日本財団 図書館

Room4 13:00-14:00

Session: Noise & Vibration (1)

Chairpersons: D.C. Lee (Mokpo National Maritime University) and M. Matsuda (Sumitomo Heavy Industries, Ltd.)

TS-87 A Generalized Inverse Nonlinear Force Vibration Problem for Simultaneously Estimating the Time-Dependent External Forces

C.-H. Huang (National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan)

TS-88 Shafting Active Torsional Vibrations Control for Large Marine Diesel Engines by Pilot Injection and Delayed Combustion

V. A. Soloiu (Ritsumeikan University, Japan), J. Jenzer

TS-89 An Investigation into the Dynamic Characteristics of Torsional Viscous-Friction Dampers by Simultaneous Measurement at Two Points

K. Wakabayashi (Kokushikan University, Japan), T. Haraguchi, T. Kodama, Y. Honda and S. Iwamoto


Room4 14:10-15:10

Session: Noise & Vibration (2)

Chairpersons: C. H. Huang (National Cheng Kung University) and K. Wakabayashi (Kokushikan University)

TS-90 X-Mode Vibration Controls of Low Speed Two Stroke Diesel Engines on the Diesel Power Plants

D. C. Lee (Mokpo National Maritime University, Korea), S. N. Yoo, J. D. Yu and U. K. Kim

TS-91 Validation among Theoretical Calculations of the Propeller Harmonic Excitation and Experiments

N. C. Buzbuchi (Constanza Maritime University, Romania) and V. A. Soloiu

TS-92 On the Mechanism Generating Unstable Phenomena of the Propulsion Shafting with a Reduction Gear

M. Matsuda (Sumitomo Heavy Industries Ltd., Japan) and M. Kamata


Room4 15:30-16:30

Session: Noise & Vibration (3)

Chairpersons: A. Soloiu (The Polytechnic University of Bucharest) and K. Harano (Ship Research Institute)

TS-93 An Experimental Method for Determining the Frequency-Dependent Added Mass and Added Mass Moment of Inertia for a Finned Floating Body in Heave and Pitch Motions

J. -S. Wu (National Cheng-Kung University, Taiwan) and M. Hsieh

TS-94 Wavelet Transform of the Correlation of Time-Varying Signal and Its Application to Acoustic Analysis of a Training Ship

S. Ishimitsu (Oshima National College of Maritime Technology, Japan), H. Kitagawa and S. Horihata

TS-95 Case Study of Ship Noise Estimation at Design Stage Using Sea

H. Ikeda (Nippon Kaiji Kyokai, Japan), N. Baba, M. Kamata and T. Yamazaki


Room4 16:40-17:40

Session: Noise & Vibration (4)

Chairpersons: J. -S. Wu (National Kaohsiung Institute of Marine Technology) and S. Ishimitsu (Oshima National College of Maritime Technology)





