2) Description of Operations and Facilities
The description provides sufficient information to enable a clear understanding of the drilling and well services operations and facilities, with an emphasis on aspects relevant to HSE. Design HSE features are documented, including definition of purpose. The main barriers and controls mentioned in the Hazard and Effects Register are described. External circumstances are also described, such as meteorological conditions. This information promotes an understanding of how major hazards and effects could affect the operations and the facilities.
3) Operations HSE-Management System
This provides a description of the system in place for managing the HSE risks arising from the operations. The Safety Case ensures the identification and assessment of hazards throughout the operation; that all reasonable practicable measures have or will be taken to prevent, control or mitigate these hazards. Audits will be conducted to provide the assurance that the HSE Management System is being adhered to; and that all activities, engaged in or contracted to other companies, are managed in a comparable way.
4) Hazard Assessment
The Hazard Assessment provides a demonstration that all potential significant hazards have been identified, the risk from the hazards evaluated and understood, and the controls to manage the cause and consequences are in place. The Hazards and Effects Register is a communication document and quality record that presents, in a clear and concise form, the results of the analysis made of each hazard and effect associated with the operations. The Manual of Permitted Operations (MOPO) is distilled from the hazard analysis and the HSE-critical activities. It defines limitations on activities during periods of abnormal operating conditions, such as during concurrent high-risk activities or unavailability of safeguard systems.
5) HSE-Critical Tasks
This part lists those HSE-Critical Tasks identified as essential to provide or maintain the necessary controls and recovery measures for hazards to meet the objectives of the Safety Case. The tasks may be design, inspection and maintenance, operational or administrative tasks. This part also specifies who is responsible for the tasks, where the task is defined and how it will be verified that the task has been undertaken properly.
6) Remedial Action Plan
This provides a plan to resolve any shortfalls, deficiencies or outstanding actions identified and thereby improve the HSE of the operations. It includes priorities, responsibilities for ensuring completion, targeted completion dates and planned progress reviews.
7) Conclusion and Statement of Justification for Operations
This states the conclusion reached on achieving the HSE Case objectives and states the justification that conditions are satisfactory for continued operations.
8) Appendices
The appendices comprise a glossary of terms, details of the Hazards and Effects Register in the form of bow tie or event tree diagrams and a full reference list.
2.5 Planning
This includes the concepts of:
1) Asset Integrity
2) Procedures and Work Instructions
3) Management of Change
4) Contingency and Emergency Planning.
For each of the items, the actions taken by JDC are outlined below:
1) Asset Integrity
・HSE considerations upon equipment order (When equipment or supplies are ordered, the person ordering can specify HSE standards that the equipment must meet.)
2) Procedures and Work Instructions
・Operations Standard (Detailed procedures, covering step-by-step the primary activities conducted on JDC rigs.)
3) Management of Change
・Change Management Procedures (Included as a section within the HSE-MS manual.)
4) Contingency and Emergency Planning
・Emergency Response Plan (JDC has created a "generic" plan for dealing with potential emergencies such as: bad weather, evacuations, man-overboard, helicopter crash, oil spill, fires, collisions. Additionally, depending on which company we are working with, a project specific Emergency Response Plan may be developed jointly.)
2.6 Implementation and Monitoring
This covers the areas of:
1) Activities and Tasks
2) Monitoring
3) Records
4) Non-compliance and Corrective Actions
5) Incident Reporting
6) Incident Follow-up.
For each of the items, the actions taken by JDC are outlined below:
1) Activities and Tasks
・Operations Standard (Detailed procedures, covering step-by-step the primary activities conducted on JDC rigs.)
・Maintenance Standards (Procedures utilized to conduct a variety of maintenance-related activities.)
・Safety Case (In particular, the listing of HSE-Critical tasks)
2) Monitoring
・Two types of monitoring, active (someone goes looking for the information) and reactive (the information is sent in) are used .
・Monthly HSE Reporting (Forms completed by a variety of rig personnel provide passive monitoring.)
・HSE Audits (Conducted by Head Office staff provide active monitoring.)
3) Records
・There are a variety of records, located at Head Office and on the rig itself.
4) Non-compliance and Corrective Action
・Responsibility of the General Manager of each rig (Items that need fixing can be found on a day-to-day level, by the workforce itself, or by HSE Audits. Day-to-day problems are normally dealt with by the people that they impact upon. For issues that are found in an audit, finding a solution can prove more problematic.)
5) Incident Reporting
・Accident/lncident Reports (When serious incidents that involve harm to people or extensive asset damage occur, information is immediately sent to the Head Office in Tokyo. For less serious incidents, information is included in the Monthly reports.)
・Monthly HSE Reporting (Every month, the Rig Doctor sends in reports on any incidents, and a detailed listing of the medical treatment he has administered.)
6) Incident Follow-up
・Details sent to all rigs (All rigs are made aware of the incident, to raise awareness that similar equipment or practices should be checked on the other rigs. Other rigs are also encouraged to offer suggestions at preventing recurrence.)
・HSE Advisor leads investigation (If the incident is relatively minor, the HSE Advisor on the rig will conduct an investigation together with rig management.