The accident occurred in each State and Division from 1995 to 1999 are shown in Table (2). The accident occurrences gradually increase from 3,708 accidents in 1995 to 4,315 accidents in 1996 and 4,378 accidents in 1997. The accidents become less in 1998 and 4,279 and in 1999, it is obviously lower down to 3,459. The accident occurred in Yangon city takes 27.4% in 1996, 22.3% in 1997, 25.4% in 1998 and 23.4% in 1999. It can be seen that although the vehicle registered in Yangon Division are nearly 40% of total registration of the whole country, the accidents cover only one-forth of total accidents.
Traffic Accidents and Population
Now I am going to Traffic Accidents and Population. Table (3) shows the rate of the accidents per 100,000 people in 1998 and 1999. In 1998, there were 9.1 accidents per 100,000 people and is reduced to 7.2 accidents in all over the country in 1999. In Yangon Division, there were 20.2 accidents per 100,000 people in 1998 and is also reduced to 14.7 in 1999, It can be noticed that the ratio of accidents per population of Yangon is more than other States and Divisions due to its density of population.
Registered Vehicle and Traffic Accident
So I am going to Registered Vehicle and Traffic Accident. The ratio of accident per 10,000 vehicles are shown in Table (4). In 1998 there were 1 10.6 accidents per 10.000 registered vehicles, and the ratio is reduced to 81.7 in 1999. Likewise, the rate of Yangon Division is also reduced form 62.5 to 49. In Yangon Division, occurrences of accidents have lowered down in accord with the lowered registered vehicles.
Salient Points of Yangon Division
So I would like to show the Salient Points of Yangon Division. First, the highest rate of vehicle ownership (30.13 vehicles / 1,000 people). Second point is, occurs only one-forth of total rate of accident of whole country. And third, covers 40% of total registered vehicles of whole country.
Fourth, the ratio of accidents per population of Yangon is higher than other States and Divisions.
And last, the rate of accidents on registered vehicles is fewer than other States and Divisions.
Yangon City Traffic Accident
Now I would like to explain Yangon City Traffic Accident in details. So this is the monthly report of accidents, injury and death from 1997 to 1999 occurred in Yangon city. This figure (1) shows that the number of accidents occurred in 1997 is 976, in 1998 is 1,086 and in 1999 is 808 accidents. This figure (2) shows the comparison of injury caused by traffic accident in Yangon city. In 1997, there were 1,778 persons injured, in 1998, 1,809 and in 1999, 1,445 persons injured, it is lower than in 1998. And next figure (3), comparison on death case caused by traffic accidents in 1997 to 1999. In 1997, we can see 252 persons died, in 1998, 280 persons and, 247persons died in 1999. So you can see maximum monthly numbers of death is 27 to 30 persons, so it means one person per day died due to traffic accidents.
Traffic Accidents in Yangon City by Townships
So I would like to say now, the Traffic Accidents in Yangon City by Townships. That is 27 townships I mentioned in this paper. The highest numbers of traffic accidents, injuries and deaths occurred in following townships are exhibited in details in Table (5).