The knowledge of the engine operation from the expert chief engineer are simplified, and it is expressed, the database, which a model changed into, has been used. The first problems are the acquisition of knowledge by a process to construct this support system. The ability of the knowledge base system has depended on knowledge, but knowledge acquisition constructing the knowledge base is very important.
Moreover, in the knowledge base system, the knowledge representation is important too. As for this, a constant form under circumstances of processing of a computer must express the knowledge but it must be the form that is easy to understand for the user more. Additionally put the knowledge base at the level lower part from a user for a question (i.e., why) for explanation of the reason furthermore it is in two or three steps hierarchical structure becomingly complicated. Consequently knowledge is changed into the module, and it will be changed into the network, and development of the agent function that can manage an advanced knowledge system separate form is urgently necessary business.
The authors thank Professor Kenji Ishida in Kobe University of Mercantile Marine. Kobe for his suggestive comments and ex-Professor Yujiro Murayama in Yuge-C.M.T. for providing valuable comments and advisees this document.
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