In 1998, Maximum numbers of accidents occurred in Mayangon Township is 113. Mayangon, Mingaladon, Bahan, Dagon Myothit, in these four Townships, most accidents occurred. In case of injuries, most occurred in Mingaladon, Dagon Myothit Township and in case of deaths, most occurred in Mingaladon Mayangon and Insein Township. In 1999, injuries and deaths cases occurred in the almost same townships like these. The highest rate of accidents in these townships, it can be considered that accidents happened are due to the driving with high speed on the 6-Lane Traffic, higher population and in some places, because of mixed traffic with slow moving vehicles.
Traffic Accidents by Type
So I am going to the Traffic Accidents by Type. Following Table (6) shows the Traffic Accidents by Types in Yangon city. In 1998, among 1,086 accidents, the collision of vehicles and pedestrian is the highest, that is, 354 numbers, (32.6%). Another is collision with slow moving vehicles, that is 149 numbers of accidents (13.7%). The sum of these two types covers 46% which is nearly half of total accidents. Similarly in 1999, the numbers of collision of vehicle and pedestrian is also the highest, that is 280 accidents and 34.7% among 808 accidents. The collision with slow moving vehicles runs to 116 numbers and 14.35%, and the addition of these two types covers 49% which is also nearly half of the accidents of this. It can be found that the sum of collision of vehicles with pedestrian and with slow moving vehicles is nearly the half of total number of accidents. This is because of facts that both of the drivers and pedestrians are lack in awareness of traffic discipline and lack of specific Grade Separation for pedestrian. There is also no specific restrictions for slow moving vehicles of weak in enforcement for these restrictions at main roads.
The number of vehicles turned over is 103 in 1998 which is lowered down to 56 numbers in 1999.
In the case of passengers falling off the vehicles, the number of death is 18 in 1998 and 10 in 1999.
The occurrence of traffic accidents by hour are shown in Table (7). In 1998, it is found that 597 numbers of accidents occurred at daytime which fills up 55% of the total, and the rest 45% occurred at nighttime. The occurrence of accident is the least within the period of 2 am to 6 am, that is, 61 numbers. From 19 p.m. to 23 p.m., the rate of occurrences of accidents is the highest, that is 323 numbers. In 1999, it is shown that the number of accidents occurred in daytime is 422, more than 50 percent, in the daytime is 386. In this year, the least occurrence of accidents (33 numbers) occurred within the period of I am to 5 am, and the highest occurrence is 251 numbers within the period of 18 p.m. to 22 p.m.. Generally it can be found that the rate of occurrences of accidents is the highest within the period of 18 p.m. to 23 p.m..
Traffic Accident in Major Roads
So I am going to the Traffic Accident in Major Roads. It is found that the rate of accident occurred in major roads such as Pyay Road, Yngon-Insein Road, Kaba Aye Pagoda Road and Strand Road are higher. The following table (8) shows the traffic accidents occurred by Major Roads. The accidents on major roads are nearly one-third of the total numbers of accidents. It can be seen that, in 1998, total accident occurred in these four lanes is 30.8%, and 28% in 1999. Now you can see that Yangon map shows accidents with red spots area. You can see all the red spots are the accident occurred areas and major roads such as Pyay Road, Yngon-Insein Road and Kaba Aye Pagoda Road.