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Thus, judging from these theoretical results obtained from Model A and Model B, we can get such important results as the following:

Tva =Tvb / (1-p) + Te

Twb = Td / P +(1/p - 1) Te (8)


Thus, in spite of Model A or Model B, we prove that Tva = Tvb = Tv, and more Twa = Twb = Tw are always held in the case of the exponential distribution.

First, the characteristics of failure maintenance Tv are as follows:

1] In case of p=0, Tv is same form as the basic maintenance model. That is, it is very natural that the results without the diagnosis are equivalent to the basic maintenance model.

2] As p is near to 1, the first term of eq.(6) becomes very large and therefore, Tw is very large. That is, as p increases, the expected interval of CM becomes very large, and the number of PM decreases.

On the other hand, the expected interval of PM Tw has the following characteristics:

3] As p is close to zero, 1/p is increasing, and then Tw is increasing. This fact shows that the expected interval of PM is increasing, and on the contrary, its number is decreasing because of failure of diagnosis.

4] When p is near to 1, the second term of eq.(6) is zero, and Td is approaching to Tw. That is, when the diagnosis ratio is very high, it shows that the expected interval of PM is equivalent to the expected interval of fault occurrence.




In this section, we describe the relation between the expected interval of CM and the expected interval of PM using the results obtained and α = Tm / Te already introduced [2]. Moreover, from the viewpoints of the number and the cost of maintenance and the improvement of system reliability, the characteristics of relations obtained newly are investigated in detail, and based on these properties some new evaluation methods for the diagnosis based maintenance are proposed [6].


3.1 Relation between expected interval of PM Tw and CM Tv

Representing Tw and Tv by α, we can obtain the following relation:




Therefore, the above two equations have the following relation:

Tw = α Tv.


3.2 Evaluation due to ratio of maintenance number

For the first time, we introduce the symbol M that means the number of maintenance per unit time in the long term of system operation. Then we can obtain the following relation: that is,

M = Mv Mw

where Mv + and Mw are the number per unit time of CM and PM respectively. Therefore, form eqs. (9) and (10),




Finally, we get the following relation,





