日本財団 図書館

MTU has licence agreements with companies in the following countries:




In respect of engines for marine applications, licences are restricted to companies in China, South Korea and Spain and are only valid for the licencees' domestic market. In each location licensees produce the 396 and 950 Series of engines and in Korea also produce the 1163 Series of engines. There are no plans to extend these agreements to embrace the newer Series of engines (2000, 4000 and 8000).


MTU itself manufactures two gas turbines (LM1600 and LM2500) under licence from General Electric Company of the USA, although only the LM2500 is used in marine applications. In addition it has a co-operation agreement with the US company Detroit Diesel Corporation (DDC).


The company works with universities and technical institutes in addition to its co-operation agreements with commercial partners.


2.3 After Sales Service

MTU's Product Support scheme guarantees comprehensive system support to ensure optimal operational availability, with special consideration being given to equipment maintenance and care.


The all-embracing support function starts as early as the project definition phase and covers the entire life of the product. It includes hardware and software supply as well as specialist support skills, such as Technical Support, Maintenance, Logistic Support, Technical Documentation, Personnel Training and Repairs.




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