managers to initiate further investigations.
 管理行動を必要とする堆積物の多くは、バックグラウンドレベルよりも高濃度の化学物質を含んでいる。とはいっても、これらの堆積物が即有害というわけではない。Long et al.(1995)などの科学者は、数々の文献の見直しを行い、その功績として、経験的にみて、有毒堆積物とほぼ無関係な濃度である無影響濃度(no−effect level)を決定した。無影響濃度を超えた化学物質を含む堆積物が有害とは一概には結論付けられない。しかし、化学物質濃度がこの値と同じかそれ未満の場合は、対象とする堆積物はさらなる試験をせずともほぼ無毒であると仮定できる。ただし、その場合は、次のことに気をつけねばならない。無影響濃度は全化学物質に関して決定されているわけではない。したがって、種あるいは化学物質によっては、無影響とされた濃度でも影響を受けるかもしれない。腫瘍や生殖機能の損傷などの異常が認められた場合、管理者は、より詳細な調査を進めるべきである。
Regulatory authorities must determine the limits of acceptable biological responses to chemical contamination. This will vary according to the location and spatial scale of contamination, and on local management objectives and socio-economic judgements. If the objective is to avoid alterations to biochemical processes in individual organisms, less contamination can be accepted than in the case of an objective that aims to sustain populations of commercial species. Once the range of acceptable response is determined, there are suites of field and laboratory tests that can be incorporated into biological assessments.
Many ecotoxicological methods are described in the scientific literature that may be used for determining if an observed impact on benthic organisms is due to chemical contamination. These range from acute and chronic sediment toxicity tests, including sublethal effects measurements performed in the field or in the laboratory, to biochemical assays at a subcellular level (e.g., biochemical biomarkers). Together, these techniques provide a variety of end-points and exposure pathways at different levels of biological organization. The extrapolation of the results to higher levels of biological organization (e.g., population, community) remains very difficult. Simple biological effects tools are being developed (e.g., lysosomal neutral red assay, cardiac monitoring in crustaceans, cholinesterase inhibition assays, etc.,) that offer the potential of detecting contaminant gradients and impaired organismal health. These are valuable for environmental assessment. There are standard protocols for some biomarkers and inter-laboratory ring tests for enhancing biomarker utility. Unfortunately, many of these techniques still lack ecological relevance and some suffer from the absence of appropriate interpretative guidance or adequate standardization.
More ecologically relevant studies involve measurements of population variables and analysis of communities. The drawback of these approaches is that it is often difficult to distinguish contaminant-induced changes from natural variability, or to identify cause and effect mechanisms (i.e., which environmental contaminants and in what amounts gave rise to changes in population dynamics or community structure).
The selection of an appropriate suite of biological test methods depends on the particular questions being addressed by managers, the level of contamination at the site and the degree to which the available methods have been standardized and validated. For instance, for ranking and classifying the acute toxicity of harbour sediments prior to maintenance dredging, short-term bioassays may often suffice.
Until recently, efforts to determine the toxicity of contaminants in sediments have focused on measurements of acute toxicity. Often, laboratory tests have been unrealistic, with exposure not to sediment per se, but to some kind of aqueous phase extraction that does not simulate natural processes.
Biomarkers (e.g., the induction of metal binding proteins in marine organisms that signal metal exposures, cholinesterase inhibition that signals exposure to organophosphorous and carbamate pesticides) may be used to provide early warning of subtle effects at low and sustained levels of contamination and may also provide insight into the nature of the contaminants present. Long-term effects in specific species (e.g., flatfish) can be evaluated using histopathological endpoints. However, interpreting the results of such studies may be difficult and depend on underlying factors including the requirement that appropriate species were employed.
Decisions about when to apply ecotoxicological techniques and the choice of methods appropriate to the situation are never easy. Wrong decisions may be costly both in time and resources. For this reason, it is always advisable to learn as much as possible from field evidence before laboratory testing is considered.
Contrary to popular belief, in situ biological measurements may be carried out quite readily and at low cost. Important clues to the condition of marine sediments can often be found by simple observation of existing biological communities. For example, for each particular climatic regime (e.g., latitude, temperature) water depth and sediment texture will largely determine the natural assemblages of organisms living on or in sediments of continental shelves. As a result, knowledge of assemblages that typically occur at adjacent unperturbed sites may be used to extrapolate the "normal" or "baseline" assemblages at sites that may have been altered through contamination or other human influences.
The simplest observations of sediment assemblages will involve grab sampling, diver surveys or underwater photography to estimate the relative occurrences of different kinds of organisms. Even simple techniques will indicate major differences that exist between comparable sites. Wherever possible, such observations should be supplemented by more frequent and detailed investigations to determine seasonal patterns in the age and/or size structure of populations of the more common local species. Evidence of sustained reproduction and recruitment of a number of different organism types will provide reassurance that critical physiological functions are not significantly impaired. It is particularly important to establish the reproductive success of those species that, by virtue of their feeding and behaviour, strongly influence the local ecology (i.e., "key" species). Examinations can also be undertaken for the presence of lesions, tumours and developmental abnormalities (including imposex in gastropods) indicative of contaminant influences.
It should be appreciated that, where an effect is observed or suspected, field observations seldom give insight into which particular contaminants are involved and whether their effects have been enhanced through interaction with natural stressors. Some studies have revealed marked seasonal differences in the susceptibility of benthic invertebrates to a given degree of sediment contamination. Moreover, benthic communities in nature are subject to many perturbations, the majority of which are of natural origin. Establishing cause and effect relationships based on such highly variable descriptive information ranges from very difficult to impossible. Conditions in one location may differ markedly from another because of a single past event (e.g., a storm) that cannot be inferred from observations of present conditions.
Where assemblages are clearly unrepresentative of those that might reasonably be expected to occur, the next question is whether the differences can be explained by contamination or by other human activities such as fishing (e.g., bottom trawling) or by natural events (e.g., storms, freshwater influxes, etc.). If a satisfactory explanation can be found, the principal management consideration will be whether or not the observed biological changes are sufficiently severe to justify the imposition of restrictions on human activities. This will depend, in part, on the spatial extent of the affected area in relation to the overall distribution of similar habitats in the region. If there is no immediately obvious explanation, further examination of the sediments will probably be necessary, including laboratory-based measurements of sediment properties and associated biological responses.
Laboratory tests to measure the survival of test organisms often fail to take into account the complexity of the sedimentary environment. For example the diversity and sustainability of benthic communities are largely dependent on the success of recruitment processes. Early life stages of organisms are not only vulnerable to direct chemical toxicity but also to chemical interferences with sensory mechanisms needed for the detection of food and for larval settlement. This may occur at chemical contaminant concentrations well below thresholds of lethality and is a phenomenon not considered in contemporary sediment bioassays. The stimulation of growth by exposure to low-level chemical contamination (i.e., hormesis) is another phenomenon shown to give rise to subtle ecological disturbances that can have important consequences for benthic populations and communities. While these effects of low-level exposure to chemicals are of scientific interest, it would be premature to infer that they warrant regulatory concern.
When sediment-associated contaminants affect benthic biota it is usually at a sublethal level rather than causing acute mortality. Thus, there may be differential effects on growth rates, reproductive output and viability of offspring in benthic communities that ultimately give rise to alterations in community structure. It may be difficult to identify the most important chemicals involved because these are not always those discharged into the environment but are instead the intermediates or end products of the metabolism of synthetic organic substances. Contaminants sometimes exert an intense selective pressure resulting in "resistant" populations. This may further confound interpretation and limit the relevance of investigations designed to evaluate sediment toxicity.
It may often be difficult to select appropriate test organisms and routes of exposure for laboratory-based test systems. Animals that feed by ingesting sediment are perhaps more suitable subjects than benthic filter-feeders. Some test systems rely on the use of pore water as an exposure medium. However, there is growing evidence that many organic contaminants (e.g., PAHs) and metals are taken up predominantly from ingested particles rather than from pore water. In most benthic habitats, the in-fauna influence the chemical conditions in sediments through reworking. They make a marked change to surficial sediment redox (oxidation-reduction potential) distributions. The amount of sediment that is reworked and the degradation of synthetic organic substances are influenced by the number of organisms present, and by organismal growth rates and reproductive output (and recruitment). These population characteristics are themselves influenced by the degree of toxicity of the sediment making it therefore apparent that there is a complex balance between the extent of chemical contamination in sediments and the dynamics of biotic communities.
As sediments can act as sinks for persistent contaminants, the transfer of sediment-associated compounds through the food chain is also a matter of concern. This may have implications for human health through the consumption of seafood (e.g., fish, crustaceans, molluscs). Information on tissue residues can be compared with food standards for particular substances recommended by agencies such as the World Health Organization (WHO), or with chemical residue criteria designed to protect top predators such as fish-eating birds. In order to estimate the likely levels of exposure of humans, measures of bioaccumulation can be combined with data on the consumption of known components of diet. However, care must be taken to ensure that the matrix analyzed is a real and substantive component of the relevant food chain, otherwise the prediction can be misleading and of little value because other routes of uptake are of greater importance.
 堆積物は残留性汚染物質の溜まり場という機能も持つため、堆積物に関連した化合物の食物連鎖中の移送もまた一つの懸念事項となっている。この経路を通じて、海産物(魚介類)の消費により人の健康への影響が懸念されうる。人の組織内の汚染物質残留量に関する情報は、食物中の特定物質に関する基準がWHOのような公共の組織から発表されているので、それと比較できる。または、魚を餌とする鳥など、高次の捕食者の保護のために化学物質残留基準(chemical residue criteria)が定められているので、これとも比較できる。人が汚染物質に暴露されている程度を推測するには、生物蓄積の測定結果を、食物として用いられている既知の成分の消費データと組合せて考えることができる。しかし、ここで注意せねばならないのは、分析に用いたマトリックスが食物連鎖中に実際に用いられている具体的な構成要素であると保証されている、ということである。でなければ、導き出された推測はマトリックスの使用者を誤った方向に導くことになり、価値がないに等しい。というのは、その場合、マトリックスに示されていない別の取込み経路の方がより重要であるからである。
This account shows there is a wide range of biological test methods for detecting sediment toxicity in individuals, populations and communities of benthic marine organisms. The methods that should be employed in particular assessments will depend on the nature of the managerial concerns. Chapter 5 identifies key questions for managers to consider. Finally, experience gained from the application of one particular test method is provided in annex 2 to this report.
