日本財団 図書館

MTU's network of service engineers comprises a mix of MTU employees and agents, with the latter having to conform to strict guidelines. Small stocks of spare parts are held in a number of locations worldwide. The largest stock of spare parts outside of Germany is held in Singapore and is designed to meet the requirements of customers throughout East Asia. The company places great emphasis on the quality of its after sales service, which it regards as vital if repeat business is to be secured.


MTU's after sales and service operation is headquartered in Friedrichshafen and operates through both its own dedicated network and through that controlled by Detroit Diesel Corporation. MTU has organised its own presence on the basis of market areas, as defined by the company itself.




In addition, it operates through a network of more than 320 after sales and service representatives in more than 90 countries.


In Japan, Daimler Chrysler acts on behalf of the marine interests of MTU through sales offices in Tokyo and Osaka, through more than 20 service offices run by its agents. Its main office is located at the following address:


DaimlerChrysler Japan Holding Ltd.

Engine Division

MTU Engine Department

Roppongi First Building

1-9-9 Roppongi


Tokyo 106


Tel: + 81 3 5572 7353

Fax: + 81 3 5572 7298


After sales services for engines larger than the 4000 Series and for engines used in non-standard applications are dealt with by the company's main after sales/service operation in Friedrichshafen.




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