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5.5 報告4 ウ アウン ミン(U Aung Myint)、鉄道運輸省 道路管理局、部長
発表テーマ Situation of Road Safety in Yangon
Good afternoon. It's my great pleasure to present the paper in this seminar. I am going to present a paper about "Situation of Road Safety in Yangon City".
Road Net Work
First, I would like to present Road Network. Myanmar has over 30,400km of classified road, of which 28,600km are the primary network. It is under the responsibility of Public Works. The rests are local roads under the responsibility of City Development Committee in Yangon and Mandalay, and Ministry of Progress of Boarder Area and National Races Development Affaires. In Yangon Division, 749km of the road network are undertaken by the Public Works and 1,500 Lane km of Yangon City roads are under the responsibility of YCDC.
Vehicle Ownership
Now I am going to Vehicle Ownership. This is a Table (1), Vehicle Ownership per 1,000 people in Myanmar. Table (1) represents the ratio of population and registered vehicles by States and Divisions in the whole country of Myanmar. At the end of December 1999, registered vehicles of whole country are totaling to 423,378 numbers. And the ratio is 8.8 vehicles per 1,000 people.
Among them, vehicle ownership is highest in Yangon, Mandalay and Tanintharyi. The ratios of vehicle for 1,000 people in Yangon and Mandalay are 30.13 and 16.23 respectively. In Tanintaryi Division, the ratio of vehicle ownership is 15.18 as the fleet of motorcycle is higher in this Division. Generally, concerning with the vehicle ownership, it is accepted that the Initial Growth is ownership of 100 vehicles per 1,000 people, Explosive Growth is 300 vehicles per 1,000 people and if it reaches to 500 vehicle per 1,000 people, it is Mature Growth and Eventually Situation. In Myanmar, even the Initial Growth is not seen even though the fleet of motorcycles is considered to be counted. So the rate of Yangon Division is 30.13 vehicles per 1,000 people.
Accident Situation in Myanmar
And I am going to about the Accident Situation in Myanmar. Statistics on road traffic accident are collected by the Traffic Control Branches of Myanmar Police Force in Yangon and Local Police Forces in other States and Divisions, under the Ministry of Home Affairs. Our department, Road Transport and Administration Department under the Ministry of Rail Transportation accesses the draft data from the original accident reports and prepares summary accidents analysis of transportation.