Fig.1 The distribution of relative wind speed
2.2.2 Setting Place and Dimensions of Wind Turbine
From the general arrangement of the ship, the setting place and dimensions of wind turbine were decided. They were considered to maintain the present length and breadth of the ship, and not to obstruct ship operation. The setting place of the wind turbine is shown in Fig.2.
One wind turbine was set on the aft side of the deck; the turbine has a rotor of 4[m] in diameter, two blades upwind, and a blade tower 6.5[m] in height. The generator of the wind turbine was three phase synchronous generator which is widely used for wind energy generation. The rated power of the generator is 10.3[kW].

Fig.2. The setting place of the wind turbine
2.2.3 Wind Energy
The wind energy of the wind turbine was calculated by the equation.

Pdw; the wind energy[kWh]
Hj; the running hours of the wind energy generation system[h]
f(v); Rayleigh wind speed distribution
P(v); the power characteristic of the wind turbine[kW]
Co; cut out wind speed[m/s]
Ci; cut in wind speed[m/s]
The power characteristic of the wind turbine was calculated by the equation.

P(v); the power characteristic of the wind turbine[kW]
ρ; air density[kg/m3], It is 1.2.
Aw; the expanded area of the blade[m2]
V; file relative wind speed[m/s]
η; the conversion efficiency of the wind energy generation system, It is 33.3[%].
The result of calculation was as follows; the maximum value of it was 8.5[kWh], the average one was 3.0[kWh].
2.2.4 Designed New Hybrid Electric Power Generating System
The designed electric power generating system was combined with the present electric power generating system, wind turbine, converter, the inverter having the capacity of 10.3[kVA], and transformer. The designed electric power generating system is shown in Fig.3.
The ratio of the wind energy to the electric energy consumption for thirty six days was as follows; the maximum value of it was 12.9[%]. The average one was 3.9[%].

Fig.3. The designed electric power generating system
2.2.5 Effect of Weight and Air Resistance of Wind Turbine
(1) Effect of Weight of Wind Turbine
The wet surface area of the ship with the wind turbine was calculated by the hydrostatic curves of the ship. And the effect of the weight of the wind turbine for the brake horse power of the main propulsion engine was considered.
The weight of the ship with the wind turbine increased by about 0.5[t]. The wet surface area of the ship increased by 0.06[%]. As the ratio of increase of the wet surface area was very small, the weight of the wind turbine was proved to have no effect to the brake horse power of the main propulsion engine.
(2) Effect of Air Resistance of Wind Turbine
The added brake horse power of the main propulsion engine by air resistance of the wind turbine was calculated by the equation.